docker-compose: volume problem: path on host created but not populated by container - docker

I have the following docker-compose:
version: '3.7'
image: bitnami/mongodb:5.0.6
- "/app/local-data:/data/db"
env_file: ./db/.env
The problem is data does not persist between docker-compose up/down and docker does not seem to use /app/local-data even though it creates it.
When I run docker-compose, container starts and works naturally. The directory /app/local-data is created by docker, however Mongodb does not populate it, and no r/w error is being shown on console. This makes me thing a temporary volume is assigned to container instead.. But if that is true then why docker still creates /app/local-data and not using it?
Any ideas how can I debug this?

Docker directives like volumes: don't know anything about what's actually running in the image. That directive creates the specified host and container paths if required, and bind-mounts the host path into the container path. It's up to the application code to use that directory (or not).
If you look at the bitnami/mongodb Docker Hub page under "Persisting your database", the database is configured to store data in the /bitnami/mongodb directory inside the container, and that directory needs to be the second volumes: path. Also note the requirement that the data directory needs to be writable by user ID 1001, which may or may not exist on your host (there's no specific requirement to create it).
- "/app/local-data:/bitnami/mongodb"
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
sudo chown -R 1001 /app/local-data
sudo docker-compose up -d


Exclude sub-folder when mounting host to volume docker [duplicate]

Supposed I have a Docker container and a folder on my host /hostFolder. Now if I want to add this folder to the Docker container as a volume, then I can do this either by using ADD in the Dockerfile or mounting it as a volume.
So far, so good.
Now /hostFolder contains a sub-folder, /hostFolder/subFolder.
I want to mount /hostFolder into the Docker container (whether as read-write or read-only does not matter, works both for me), but I do NOT want to have it included /hostFolder/subFolder. I want to exclude this, and I also want the Docker container be able to make changes to this sub-folder, without the consequence of having it changed on the host as well.
Is this possible? If so, how?
Using docker-compose I'm able to use node_modules locally, but ignore it in the docker container using the following syntax in the docker-compose.yml
- './angularApp:/opt/app'
- /opt/app/node_modules/
So everything in ./angularApp is mapped to /opt/app and then I create another mount volume /opt/app/node_modules/ which is now empty directory - even if in my local machine ./angularApp/node_modules is not empty.
If you want to have subdirectories ignored by docker-compose but persistent, you can do the following in docker-compose.yml:
- .:/app
- node_modules:/app/node_modules
This will mount your current directory as a shared volume, but mount a persistent docker volume in place of your local node_modules directory. This is similar to the answer by #kernix, but this will allow node_modules to persist between docker-compose up runs, which is likely the desired behavior.
For those trying to get a nice workflow going where node_modules isn't overridden by local this might help.
Change your docker-compose to mount an anonymous persistent volume to node_modules to prevent your local overriding it. This has been outlined in this thread a few times.
build: .
- .:/app
- /app/node_modules
This is the important bit we were missing. When spinning up your stack use docker-compose -V. Without this if you added a new package and rebuilt your image it would be using the node_modules from your initial docker-compose launch.
-V, --renew-anon-volumes Recreate anonymous volumes instead of retrieving
data from the previous containers.
To exclude a file, use the following
- /hostFolder:/folder
- /dev/null:/folder/fileToBeExcluded
With the docker command line:
docker run \
--mount type=bind,src=/hostFolder,dst=/containerFolder \
--mount type=volume,dst=/containerFolder/subFolder \
The -v option may also be used (credit to Bogdan Mart), but --mount is clearer and recommended.
First, using the ADD instruction in a Dockerfile is very different from using a volume (either via the -v argument to docker run or the VOLUME instruction in a Dockerfile). The ADD and COPY commands just take a copy of the files at the time docker build is run. These files are not updated until a fresh image is created with the docker build command. By contrast, using a volume is essentially saying "this directory should not be stored in the container image; instead use a directory on the host"; whenever a file inside a volume is changed, both the host and container will see it immediately.
I don't believe you can achieve what you want using volumes, you'll have to rethink your directory structure if you want to do this.
However, it's quite simple to achieve using COPY (which should be preferred to ADD). You can either use a .dockerignore file to exclude the subdirectory, or you could COPY all the files then do a RUN rm bla to remove the subdirectory.
Remember that any files you add to image with COPY or ADD must be inside the build context i.e. in or below the directory you run docker build from.
for the people who also had the issue that the node_modules folder would still overwrite from your local system and the other way around
- .:/app
- node_modules:/app/node_modules/
This is the solution, With the trailing / after the node_modules being the fix.
Looks like the old solution doesn't work anymore(at least for me).
Creating an empty folder and mapping target folder to it helped though.
- ./angularApp:/opt/app
- .empty:/opt/app/node_modules/
I found this link which saved me: Working with docker bind mounts and node_modules.
This working solution will create a "exclude" named volume in docker volumes manager. The volume name "exclude" is arbitrary, so you can use a custom name for the volume intead exclude.
command: nodemon index.js
- ./:/usr/local/app/
# the volume above prevents our host system's node_modules to be mounted
- exclude:/usr/local/app/node_modules/
You can see more infos about volumes in Official docs - Use a volume with docker compose
To exclude a mounted file contained in the volume of your machine, you will have to overwrite it by allocating a volume to this same file.
In your config file:
build : ./Dockerfile
- .:/app
An example in you dockerfile:
# Image Location
FROM node:13.12.0-buster
VOLUME /app/you_overwrite_file

