I'm very new to Ray RLlib and have an issue with using a custom simulator my team made.
We're trying to integrate a custom Python-based simulator into Ray RLlib to do a single-agent DQN training. However, I'm uncertain about how to integrate the simulator into RLlib as an environment.
According to the image below from Ray documentation, it seems like I have two different options:
Standard environment: according to the Carla simulator example, it seems like I can just simply use the gym.Env class API to wrap my custom simulator and register as an environment using ray.tune.registry.register_env function.
External environment: however, the image below and RLlib documentation gave me more confusion since it's suggesting that external simulators that can run independently outside the control of RLlib should be used via the ExternalEnv class.
If anyone can suggest what I should do, it will be very much appreciated! Thanks!
If your environment is indeed can be made to structurized to fit Gym style (init,reset,step functions) you can use first one.
External environment is mostly for RL environments that doesn't fit this style for example Web Browser(test automation etc) based application or any continual finance app etc.
Since you wrote that you work with a custom Python-based simulator, I would say that you can employ PolicyClient and PolicyServerInput API. Implement the PolicyClient on your simulator (env) side and provide the PolicyClient with data from the simulator (observations, rewards etc.). This is what I think may help you.
I have a python machine learning code and a flutter mobile application code. is there a way to connect between both of them? Also, is there a library in flutter which can apply the concepts of machine learning/ neural networks on texts?
Moreover, what is the best practise/ tools/ platforms to develop a mobile application based on machine learning?
There is currently no way to run Python code within a flutter app. So you'll probably need to interface the two with an API. However, this is gonna require a larger codebase and you'll have to pay for server bandwidth. So it's much more easy to just build out your ML functionality within Flutter.
If you insist on going with Python for your ML:
You'll need to build a RESTful API.
Here are some resources for you to get started on that path.
(1) https://www.codementor.io/sagaragarwal94/building-a-basic-restful-api-in-python-58k02xsiq
(2) https://realpython.com/flask-connexion-rest-api/
There are a lot of different frameworks you can do this with, see (2).
Once you get that up and running here's a tutorial for importing that data into your Flutter app:
(3) https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python_data_science/python_processing_json_data.htm
If you want to build your ML inside of Flutter
This depends on your use case, but consider checking out (4) and using the MLKit for Firebase.
(4) http://flutterdevs.com/blog/machine-learning-in-flutter/
If you want to get into a little bit more into the weeds or you have a more specific use case, see (5).
(5) https://flutterawesome.com/a-machine-learning-app-for-an-age-old-debate/
Good luck!
I want to port a good OpenCV code on an embedded platform. Earlier such stuffs were very difficult to perform but now TI has come up with nice embedded platforms which are comparatively hassle free as they say.
I want to know following things:
Given that :
The OpenCV code is already running on PC smoothly. (obviously)
Need to determine these before purchasing the device.
Can't put the code here in stackoverflow. :P
To chose from Texas Instruments: C6000.
How to make it sure that the porting will be done?
What steps to be taken to make it sure that after porting the code, will run (at least).
to determine whether the code might require some changes to make its run smooth.
The point 3 above is optional.
I need info which will at least give me some start up in this regard.
What I thought I should do?
I am to list the inbuilt functions down.
Then to find available online bench marking for those functions for the particular device like as shown towards the end of this doc.
Need to know how to proceed further?
However C6-Integra™ DSP+ARM Processor seems the best.
The best you can do is to try a device simulator (if it is available), but what you'll see there is far from perfect.
Actually, nothing can tell you how fast and how well the app will run on the embedded device before running you specific app on that specific device.
Step 1 Buy it
Step 2 Try it
Things to consider:
embedded CPU architecture: Your app needs a big cache? how big is the embedded cache?
algorithm: do you use a lot of floating point operations? how good is the device at floating point ops?
do you have memory transfers? data bus on a PC is waaay faster than on embedded
hardware support: do you use a lot of double-precision calculations? they are emulated on ARMs. They are gonna kill your app (from millisecons on a PC it can go to seconds on a ARM)
Acceleration. Do your functions use SSE? (many OpenCV funcs are SSEd, even if you don't know). Do you have the NEON counterpart? (OpenCV does not have much support for that). The difference can be orders of magnitude from x86 SSE to embedded without NEON.
and many, many others.
So, again: no one can tell you how it will work. Just the combination between the specific app and the real device tells the truth.
even a run on a similar device is not relevant. It can run smoothly on a given processor, and with another, with similar freq or listed memory, it will slow down too much
This is an interesting question but run is a very generic word in this context, therefore I feel the need to break it down to other 2 questions:
Will it compile in an embedded device?
Will it run as fast/smooth as in a PC?
