How to collect unindexed/unsearchable items using Graph API Ediscovery endpoints - microsoft-graph-api

I am using Graph beta version. I can see stats under collection when I create estimate statistics. How to download all(indexed and unindexed) the data using API. Currently, is there any provision to download all(indexed and unindexed) the data using API.
Endpoints I have used:
Source collection - POST /compliance/ediscovery/cases/{caseId}/sourceCollections
Review set - POST /compliance/ediscovery/cases/{id}/reviewSets
Add review to source collection - POST /compliance/ediscovery/cases/{caseId}/reviewSets/{reviewsetId}/addToReviewSet
Create export - POST /compliance/ediscovery/cases/{caseId}/reviewsets/{reviewsetId}/export
Get download url and download data
Let me know if you need any other other information.
Waiting for early and positive revert.
Thanks in advance!


YT Content Owners Video Report NOT updating - content_owner_video_metadata_a2

Every day, we download a youtube content owner video report for two different content owners. We connect to the API and pull data from the following endpoint: content_owner_video_metadata_a2. Since November 17th, 2022, we have NOT been able to pull any new data for this report. In fact, the API returns no data at all. My business users are able to see this data in the front-end GUI for content owners and on their end, it also shows that the data has not been updated since the 17th. Is there an issue that we should know about? How can we get this data to be updated?? Please let me know if you need any other details to help you understand my issue. Thanks!
I was expecting the API to return data, which I then download into a CSV file. No data is being returned and so no file is being created.

SurveyMonkey API: Get shared data link

I found the SurveyMonkey mobile display quite good. I am trying to better integrate it with my app. In particular, once the survey has been responded to, I want to show the "Results" (analyze page which has graphs of user responses).
One thing I realised is that user can't use the analyze url. One way to allow them to view is to create a "Shared Data Link".
I am wondering how can I do this using the SurveyMonkey API. How can I create a "Shared Data Link" using the API? Is there any other way to show the Analyze Page to users?
Response from Survey Monkey team:
Unfortunately, our API doesn't currently offer any endpoints to generate a shared data page or quickly get the data which is contained within it.

SurveyMonkey API v3 survey list - example wrong and list unhelpfully brief

I am just starting converting an existing app from SurveyMonkey v2 API to v3.
I found the example response on the developer website for getting a survey list was incorrect - when I get a survey list it just contains ID, Title and URL for each survey. It would be good if that could be corrected for the benefit of others.
My app needs the survey list so that it can present the user with a list of the surveys they have access to, and my current version shows date_modified, number of responses and number of questions.
All of this information was available in a single call in v2 API but in v3 we seem to have to go on to do a call for each survey individually in order to get the date_modified and number of questions information and a further call to get the number of responses.
Thus the v3 API is much less efficient at giving us what we need than v2 was.
Is it possible that the V3 survey list could be enhanced to contain that additional information?
The docs need to be updated.

Limitations of Qualtrics API

With respect to the Qualtrics API (v3) documentation ( there does not appear to be any means to send a GET request through a REST client to get the individual survey responses for a specific survey (I suppose that the developers figured that no would be interested in decoupling the survey results from the admin panel).
The reason why I would like to be able to submit a GET request to get survey results is for real-time data visualization purposes that do not depend on me exporting the data every so often to re-update the visualization. If Qualtrics does not support such a GET request, which service (perhaps SurveyMonkey or its ilk) best facilitates what I'm trying to build? Or do I have to build an entire survey module from scratch? (shudders)
I agree that v3.0 has some big short comings. I have no idea what they are thinking. There should be a way to retrieve a specific response using Response ID.
You can still use v2.5 of the api to do what you want.
SurveyMonkey has a REST API that allows you to fetch all your responses.
You can fetch all your responses by doing:
GET /v3/surveys/<survey_id>/responses
Which will give you a skinny payload (usually IDs only, and maybe a name or title but not in this case).
You can then get a specific response by doing:
GET /v3/responses/<response_id>
You can also fetch all responses as fatter payloads by doing:
GET /v3/surveys/<survey_id>/responses/bulk
Or, depending on your use case, for example if you have some visualization that you want to update in real-time without polling for responses you can set up a webhook.
POST /v3/webhooks
"name": "My Response Webhook",
"event_type": "response_completed",
"object_type": "survey",
"object_ids": ["<survey_id1>", "<survey_id2>", ...],
"subscription_url": "https://mycallback.url"
Where subscription_url is your callback url, and then whenever any new responses for the defined surveys come in you'll be notified to the subscription_url provided and you can then know to refresh your charts.
I have done that by getting contacts, in every contact there are object of Response history where you can get the information of a survey assigned to a respondents.

REST API support by survey monkey

I am planning to do a survey using survey monkey. I will require API support to automatically pull responses from your datasource. I looked into and it looks like I need to use services like curl to extract data. It also looks like I can extract data in json format. And the data that is extracted using get_responses api, returns only ids.
So my questions are:
1. Do you support REST APIs to download data?
2. Can I download data in csv format?
3. Can I download actual responses with questions and not just ids? What APIs will be return survey, questions asked and user responses?
3. Can you send me an example format of how data will look when downloaded using the APIs?
5. Finally, with $26/month subscription for one month, will I get API support? Is the API support available for free subscription?
SurveyMonkey does have a REST API
You can get all responses (just ids) doing:
GET /surveys/{survey_id}/responses
You can get the details and all answers to questions for a specific response by ID doing:
GET /responses/{response_id}/details
Or you can do this all at once by doing
GET /surveys/{id}/responses/bulk
Answered by akand074.
We only support JSON at this time.
You'll have to make a separate GET to /v3/surveys/{survey_id}/details to get the survey details, and then map it to the response data.
The format, along with response data examples can be found here.
You'll have to contact to find out.