define volumes in docker-compose.yaml

I am writing a docker-compose.yaml file for my project. I have checked the volumes documentation here .
I also understand the concept of volume in docker that I can mount a volume e.g. -v my-data/:/var/lib/db where my-data/ is a directory on my host machine while /var/lib/db is the path inside database container.
My confuse is with the link I put above. There it has the following sample:
version: "3.9"
image: db
- data-volume:/var/lib/db
image: backup-service
- data-volume:/var/lib/backup/data
I wonder does it mean that I have to create a directory named data-volume on my host machine? What if I have a directory on my machine with path temp/my-data/ and I want to mount that path to the database container /var/lib/db ? Should I do something like below?
version: "3.9"
image: db
- temp/my-data/:/var/lib/db
My main confusion is the volumes: section at the bottom, I am not sure whether the volume name should be the path of my directory or should be just literally a name I give & if it is the latter case then how could the given name be mapped with temp/my-data/ on my machine? The sample doesn't indicate that & is ambiguous to clarify that.
Could someone please clarify it for me?
P.S. I tried with above docker-compose I guessed, ended up with the error:
ERROR: The Compose file './docker-compose.yaml' is invalid because:
volumes value 'temp/my-data/' does not match any of the regexes: '^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$'
Mapped volumes can either be files/directories on the host machine (sometimes called bind mounts in the documentation) or they can be docker volumes that can be managed using docker volume commands.
The volumes: section in a docker-compose file specify docker volumes, i.e. not files/directories. The first docker-compose in your post uses such a volume.
If you want to map a file or directory (like in your last docker-compose file), you don't need to specify anything in the volumes: section.
Docker volumes (the ones specified in the volumes: section or created using docker volume create) are of course also stored somewhere on your host computer, but docker manages that and you shouldn't normally need to know where or what the format is.
This part of the documentation is pretty good about explaining it, I think
As #HansKilian mentions, you don't need both volumes and services.volumes. To use services.volumes, map the host directory to the container directory like this:
image: db
- /host/path/lib/db:/container/path/lib/db
With that, the directory /host/path/lib/db on the host machine will be used by the container and available at /container/path/lib/db.
Now, if you're like me, I get really confused with fake examples, so let's say the real directory on your host machine is /var/lib/db and you just want to see it at /db when you run a shell in Docker (i.e., docker exec -it /bin/bash container-id).
docker-compose.yaml would look like this:
image: db
- /var/lib/db:/db
Now when you run the shell, cd /logs and ls, you'll see the same results as if you'd cd /var/lib/db on the host.
If you want to use the volumes section to indicate a global volume to use, you first have to create that volume using docker volume create. The documentation Hans linked includes steps to do this. The syntax of /host/path:/container/path is replaced by volume-name:/container/path. Then, once defined, you'd alter your docker-compose.yaml to be more like this:
image: db
- your-global-volume-name:/db
external: true
Note that I have not tested or used the this configuration. I'm assuming it's correct based on the other method working and the few changes I can identify in the docs.

