Google Docs API and Dreaded Table Row Inserts - google-docs-api

I've been playing around with Google Docs API and am stuck on being able to add a row to an existing table in a doc and fill that row (3 columns) with data.
Below is Pastebin file of Google Get which returns a huge JSON of pretty much everything in the doc (formatting, content etc.)
(Stack OVerflow has an issue with me including pastebin file so be ready for a huge file underneath here which probably won't fit)
This a sample doc - and if you check it out in a too like (which I just used) to see the document structure - you'll note that it has 3 tables in total.
I've written some code that puts the start indexes of all the tables in the document into an array but I can't for the life of me figure out a clear explanation of how I can:
a) Insert a row (at the bottom of the first table for example)
b) Insert data into the first, second and 3rd column of that new row
I have read the guides but it is all very confusing - because after I insert a row the document changes and the startIndexes and all that adjust - is that correct?
If anyone has any input on the code that would insert a new row AND populate the columns in that row in a one easy to use solution I would really appreciate any help (hopefully without having to query the whole JSON again after inserting the row).
Thank you
P.S. Tried to insert pastebin link but it wouldn't let me... tried to paste JSON directly and it was too big so... I'll have to leave the question with the most info I can for now - I will ask Google direct and include the JSON.

just updating that I've solved this by using the FPDF PHP library instead - and I just copy the Google Docs text into this Google converter (conerts to HTML) then passing all the HTML to the FPDF library.
So... question is no longer relevant.

For interested parties:
use DocumentService.BatchUpdateDocumentRequest()
request should be InsertTableRequest
for more information see:


Google data studio - Use multiple datasheet with same data keys/headers

So I've been stuck in this for some days, tryed a lot of search terms but all of them seems to bring me the same answers and i really need this:
I have a demand to join two different company's datas from the same owner, all of them have the same data sources (excel data sheets from FB ADS).
So they all share the same (keys/headers), like this:
So this way I need to put then togheter without having to join both of then on excel every time and also give him some nice data manipulation power.
The results should be something like this
By now I was trying to join data from the two companys but I couldn't really figure out how to properly do this so far I've made some tests and tryed reading a couple of articles and google data studio's help files. The merging data function seems to mess everything.
As a result of this merge, GDS gives me this fields:
Shouldn't I see like only one field labeled as cnt and cmp? I've noticed that GDS creates not one, but two data fields. If I try adding all data I need as key the left sheet turns all "0s". What Am I doing wrong here?
I have read your descriptions. It seems that you are looking for a solution to append both tables instead of merging the tables.
Do note that the data blending in GDS is a left outer join.
Hence, instead of doing the blending in GDS, I'd suggest you to append both datasets in Google Sheet in a separate tab before importing to GDS for visualisation. (assuming you don't mind copy-pasting the data into the Google Sheet).
Here is the formula to append both datasets in Google Sheets:
= {QUERY(A!A1:D1000,"SELECT A,B,C,D WHERE A <> ''",1);QUERY(B!A2:D, "SELECT A,B,C,D WHERE A <> '' ")}
I've created some dummy data in this google sheets and appended the data using the formula provided , you may take a look to understand further.
If you are unclear on the difference between merge and append, you may take a look in the Google Sheet documentation as well.
On a side note, I've screencast the process of answering this question and posted on my youtube channel. You may take a look if needed. (Thanks for the question and inspiration you provided for the video)

Google calc - title of document containing a cell value

Quick question, Im afraid it is not possible, but maybe...
I have multiple documents - spreadsheets. Each one is a copy of another, but there are different "products" in that documents. On a list of documents where I see titles, would be nice to see also a value from one specific cell in document ("Some title - 26,3%" - where 26,3% is a value from a specific cell). That value tells alot and it would make my work a bit easier.
If its not possible I'll make it manually.
Thanks for any sugestions.
Try using the IMPORTRANGE built-in function. You can find the documentation here.
Just change the INSTERT_ID to the ID of the spreadsheet you are trying to import data from, and the SPECIFY_RANGE to the range you want to import.

Google Sheets importXML Returns Empty Value

Im trying to scrape this website ( with google sheets for material costs for a game that I play. There are two tables; "Common Materials" and "Rare Materials" in a drop down in the top right corner. I am trying to pull the values for both as the prices update. I copied the full Xpath and used the function below in an empty cell on a sheet.
This returns a #N/A error saying it is returning an empty value.
I also tried it with the regular xpath...
Which just returns a blank cell. I have also tried both methods using the inspect function through chrome on the ancestors and children they return either of the two errors above.
Sorry if this is a really easy one. I am not familiar at all with Xpaths or html. I mostly dabble in VBA in excel.
IMPORTXML can not retrieve data which is populated by a script, and so using this formula to retrieve data from this table is not possible to do.
More Information:
As you've already mentioned, you can attempt to get the data directly from the table using:
Which just gets a blank cell.
I went a step further and tried to reverse-engineer this by calling IMPORTXML on the HTML elements on the page in steps:
html/body/div[1]/div[0] is the first path which gives no imported content, and we can see from importing html/body that the full body does not contain the imformation and only a template of it - in cell B1 we have references to 'Common materials' and 'Rare materials':
And in D1 we start to see JavaScript and JSON objects which are not called by IMPORTXML and so the results of which can not be retrieved:
As you can see if you disable JavaScript on the site, almost nothing is actually rendered and so can't be obtained using IMPORTXML:
IMPORTXML - Docs Editors Help