I've used OpenCV in a lot of different devices, including ARM, SH4, MIPS and I found out that sometimes the manufacturer of the device itself provides a compiled version of OpenCV (for my surprise), which is great. That's something you can look into, maybe the manufacturer of your device provide OpenCV binaries.
There's no way to know for sure how smooth your OpenCV application will be on the target device unless you are able to find some benchmark of OpenCV running in there. PCs have far better processing power than embedded devices, so you can expect less performance from the target device.
There are 3rd party applications like opencv-performance, that you can use to test/benchmark the environment once you get your hands on it. And if performance is such a big deal in this project, you might also be interested in this nice article which explain some timing tests done on couple of OpenCV features comparing implementations using the C and C++ interfaces of OpenCV.
I am really interested in using Unity3d to develop an app.
I like the fact that I can develop once and port the app to multiple platforms (Mac/Windows/iPhone/Android), and the performance on my Mac seems to be quite good.
This will be the first time I write an app for iPhone, and I am curious about performance issues down the road. I think I will definitely use Unity3d on iPhone for a prototype, but am wondering if building an iPhone Unity3d app will use the iPhone resources as efficiently as a native app written in Objective-C.
The Unity3d site seems to suggest that Unity3d algorithms are optimized, and I thought that if I asked that question in the Unity3d forums, that would be the kind of response I would get. Ideally, I'd be interested in hearing from someone who has built an app in Unity3d and Objective-C and can compare the two.
The discussion that got me thinking about this was Andrew and Peter Mortensen's response to a question about iOS development cost, which begins "There is a much easier way to develop iPhone apps than learning Cocoa."
There are specific resources in Unity that will help with mobile development including resources, shaders, etc. that are specifically designed with mobile in mind.
You certainly won't want to take 'unoptimized' PC-quality assets and drop them into a Unity project and export that for the iOS platform as you will ensure poor/unreliable performance. What you want to do is start building out a scene using assets of similar quality to those you want for your game and then seeing what the performance is on a real device. This will give you a feel for what level of performance you can expect from your game in production.
Remember that the performance of a iPhone, iPad, iPad2, etc will vary wildly depending on what you're doing and which features you're touching. While Unity3D has been heavily optimized to deal with a variety of the scenarios, you can certainly do things like fogging which push the fill rate (a known limitation of the platform) and end up with horrendous performance.
Could you possibly get more performance out of building your application purely in Objective-C? If you have the right skillset in engine development to design a specific implementation of technology for your specific requirements - Certainly.
You just need to decide if you want to spend your time writing technology or building product. Most people who choose Unity do so because you get an exceptionally good engine which most people cannot beat the performance of (try building your own landscape engine), while at the same time getting exceptional time to market... and really its time to market that really matters in most cases.
This is an old post, but I figured I'd answer it because no one here has really got it quite right.
It's important to keep in mind that the internal core workings of Unity is entirely native. The physics engine and resultantly everything dealing with collision. The occlusion system (umbra). The entire rendering engine core. All of that is written in C/C++ and runs at full native speed on any platform. What AmitApollo says is not correct at all, the unreal engine 3 is not more direct 'native' at all when compared to unity. Both Unity and Unreal engine 3, as well as any other 3D engine like Ogre or cocos3d, their core rendering system is all written in c/c++. Some of these engines may have certain internal rendering algorithms implemented better than others, and may thus produce better performance, but this has nothing to do with whether or not they are 'native', because the internal core rendering system is native for all of them.
The internal workings of the physics engine is written in c/c++ as well, and thus the physics engine in UE3 and Unity both run at 'full native speed'.
The epicCitadel demo also does not show greater technical prowess or performance than Unity on iOS. Much of the 'visual impact' of the citadel demo comes simply from the fact that it is really good artwork. The citadel demo is not pushing any higher vertex count than what Unity could handle on iOS, the citadel demo is not demonstrating any more advanced shader or lighting techniques than what Unity can do on iOS. In fact there are more examples of Unity showing off more advanced mobile rendering techniques than what Unreal Engine 3 has demonstrated. Look at games like Shadowgun or BladeSlinger made in Unity, both these games demonstrate more advanced mobile rendering techniques than what Unreal Engine 3 has shown. Light Probes, Mobile BRDF shaders with translucency and normal mapping and well implemented dynamic mobile shadows to name a few. The vast majority of the most successful 3D games in the App store are Unity games, and Unity has thus put alot of R&D into Unity's mobile rendering performance and capabilities.
