How to know if select2 retrieves data from remote source? - jquery-select2

Is there a way to get if select2 retrieves the elements from a remote source?
I am thinking to retrieve the ajax option but I have not found any information showing how to do it.
I tried
but of course it did not work. $(this) is the select2 instance.
I can do $(this).val(data).trigger('change'); to set the value of a select2 where the elements are static (they are loaded when the page is loaded). I need to set the value when the data comes from a remote source, so I need to detect where the data in the select2 come from first.
By the way, I am looping for all the form elements and set default values for all of them. That is why some select2 are not using ajax, while others are, in the same loop.


making unobtrusive validation work when using Select2 ASP.NET MVC

Select boxes converted to Select2, do not automatically integrate with unobtrusive validation mechanism in ASP.NET MVC framework.
For example, on a form which contains a regular select box (marked as required in model definition), submitting the form while no options have been selected in the select box, will cause the border and background of the select box to take a reddish color, and by using #Html.ValidationMessageFor, error messages, if any, can be displayed beside the box. However if the select box is converted to a Select2 component, then none of the mentioned features work any more. Even the validation error message will not show up.
It seems that the reason for even the validation error message not showing, is because Select2 changes the display CSS property of the original select box to none (display:none), and I guess the unobtrusive validation script does not bother generating error messages for invisible fields.
Any ideas / solutions?
This issue isn't really specific to Select2, but rather to the jQuery unobtrusive validator.
You can turn on validation for hidden fields as highlighted in this answer.
ignore: ''
As the comments noted, it didn't work inside an anonymous callback function within $(document).ready(). I had to put it at the top level.
I've run into similar issues with the select2 plugin. I don't know exactly which features you're using specifically, but in my experience, when you set an element as a select2 in the document.ready event, the plugin will change some of the element's attributes on the fly (inspect one of the elements after your page has finished loading - oftentimes you'll see the id and class properties are different than what you're seeing when you view source).
It's difficult to offer more without actually seeing the code, but here's a few ideas to get you started:
First off, obviously make sure you have the a link to your select2.css stylesheet in the header.
Then, since you're talking about form submissions, I'd recommend you examine whether or not you're getting a full postback or submitting via AJAX (if you're using jQueryMobile, you're using AJAX unless you override it in the jquerymobile.js file or set a data-ajax="false" in your form attributes). You can just look at the value returned by Request.IsAjaxRequest() for this. Obviously if you're submitting via ajax, you won't hit the document.ready event and the select2 won't initialize properly and you'd need to figure out a way around that. Try refreshing the page after the submit and see if it renders the select2 component.
Then I'd suggest examining the elements and see if they're not behaving like you'd expect because you're actually trying to work with classes that the plugin has reassigned at runtime. You can either just adjust your logic, or you can dig into the select2 code itself and change the behavior - it's actually fairly well-documented what the code is doing, and if you hop on the Google group for select2, Igor is usually pretty quick to follow up with questions.
like this
$('select').on('select2:select', function (evt){
$('body').on('change', 'select.m-select2', function () {

Struts2 create dropdown dymamically based on first dropdown value in Struts2 using hibernate

Hi I am using Struts2 and hibernate now in my jsp I have Two dropdown ,on selection of first drop it should call a function and retrive the values for second drop down from the database
Please help
Well you have number of options here and some of them are
user struts2-jquery plugin which comes with this feature where you can create two dependable select.
user simple jquery with JSON (struts2 plugin) and use ajax.
i will prefer second approach which is much more flexible.create a custom JS function with help from jquery and when use select first option from drop down call your action methods which will send JSON data based on the selected values and use JQuery build in JSON parsing mechanism to parse the content and fill second drop-down.
a simple Google search will give you a number of results.

jQuery mobile issues with offline web app

I'm developing an application using jQuery mobile, that will be using HTML5 offline capabilities (cache manifest, etc).
Basic program is for on-field technicians to view/modify their orders on a tablet with no internet connection. I'm using a local browser database to store the orders.
I have an orders.html page which can view any order - but to pass a parameter to it, I can't use GET parameters, because the program is offline and I can't list every single order in the manifest.
So I have to use hash parameters - eg orders.html#o4572. But jQuery mobile doesn't play nice with this scheme - it uses hash parameters for it's own schemes. When I'm on list.html and there's a link to orders.html#o4572 - it turns the link into list.html#o4752 and stays on the same page.
I can turn off jQuery mobile's link handling by setting $.mobile.linkBindingEnabled = false; but this prevents all ajax navigation - you lose the nice transitions, and pop-up dialogs don't 'just work' anymore, you have to do them manually. And there may be other issues.
Is this the only way of getting this to work properly? I'm just starting to use jQuery mobile, so I feel like I'm missing something.
I have done something similar using the jquery-mobile-router plugin with a single page app that has a offline mode, however it should work the same for a multipage app since with a multi-page app the default behavior (ajax-enabled set to true) of JQM is that it pulls in the second page and attaches it to the DOM of the current page.
Using the JQM router you should be able to do something like this
var router;
var orderHandlerRoute = function (eventType, matchObj, ui, page, evt) {
var params = router.getParams(matchObj[1]);
//use your params to pull data from localStorage
router = new $.mobile.Router({
'orders.html(?:[?/](.*))?' : {handler: "orderHandler", events: 'bs'}
, {orderHandler: orderHandlerRoute }
You should indeed not use hash parameters for anything else than selecting pages when using jquery mobile.
The standard way to proceed is to pass your parameter with file.html?parameter=value and to retrieve the value through javascript.
You can then process this value with a js function that can for instance retrieve the data with an ajax call if you are online, or read it from local storage if you are offline.
This can be done either by binding the changepage event if you want to generate your pages dynamically based on the data associated to the parameter, or by binding the pageinit event if you want to alter the page after it has been displayed (for instance fill in form elements)
Alternatively, if the use of the cache manifest prevents you from usingthe ?parameter=value syntax, you can use the following approach:
- write your target link as file.html#pagename_itemvalue
- bind the pagechange event in order to override the default behaviour, and instead parse the target value, retrieve pagename and itemvalue, and generate/access the content you want to display. You can see an example of that on this page

Dynamically filling selectbox + jQuery UI sortable reset

I have a selectbox which takes its option values from a <ul> list. The list is changeable via jQuery UI sortable functionality, and the selectbox dynamically updates as you sort items differently.
I have made that functionality, the code is dirty but it does the job:
What I need is a "reset" function, which brings the list (and thus, the selectbox) back to their original values. I am not sure how to approach this, even a nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated.
On page load I would store off the initial state of the list in a JavaScript variable. Then, when the reset link is clicked I would restore the state of the <ul> to what it was on page load. From there you can use the same method you already have to update the selectmenu to match.
I forked your jsFiddle to show this -

My dropdown is not showing the data

I am having a html dropdown
<select id="ExternalIp" onchange="externalIpchange()"></select>
I bind the data to dropdown through jquery and a I am passing data from controller which is working properly. I want to change the look and feel of the dropdown so I called a function
Now the look and feel of drop down is changed but it is not showing the data which I bind to dropdown. I am not getting what is the problem. Plz help
It appears as if the jQuery plugin you are using resets the values bound to the select list.
Look for a method provided within your jQuery plugin to rebind the data which you earlier attached with jQuery or style your element first and then try binding the values.
