What is max URL length in different browsers? - url

I want to ask how different the length is in each search browser? For a research project I need to understand the difference and I cant find a useful answer.


Is there a way to have a formula or script pick an amount of pre-set lengths to cover an area

Apologies if the title isn't very clear.
What I am trying to do is get a google sheet to automatically calculate how many lengths of a material I will need to cover an area, hopefully to include a mix if needed. There are three different lengths of material that never change, but the total area I need to cover changes on a case by case basis. It is only a straight line so there is no need to worry about width or height.
The data breaks down as follows:
Pre-set lengths to choose from
Length of area I need to cover only comes in inches (ie. 68 1/2"; 70"; 59")
The only thing I have been successful in doing is getting the length I need to cover and then manually picking out how many pieces of each length I need, but I cannot think of any way for me to have a formula or script optimize how many of each piece I need. I can understand formulas well enough, but once trying to script anything comes into play I start getting lost. I believe this issue may be beyond the capabilities of formulas.
This is an interesting problem - I don't have the 'reputation' required to comment, but to be clear: you're actually trying to find the 'best fit' of the available lengths to cover the required length?
If that's the case then yes, you're not going to get there without scripting. Fortunately, there are other folks who have this problem and have solved it... you could look at this online cut-list calculator for an example. I think that one even includes an embeddable script for your sheets.
If you're looking to solve the problem yourself because it's interesting, googling 'optimal cut list' or the like will turn up references. Usually you're optimizing on two variables (e.g. 'fewest joins' and 'least waste'), which tips you over into the world of linear programming (only just...) if you want to go there. If it were me, I'd just dig up a few example scripts and map how they operate back to a theoretical description (e.g. this wiki article.)

How to tell the different SOMs apart?

I have been handed many GC Dev boards and SOMs at work but there seems to be no external way to tell them apart from looking at part/model numbers. My coworkers are disorganized and have mixed three different orders together and we cannot tell which is which anymore. I could turn them all on and look in the terminal but certainly there must be an easier way. I dont know why there is no label or discerning factor on the packages or SOM itself. The Datasheet says this only: These numbers don't correlate to any numbers on the actual SOM Board I have a model number that's the same for all of them, "AA1" but at the top is "09JF001TK" which contains the date it was manufactured but I cannot decipher what the other letters/numbers mean. I sent in a support request but have not heard back, hope you can help. Both QR codes don't seem to yield any results

Is there a way to make this url work for all pages?

I was doing web scraper but then I got blocked for too much commands and someone said I should retriev the json itself with this url and try play with it :https://steamcommunity.com/market/search/render/?query=&start=1490&count=10&search_descriptions=0&sort_column=price&sort_dir=desc&appid=730&norender=1
and I changed it to this :https://steamcommunity.com/market/search/render/?query=&start=0&count=100&search_descriptions=0&appid=730&norender=1 but when I try to do more than 100 it doesn't give me more outputs is there a way to fix this? Btw Iam new to programing and stuff, so I dont know much.
Short answer: no.
These query parameters are most likely limited by Valve itself. Also, WebScraping / Crawling has the huge disadvantage that many or even most providers are actually blocking requests after a determined amount of requests / after a distinct use pattern whatsoever.
The only way to counteract this is to use an official API. By now, there's no such thing though.

Google Spreadsheet: Parsing .PDF from Google Drive

I'm still getting into google spreadsheets, recently understood how to format a .txt to be able to use =ImportData properly thanks to Tanaike's assitance, now tackling a -slightly- more challenging task.
Automatically extracting specific data from .pdf files hosted inside of a google drive folder and arranging the information into specific cells
Being able to decode the blobs of information, as just the raw data obtained with =ImportData is useless
Truly learning how to use google-apps-script for something useful (that's on my own)
Instructing a single extraction of information rather than constant online status as with =ImportData
[Second Priority] Stop Depending on an add-on (Drive Direct Links) to get the URL of the files
To my understanding, I'll need to do some parsing. I know .pdf is not always straight forward, all the files will come from the same place and have the exact same format, so understanding how to do it once should be enough.
I already know how to get the real/permanent link to the files automatically and how to arrange information segregated into cells using =Index, =Extract and others.
Hope I'm being clear enough. Thanks a lot in advance.
Best regards,

how to display routing data online (with the lines between points)

I have a set of routing data, in both CSV or KML format. It is basically a list of Lat / Lon and some supporting information.
I am looking for a way to display this as a route (e.g. with lines between the points in the order they appear in the list) online. Ideally a free option, as I'm not likely to need it again in the near future.
I have found hundreds (maybe an exageration) of ways of plotting the points, but not one that will include the lines. I'm trying to avoid the long and tedious process of converting one of these to an image and drawing the lines by hand.
Can anyone suggest such a site?
This question was asked on a google group for google maps. The user received an answer that pointed him towards the google map API. Given how other apps / web pages do this using google maps (never seen it done any other way) I would imagine this would be the best route to go down as its probably something they have built into the service.
