Destructuring Syntax for Tuples? - dafny

So, I'm wondering whether there is any support for destructuring syntax in Dafny. Something along the following lines:
function method f(x:int) : (int,int) { (x,x+1) }
method test() {
var y:int;
var z:int;
(y,z) := f(1);
In fact, I want to go further than this as I want to destructure within a function.

According to the reference manual, you cannot do it for assignment statements, but only for variable declaration statements, like this:
function method f(x:int) : (int,int) { (x,x+1) }
method test() {
var (y,z) := f(1);
If you want to annotate the types, you can do it like this:
var (y:int, z:int) := f(1);
You can also use a let expression to do this inside a function, like this:
function method f(x:int) : (int,int) { (x,x+1) }
function g() {
var (y,z) := f(1);


How can I create a Dart Function from a String?

I have a List<String> of Dart function names. For example, ['func1', 'func2', 'func3']. I want to call each function in the List. How can I go from a String to a Function? The following code does not work, but conceptually it does what I want:
var func1 = Function('func1');
See how it creates a Function from 'func1'.
Edit: I need to deal with Strings because I read the list of functions from a file.
I don't think Dart allows that at the moment (for objects you could use dart:mirrors, but it's currently marked as an unstable library).
An alternative is to use a Map to associate the strings with the functions, as in:
void foo() {
void bar() {
void main() {
var functions = {
'foo': foo,
'bar': bar
// calling foo()
// or
var b = functions['bar'];

Does FutureOr<T> have a reified type of Future<T> / <T>?

I have a class in AngularDart as followings:
abstract class Validator {
Map validate(AbstractControl c);
Looking closely, this used to be (before we added strong-mode support):
abstract class Validator {
validate(AbstractControl c);
The issue that it technically supports returning a Future or Map.
I'd like to refactor this and properly type it using FutureOr:
abstract class Validator {
FutureOr<T> validate(AbstractControl c);
Will I be able to use an is check at runtime? (In DDC and dart2js)
void runValidator(Validator v) {
var result = v.validate(...);
if (result is Future) {
// async...
} else {
// sync...
Am I thinking about this correctly?
EDIT: As mentioned below, I mean
if (result is Future<T>) {
} else if (result is T) {
One more question, would validate match these two typedefs:
Future<Map> AsyncValidate(AbstractControl c);
Map SyncValidate(AbstractControl c);
Yes, you can do result is Future<Map>. The actual value returned by the validate method is either a Future or it's not. The static type of the function doesn't affect that, and since FutureOr<Map> isn't an actual class, you can't have an object that is "a FutureOr". It's either a real Future<Map> or it's a Map.
For the second question, that depends on what yo mean by "match".
You can override the method with a method that returns either Map or FutureMap:
abstract class Validator {
FutureOr<Map> validate(abstractControl c);
class AsyncValidator extends Validator {
Future<Map> validate(AbstractControl c) {...}
class SyncValidator extends Validator {
Map validate(AbstractControl c) {...}
That is, you can use one of the function types you mention as a Validator.validate, but not in the other direction.
typedef FutureOr<Map> Validate(AbstractControl c);
typedef Future<Map> AsyncValidate(AbstractControl c);
typedef Map SyncValidate(AbstractControl c);
Validator v = ...;
Validate f0 = v.validate; // Safe.
AsyncValidate f1 = v.validate; // BAD assignment.
SyncValidate f2 = v.validate; // BAD assignment.
Map syncValidate(AbstractControl c) { ... }
Future<Map> asyncValidate(AbstractControl c) { ... }
v = syncValidate; // Good assignment.
v = asyncValidate; // Good assignment.
In practice, the concrete validate method of the validator v will probably be assignable to one of f1 or f2, but its static type doesn't say which one, so both are considered bad assignments.
You should only very rarely have a non-abstract method that is declared as returning FutureOr. In most cases, it's better to just always return a Future or a non-Future, and declare the method as such. Then you can always use the function as returning FutureOr if you need to, but use the more precise type in cases where you need it.

Is there a way to reference instance function when calling SequenceType.forEach?

