Cannot create docs for components in backstage docker error - docker

I am trying to display docs stored in repository created by backstage io component on backstage-io /docs page UI, but when I am trying to access the docs I am getting the following error
Building a newer version of this documentation failed. Error: "Failed to generate docs from C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\backstage-enprxk into C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\techdocs-tmp-W6iVab; caused by Error: Docker container returned a non-zero exit code (1)"
Files in my repository
docs folder only having
and mkdocs.yml have

I was getting similar issues working on a local POC of Backstage. The biggest problem was that I needed to install pip, python, mkdocs, and mkdocs-techdocs-core (i.e. pip3 install mkdocs-techdocs-core). If you have done that and then followed everything in this documentation, then it should start working. Hope that helps. I spent a couple of days trying to get past these types of errors.

For me the above issue is fixed by using below as it was not working inside my container in kubernetes.
I changed app-config.yaml -
builder: 'local' # Alternatives - 'external'
runIn: 'local' // changed from docker to local here


Azerothcore error azerothcore-wotlk-ac-worldserver-1 | MMAP:loadMap: 5303231.mmtile was built with generator v15, expected v16

I recently updated my Azerothcore docker version, but I am encountering an error: "azerothcore-wotlk-ac-worldserver-1 | MMAP:loadMap: 5303231.mmtile was built with generator v15, expected v16". I have tried deleting AC and installing from scratch following the guide on the Azerothcore website, but when I run "./ docker client-data", it is still downloading client data files for v15 instead of the latest version v16. I have followed the Docker Setup and Azerothcore Bash Dashboard setup, but I am still having issues. Does anyone know how I can fix this problem?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Best regards.
This sounds to me like a PR is required to fix the setup process of docker. If a manual swap of the client data isn't sufficient, only an adjustment of the docker script can solve this.
You should create an issue about it in the respective repo you've cloned, azerothcore-wotlk or acore-docker.
Edit: Please update and try again due to

Prisma deploy gives error GraphQL Tutorial

I am currently following a GraphQL Tutorial and am on the "Add a Database" section explaining how to set up Prisma with GraphQL.
I finished adding the information in the prisma.yml file, installed prisma, ran prisma deploy and followed the steps, but every time I run prisma info, prisma token, or prisma deploy again, I keep getting the same error:
TypeError: url_1.URL is not a constructor
I have been trying to look up solutions to the error. I tried updating node and npm, downloading docker but nothing seems to be making any difference.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
You are running into this issue.
Basically, this is a known issue with node 6.x.
Please update the node version to fix this issue and track the progress of above issue in case you want to continue to use node 6.x.

Hyperledger Iroha: Can't generate genesis-block

I am trying to generate a new genesis-block in Hyperledger Iroha as it is suggested in
but unfortunately I can't do it because I am always getting the same error message.
$ cat peer.list
$ ./iroha-cli --genesis_block --peers_address peer.list
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::out_of_range> >'
what(): bimap<>: invalid key
Aborted (core dumped)
I am receiving this error both on my local machine where I had compiled Iroha from scratch using the source code, as well as within an Iroha container.
I think I have the correct dependencies, otherwise I would have not been able to build Iroha from scratch. Also, note that I can start irohad correctly by using the configuration example from
Any help or suggestion is greatly appreciated.
There was, indeed, a bug affecting the permissions needed to generate a block. It is fixed now and should not occur:
This is a known issue in the development of hyperledger iroha, see here:
It arises when iroha is compiled with Ansible Playbook.
Try to uninstall Ansible from your system and re-compile iroha and you shouldn't encounter the same error.
Obviously this is just a work around, and you won't be able to take advantage of the ansible capabilities.

AspNetCore:2.1 not found

Created a new .NET CORE 2.1 (preview) web app. Running it in local docker with Linux container
I am getting compiler error:
Error Building blobtest
Service 'blobtest' failed to build: manifest for microsoft/aspnetcore:2.1 not found.
My dotnetversion
C:\WINDOWS\system32>dotnet --version
They have changed the repo for .NET Core 2.1 onwards to microsoft/dotnet.
Change your FROM statement to reference microsoft/dotnet using the following tags:
Documentation on how to upgrade can be found here
I had this issue as well. I thought I'd update this post to show the fix here. Thanks to Marius Bidireac for the link to the resource.
Here is an excerpt from the original docker file
FROM microsoft/aspnetcore:2.0 AS base
FROM microsoft/aspnetcore-build:2.0 AS build
Here is an excerpt from the corrected docker file
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-aspnetcore-runtime AS base
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk AS build
If you are using GitLab CI, then these images don't work—maybe because they changed the names of the images again. See official page on Docker.
If I used the labels suggested by this answer,
image: microsoft/dotnet:2.2
Then, it kept giving the errors,
manifest for microsoft/dotnet:2.2 not found
Solution to this was to use the recent naming convention provided by Microsoft. Please see the Docker link I provided above. In my GitLab CI (.gitlab-ci.yml) file I used the following and it worked,
Now the build pipeline succeeds just fine.

Kylo installation using docker fails

I followed the link to install kylo with other components mentioned in Docker file.
But getting below error while running the docker.
Need to understand where is the issue. I have tried the latest version of Kylo also but getting the same error.