Google Sheets import multiple HTML table images

I'm looking to import a data table from a website that does not appear to have an API. The table is broken down to various images and text. The goal is to have all of the content available in a table to then reference for other sheets.
When I pull in the data, I get some of the text, none of the other images, and a reference to another table. I looked up some options, but none of them yielded anything but blank cells.
I also tried to use the =IMAGE() formula with a direct link to the images URLs, but there is a portion of the URL that is specific to the unit's release date, and as such, too dynamic to account for.
Excel Formula
Unfortunately without an API it is going to be difficult to achieve what you aim here. These are the main reasons why:
This table has nested tables that therefore need to be accessed separately. If you take a look at: =IMPORTHTML("","table",4)
you will see how the table 4 of this HTML page is the stats of a random character of the main table. If you go for 5 or 6 you will realise that the nested tables are not even numerically ordered and that you cannot access them by accessing to the main table (i.e mainTable[0].nestedTable). A hard working approach to do this is to go one by one finding their corresponding stat table and placing next to it. For this I recommend extracting only the name field of the main table to be able to align each stat to their character. You can simply do this using:=INDEX(IMPORTHTML("","table",3),0,1). You can find out more about INDEX here
IMPORTHTML cannot access images nor links so it will be very difficult to get the images in the last columns. A way to solve this is by using as you mentioned the image with its url like this: =IMAGE(""). You can find more info about inserting images here
To sum up, there is no easy way to solve this problem. The closest you can get is by:
Importing the name column.
Figuring out which tables belong to which character and placing them with next to their name.
Getting the image url of each weakness and type and add it to each character.
I am sorry this site does not have an API to make things smooth, good luck with your project and let me know if you need anything else or if you did not understand anything.
Here you can find more information about IMPORTHTML

Creating Dynamic Sheet Cell Reference List for pulling numbers to SUM

I've been working on building a data analysis sheet, which is quite verbose at the moment and a bit more complicated than it should be as I've been trying to figure this out. Please note, I work doing student data in a school.
Basically, I have two sets of input data:
Data imported from a CSV file that includes test data and codes for Common Core Standards and the questions tied to those standards as a whole class summary
Data imported from a CSV file that includes individual scores by question
I am looking to construct 2 views:
A view that collates and displays data of individual standards per student that includes a dropdown to change the standard allowing a teacher to see class performance by standard in a broad view. The drop-down is populated dynamically from the input data (so staff could eventually dump data and go directly to reports)
A view that collates and displays data of individual students broken down by performance on each standard allowing a teachers to see the broader spectrum for each student. The student drop-down is populated from Source list 2.
I have been able to build the first view, but am struggling with the second. I've been able to separate the question codes and develop strings of cell references to the scoring data, including a dynamic reference to the row the selected student's score data appears on in the second source set from above.
I tried to pass through an indirect() formula into a sum() so as to process for a mean evaluation, and have encountered errors. I think SUM() doesn't process comma-separated cell reference lists from Indirect() [or in general] or there is something that I am missing to help parse it. Here is the formula I have tried:
CCCodeManip!C:C includes the created text (based on the dynamic standards and question codes, etc), here's an example of what would be found there:
'M-ADI'!M17, 'M-ADI'!N17, 'M-ADI'!O17, 'M-ADI'!P17, 'M-ADI'!Q17, 'M-ADI'!R17, 'M-ADI'!J17
I need these to be dynamic so that teachers can input different sets of standards, question, and student data and the sheet automatically collates and reports it in uniform ways (with an upward bound of 20 standards as I currently have it built)
Here is a link to the sheet I built, with names and ID anonymized. There's a CRAP TON of sub-tabs, and that's really just being able to split apart and re-combine data neatly without things error-ing out due to data overlapping, aside from a few different attempts and different approaches to parse the cell reference strings.
The first two tabs are the current status of the data views. I plan to hide a bunch of the functional stuff that is there to help pull data accurately.
The 3rd and 4th tab are the source data sets. 5th is a modified version of source data that allows me to reference things better, and I've tried to arrange the sheets most relevant towards the front of the set.
Some have a different approach? I am aware that I might be as far as I cn go with this and perhaps should consider scripts - my coding experience is a bit out of date and my strength is more with the formulas, but I can dig into things with some direction, if anyone can help.
Ok so I noticed something.
It seems the failure is in the indirect reference:
The string I am trying to parse via indirect is going to be generated into something like this, dynamic from reference to other data:
'M-ADI'!M17, 'M-ADI'!N17, 'M-ADI'!O17, 'M-ADI'!P17, 'M-ADI'!Q17, 'M-ADI'!R17, 'M-ADI'!J17
The indirect returns the error that the above string is not a cell reference with the #REF code.
Can someone give me a clue as to what is causing this? I am going to dig into the docs on Indirect() from google and will post anything that I find.
Perhaps it is that indirect() can't handle lists, but only specific references and arrays, which may require me a to build a sheet to do the SUM formula on for each question set (?)
So I think I figured it out, but i Ended up parsing the data differently, basically doing the sum based on individual cell references and a separate sum formula, bypassing the need to do it all at once, it jsut makes my sheets a lot dirtier! I am eventually going to see if code could do it better if I need to, but this is closed for now.
Basically, I did individual cell references to recall scores in a row, then used a separate SUM formula, and created references / structures to be able to pull those sum() results. Achieves the same end, but with extra crap on the sheet.