Consider type Foo:
class Foo {
var isBaz: Bool {
return false
func bar() {
print("some boring print")
Now let's say I want to iterate through a collection of class instances and call some function on each of them:
let someFoos: [Foo] = [Foo(), Foo(), Foo()]
someFoos.forEach { $ }
This syntax is quite compact, but it feels a bit awkward. Also, it cannot be used everywhere. For example, in an if statement condition:
if someFoos.contains { $0.isBaz } {
// compiler error: statement cannot begin with a closure expression
if someFoos.contains($0.isBaz) {
// compiler error: anonymous closure argument not contained in a closure
if someFoos.contains({ $0.isBaz }) {
// this is correct, but requires extra pair of parentheses
Ideally, it would be nice to write something like
but as of Swift 2.1 this is not a correct syntax. Such way of referencing the function would be similar to the following:
func bar2(foo: Foo) -> Void {
print("some boring print")
Is there a better way to reference instance function? How do you prefer to write such expressions?
There are two different problems here. The trailing closure syntax
can be used when calling a function and the last parameter is a closure,
let b1 = someFoos.contains({ $0.isBaz })
let b2 = someFoos.contains { $0.isBaz }
are fully equivalent. However, the trailing closure syntax can be problematic in the condition of an if-statement:
if someFoos.contains({ $0.isBaz }) { } // OK
if someFoos.contains { $0.isBaz } { } // Compiler error
if (someFoos.contains { $0.isBaz }) { } // OK, as noted by R Menke
We can only speculate why the second one does not work. It could be that the compiler
takes the first { as the start of the if-body. Perhaps this will
change in a future version of Swift but probably it is not worth
the effort.
The other problem is about curried functions.
compiles because bar2 has the type Foo -> Void, and that is exactly
what the forEach() method expects., on the other hand,
is a curried function (see which takes the instance as the first
argument. It has the type Foo -> () -> (). So
is a closure with type () -> (), and
calls the bar method on the someFoo instance.
(Note: The following is not meant as an actual recommendation,
but only as a demonstration about curried functions and fun
with closures!)
To pass directly as an argument to forEach() we need to
"swap" the order of the parameters. Haskell has a "flip" function for that purpose,
and it is also possible in Swift (see e.g. How to write a flip method in Swift?):
func flip<A, B, C>(f: A -> B ->C) -> B -> A ->C {
return { b in { a in f(a)(b) } }
Then flip( has the type () -> Foo -> (), so
the void argument of the bar method can be applied
to get a Foo -> () closure, and
calls the bar method on the someFoo instance.
And now we can call
someFoos.forEach (flip(
without using a closure expression { .. } !!
If isBaz were a method instead of a property
func isBaz() -> Bool { return false }
then you
could do the same in the if-expression:
if someFoos.contains(flip(Foo.isBaz)()) {
// ...
Again, this is only meant as a demonstration. Also properties
are not curried functions, so this cannot be done with
your isBaz property.
The $0 syntax is there to help you create a shortcut, but if you don't like it you can use the more complete form:
someFoos.forEach { thisFoo in }

Initialiser Inheritance confusion

I am trying to build some mocking infrastructure, I want to be able to return a stubbed value and count the times the value was accessed. I have something simple like this:
class BasicMock<T> {
var callsCount = 0
private let backing: T
var result: T {
return backing
init(result: T) {
self.backing = result
class MockTimeDefinitionSerialiser: BasicMock<[String: [AnyObject]]>, TimeDefinitionSerialiserProtocol {
func serialiseTravelTime(travelTime: JSSTravelTime) -> [String: AnyObject] {
return result
However trying to build it:
let mockTimeDefinitionSerialiser = MockTimeDefinitionSerialiser(result: ["": ""])
Emits the error 'MockTimeDefinitionSerialiser' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initialisers
My interpretation of the Swift docs is that I should automatically inherit the initialiser as I have set all stored properties.
What am I doing wrong?
Please remove any unnecessary code when asking a question. I was able to reduce your problem to this:
class Base<T> {
init(t: T) {}
class Sub: Base<Int> {}
Sub(t: 0) // error: 'Sub' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initialisers
It seems like even though you specified the T in the subclass, the compiler cannot infer what the initialiser uses for T. I couldn't find a way to get the initialiser to be inherited, you'd have to use a workaround:
class Sub: Base<Int> {
override init(t: Int) {
super.init(t: t)

Swift array of generic closures?

Is it possible? The error Only syntatic function types can be generic suggests it isn't.
Valid Code
func test<T:Equatable>(function: (T) -> T){
var myArray:Array<T -> T> = [function];
Now I want to make a property with the same type as myArray. I feel like I should be able to do this somehow.
Doesn't work
var myArray:<T:Equatable>(T -> T)[]
Any ideas?
Even this:
func test<T:Equatable>(function: (T) -> T){
var myArray:Array<T -> T> = function;
Shouldn't be valid. You are assigning a T->T to a Array<T->T>. It should be at least:
var myArray:Array<T -> T> = [function];
This would work:
class MyClass<T> {
var myArray:(T->T)[] = []
Since you now have a generic MyClass class, to initialise, you need to tell what type T is, like so:
var x = MyClass<String>()
