How to click the overlapping shapes in react konva? - konvajs

I have the shapes (Rectangle, Ellipse and Polygon) that can overlap. I want to be able to select the inner shape inside the bigger one. If the bigger one is at the top, there is no way I can select the inner shape. I can't hover over it, click it or drag it. Is there any way to solve the issue?? If we look at the figma, if the shapes or whatever are overlapping we can double click and we are able to select the inner shape. Is there any similar way to do that in react konva??

In Konva.Stage there is the getAllIntersections method which will give a list of all of the shapes at any point on the stage. From here you could make UI to show the shapes and allow the user to select the specific shape to be transformed. The shape can then be dragged or sized as needed.


iOS - Find white pixels/area enclosed by a black curve and create path

Using Swift methods touchBegan, touchMoved and touchEnded I save the touch points and than I draw a line using UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() with methods beginPath(), move(to: Point), addLine(to: Point) and strokePath().
This line is repeated on 4 quadrants plus their negative values, therefore 8 lines are drawn.
Here is an example:
Example image
I save this drawing as an Image when the user taps the tick (Done green button at top-right) for later manipulations.
I wonder if it's possible to create e closed path/shape with white pixels enclosed by the black lines. I want to fill the white area with custom color when the user touches inside it.
The shape is created by user input and I have no idea how it would look like.
Would be thankful to whoever finds the time to give it's contribute.
Thank you
Maybe what you want is the "Flood Fill" algorithm, please see the article.

Modify interaction - How to get the segment which has been hovered

I am using openlayers-3 modify interaction to edit vector layers. When a polygon/polyline is being edited, if mouse is close to a line segment, a small circle is drawn and dragging it creates a new vertex or moves an existing vertex, depending on where on the segment I was hovering.
Now, sometimes this is very difficult to understand if I am hovering on an existing vertex, or on middle of a segment. I have thought about two solutions to the problem:
Highlight the segment I am hovering with a different style so that I
can see its edges.
When hovering on an vertex, style the small
circle with a different style.
Is there a way to achieve any of the two?
It can be done changing the interaction condition like:
var selectPointerMove_Highlight = new ol.interaction.Select({
I have an online example.

Find available grid position

I'm building a color box connecting game with objective-C and trying to figure out how to find the correct position when a block of boxes is placed incorrectly over another block of boxes.
See the attach image. In the image, you only need to move the left box one step to the right in order to connect the boxes and win.
However, if you place the left box on top of the other box (Image 2), I want to move it to the closest available free grid position.
This would be easy if the box was a simple square (a 1x1 grid, 2x2 grid, etc), but since the boxes can be complex, It's harder. There might also be a lot of boxes on the grid.
Any suggestions would be very appreciated.
If you're new to heuristics like this, just take the KISS approach.
It couldn't be easier...
The user tries the object at x,y ok?
It does not "fit" there.
So, simply "spiral" outwards, trying it in other possible places.
Just keep trying until you find one where it fits.
so that's like "radius 1", you see? then try "radius 2"
and so on.
It's that easy. Just keep trying until you find one that "does work".
Work from the start position outwards, so that, you find the closest one.

Custom UiTableView from array data

I have a custom table view and want it to look like this...
The image is loaded via async and the two lines come from two different arrays. I can get all the data in fine I just don't know how to lay it out.
I want:
the black gradient to overlay the image
the two lines of text to be within the black gradient box
the image to fill the table row to cover it and keep it's aspect ratio
the black gradient box to be pinned/constrained to the bottom of the image so that is either line of text is larger than two lines it covers more of the image and doesn't drop below it.
I fill the table data in a loop according to the number of records in my array which is populated by json.
I have managed to do the layout in android but can't get my head around ios.
Any help much appreciated.
If you're using autolayout, you'll want to constrain the labels to the bottom and to each other. Then put the gradient view behind the labels and constrain the top of the gradient to the top of the top label.
You'll have to handle drawing the gradient yourself, either use an image in an image view and set it to scale to fill, or subclass UIView and add a little bit of code to drawRect: The first is probably easier, the second will produce a more uniform gradient if it has to be scaled.

Cropping sharp edges from behind a UIBezierPath rounded rectangle

I'm learning my way through UIBezierPaths by creating a table from scratch, and having individual cells filled with different colours.
This is a custom object I'm building which is contained in a subclassed UIView.
At the moment, I'm constructing this in this order:
'Cell' fill colours
Column lines
Row lines
Outer box (rounded rect)
As the picture suggests, I'm having trouble getting rid of the sharp corner of the cell fill outside the orange rounded rectangle.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to get rid of these?
Cheers! :)
At the beginning of your drawing code you should add the outer rounded rect path to the clipping path using its addClip method. That way nothing will get drawn that is outside this path.