Is there a better way to avoid folder permission issues for docker containers launched from docker compose in manjaro?

Is there better way to avoid folder permission issues when a relative folder is being set in a docker compose file when using manjaro?
For instance, take the bitnami/elasticsearch:7.7.0 image as an example:
This image as an example will always throw the ElasticsearchException[failed to bind service]; nested: AccessDeniedException[/bitnami/elasticsearch/data/nodes]; error.
I can get around in by:
create the data directory with sudo, followed by chmod 777
attaching a docker volume
But I am looking for a bit easier to manage solution, similar to the docker experience in Ubuntu and OSX which I do not have to first create a directory with root in order for folder mapping to work.
I have made sure that my user is in the docker group by following the post install instructions on docker docs. I have no permission issues when accessing docker info, or sock.
version: '3.7'
image: bitnami/elasticsearch:7.7.0
container_name: elasticsearch
- 9200:9200
- proxy
- ./data/:/bitnami/elasticsearch/data
- ./config/elasticsearch.yml:/opt/bitnami/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml
external: true
I am hoping for a more seamless experience when using my compose files from git which works fine in other systems, but running into this permission issue on the data folder on manjaro.
I did check other posts on SO, some some are temporary, like disabling selinux, while other require running docker with the --privileged flag, but I am trying to do with from compose.
This has nothing to do with the Linux distribution but is a general problem with Docker and bind mounts. A bind mount is when you mount a directory of your host into a container. The problem is that the Docker daemon creates the directory under the user it runs with (root) and the UID/GIDs are mapped literally into the container.
Not that it is advisable to run as root, but depending on your requirements, the official Elasticsearch image (elasticsearch:7.7.0) runs as root and does not have this problem.
Another solution that would work for the bitnami image is to make the ./data directory owned by group root and group writable, since it appears the group of the Elasticsearch process is still root.
A third solution is to change the GID of the bitnami image to whatever group you had the data created with and make it group writable.