Now Unity is scripted in C# and Mono. Which does run slower than native code, about 50% slower on iOS by most estimates. But you must keep in mind that you are only doing game logic in this code. You are not writing any code in C# and Mono in Unity that deals with the working of it's internal rendering system, nor the internal workings of the physics system. You only write game logic in C#, that then interfaces with the rendering and physics core, which then executes at full native speed. Mono C# does execute slower than native C++, but if you program intelligently, I think you will find this is hardly a hindrance at all because you only do game logic in Mono C# and game logic is not necessarily CPU heavy. In my experience, it is really quite difficult to make an iPad 2 drop below 60 fps on purely game logic written in Mono C#. I have never actually been hindered by this at all.
If we are to compare to Unreal Engine 3, keep in mind that UE3 also is set up to have it's game logic programmed in a non-native language, UnrealScript. Unrealscript is a language much like Mono C# or Java, where UnrealScript is compiled down to byte code then interpreted at runtime. Meaning, just like Unity, game logic is not 'native' in UE3.
Now if you look here:
That is a benchmark comparing UnrealScript to C++ on a simple arithmetic operation using ints. It shows that unreal script is 1/4 to 1/20th the speed of C++.
Then have a look here:
If you scroll down to the C# vs C++ Simple arithmetic benchmark. It shows Mono C# is 3/4 the speed of C++ doing simple int arithmetic. Mono C# is about 1/2 the speed when doing simple arithmetic with floats. The int64 and double benchmarks don't really mean much to us because typically you'll never use those in performance critical code in iOS game logic.
Now other benchmarks on there do show Mono C# at times having as bad as 1/20th the performance of C++. But these are through very specific tests, really the best apples to apples benchmark I could find are those simple arithmetic tests.
So really, since Unity's scripting runs on Mono C# and UE3 runs on UnrealScript. Unity is actually the engine that will offer you radically better performance in game logic code.
The notion that UE3 is any more advanced, or offers any more performance, or any greater graphical capability than Unity on iOS is simply not true. Quite the contrary is true.
Now it is true that if you used something like cocos3d you could potentially get better performance because your game logic could be written natively in C++ as well. But the benefits of working with a scripting language like c# to do game logic I think far outweighs the performance loss that is generally never an issue. Namely the benefits of using a scripting language for game logic is that it offers you faster iterations of design, which when doing games is really critical due to how quirky things can be and how frequently you have to recompile and test code.
However, in Unity, it is really easy to write native code plugins with the Pro version. So if you ever do have a piece of performance critical code that needs to run at native speed, you can write it in C++, compile it to a native library, then call that from Mono C#.
Also keep in mind if you are targeting all iOS devices the difference for heavy GPU graphics means drastic performance discrepancies between iPhone 3GS to 4, then from 4,4S to iPad2,& 3 Even certain games on the new iPhone5 or iPad4 could run at a higher FPS than it's predecessors. Keep in mind to keep poly's low, and of course in your terrain keep resolutions low, and even something as subtle as pixel error could drastically effect. Fog will always produce a strain. Textures > 512x512 may cause a problem, same with multiple light sources. It's much faster to have no light rendering, and bake the shadows and highlights. I also found that running in Native Resolution as opposed to best performance may hinder performance (Unity 4). Billboarding, Occlusion Culling are also topics you want to lookup. There is a fine line between looking good, and running slowly.
If performance is an issue to you, you may want a different engine altogether. A more Direct "native" engine like Unreal Engine 3 is amazing with it's capabilities. And it can do it without much overhead. Case and point, Epic Citadel Demo App running on an iPhone 4 or 3GS. Something comparable in Unity would be slow, and wouldn't quite look as sexy.
Perhaps its a good idea to take a look at other games made with Unity and see where yours fits in and what kind of performance you can expect.
One asset that is helpful to increase performance on IOS is KGFSkyBox.
We found out, that unity3d skyboxes are using up to 6 drawcalls! This is guite a problem on devices having limits of max 30DCs!
We solved this by implementing KGFSkyBox which reduces the drawcalls to 1 if you have terrain (Hides bottom sky hemisphere). If you do not use terrain KGFSkyBox will render using 2 drawcalls which is still better than 6!
Check it out here:
If you have any questions or suggestions just contact us here: support#kolmich.at
I am able to send data upto 20 KB from one Mac to another using iPhone Simulators successfully.However for data larger than that it is not able to send.Even fragmenting data doesnot work. Help...
Your question is a bit obscure to be answered adequately. Without any of your code, output, or examples, we don't have a lot to go on.
A great tutorial exists, however, for networking between different Mac/iPhone devices, and is available here:
If you're interested in learning how to properly network two devices, it's a fantastic start. The project provides a lot of great classes that add a thin Objective-C layer on top of the standard C socket functions, and can make your networking headaches go away very quickly.