Mounted directory empty with docker-compose and custom Dockerfile

I am very (read very) new to Docker so experimenting. I have created a very basic Dockerfile to pull in Laravel:
FROM composer:latest
RUN composer_version="$(composer --version)" && echo $composer_version
RUN composer global require laravel/installer
WORKDIR /var/www
RUN composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel site
My docker-compose.yml file looks like:
version: '3.7'
context: .
dockerfile: laravel.dockerfile
container_name: my_laravel
network_mode: host
restart: on-failure
- ./site:/var/www/site
When I run docker-compose up, the ./site directory is created but the contents are empty. I've put this in docker-compose as I plan on on including other things like nginx, mysql, php etc
The command:
docker run -v "/where/i/want/data/site:/var/www/site" my_laravel
Results in the same behaviour.
I know the install is successful as I modified my dockerfile with the follwing two lines appended to it:
WORKDIR /var/www/site
RUN ls -la
Which gives me the correct listing.
Clearly misunderstanding something here. Any help appreciated.
EDIT: So, I was able to get this to work... although, it slightly more difficult than just specifying a path..
You can accomplish this by specifying a volume in docker-compose.yml.. The path to the directory (on the host) is labeled as device in the compose file.. It appears that the root of the path has to be an actual volume (possibly a share would work) but the 'destination' of the path can be a directory on the specified volume..
I created a new volume called docker on my machine but I suppose you could do this with your existing disk/volume..
I am on a Mac and this docker-compose.yml file worked for me:
version: '3.7'
container_name: my-nodemon-test
image: oze4/nodemon-docker-test
- "1337:1337"
- docker_test_app:/app # see comment below on which name to use here
docker_test_app: # use this name under `volumes:` for the service
name: docker_test_app
driver: local
o: bind
type: none
device: /Volumes/docker/docker_test_app
The container specified exists in my DockerHub.. this is the source code for it, just in case you are worried about anything malicious. I created it like two weeks ago to help someone else on StackOverflow.
Shows files from the container on my machine (the host)..
You can read more about Docker Volume configs here if you would like.
It looks like you are trying to share the build directory with your host machine.. After some testing, it appears Docker will overwrite the specified path on the container with the contents of the path on the host.
If you run docker logs my_laravel you should see an error about missing files at /var/www/site.. So, even though the build is successful - once Docker mounts the directory from your machine (./site) onto the container (/var/www/site) it overwrites the path within the container (/var/www/site) with the contents of the path on your host (./site) - which is empty.
To test and make sure the contents of /var/www/site are in fact being overwritten, you can run docker exec -it /bin/bash (you may need to replace /bin/bash with /bash).. This will give you command line access inside of the container. From there you can do ls -a /var/www/site..
Furthermore, you can also pre-stage ./site to have a random test file in it (test.txt or whatever), then docker-compose up -d, then run the same commands from the step above docker exec -it ... and see if the staged test.txt file is now inside the container - this gives you definitive evidence that when you run volumes, the data on your host overwrites data in the container.
With that being said, doing something like this and sharing a log directory will work... the volume path specified on the container is still overwritten, the difference is the container is writing to that path.. it doesn't rely on it for config files/app files.
Hope this helps.

File in docker-entrypoint-initdb.d never get executed when using docker compose

I'm using Docker Toolbox on Windows 10
I can access the php part succesfully via, I have been working around with the mariadb part but still having several problems
I have an sql file as /mariadb/initdb/abc.sql so I should be copied into /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d, after the container is created I use docker-compose exec mariadb to access the container, there is the file as /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/abc.sql but the file never get executed, I also have tested to import the sql file to the container manually, it was succesful so the sql file is valid
I don't quite understand about the data folder mapping, and what to do to get the folder sync with the container, I always get the warning when recreate the container using docker-compose up -d
WARNING: Service "mariadb" is using volume "/var/lib/mysql" from the previous container. Host mapping "/.../mariadb/data" has no effect. Remove the existing containers (with docker-compose rm mariadb) to use the Recreating db ... done
How to get the sql file in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d to be executed ?
What is the right way to map the data folder with the mariadb container ?
Please guide
This is my docker-compose.yml
version: "3.2"
image: php:7.1-apache
container_name: web
restart: always
- /.../php:/var/www/html
- "8000:80"
image: mariadb:latest
container_name: db
restart: always
- /.../mariadb/initdb:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
- /.../mariadb/data:/var/lib/mysql
- "3306:3306"
For me the issue was the fact that Docker didn't clean up my mounted volumes from previous runs.
Doing a:
docker volume ls
Will list any volumes, and if previous exist, then run 'rm' command on the volume to remove it.
As stated on docker mysql docks, scripts in the '/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d' folder is only evalutated the first time the container runs, and if a previous volume remains, it won't run the scripts.
As for the mapping, you simply need to mount your script folder to the '/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d' folder in the image:
- ./db/:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
I have a single script file in a folder named db, relative to my docker-compose file.
In your Docker file for creating mariaDB, at the end add the abc.sql file to your docker entry point like so:
COPY abc.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
Remove the - /.../mariadb/initdb:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d mapping as any file copied into the entry point will be executed.
Note: Windows containers do not execute anything in docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
