How to do a search for Jira links in my Confluence - jira

I'd like to get a list of all the pages in my Confluence wiki that contain links to my Jira. I'm on the cloud version. Is there any way to do this in Search? Any other way? Thanks.


Confluence / JIRA :: What is a Filter Result Gadget?

I would like to create an Eisenhower Matrix in Confluence / JIRA.
I taught found a practical solution on the ATLASSIAN Community :
but unfortunately when I put it in place I cannot find a Filter Result Gadget in Confluence.
Is anyone aware of how to filter a list of tickets inside a table in Confluence?
You can use this guide to accomplish this.
The Dashboard is a big sea, where the hack is Add Gadget? Can you provide a screenshot, please?
The "add gadget" button:

Jira - Issues Filters Confluence Document

I am trying to figure out if a query that list all Jira Issues that Linked with a Confluence Page is possible.
I know there are way to work around it, such as using labels, just really curious if something similar linkedIssue available for linked Confluence document.
ScriptRunner plugin in Jira may do it

worklogcomment view and use in Jql

I am trying to view work-log comments of a user stories from filter in Jira. Can someone shed some light on how to retrieve it?
Unfortunately, it's not possible to access worklog comments from issue navigator in Jira. To access them you have to install one of the plugins that has worklog reports. As of now, Tempo Timesheets and Timesheet Reports and Gadgets are two most popular solutions for that.

Maintain Formatting between Confluence and Jira (Create Jira Issue Micro )

I am trying to integrate Product Requirements from Confluence with Jira.
Using Jira issue macro in confluence to create multiple Jira issues.
But in the Confluence product requirement table the requirements are listed as a bulleted numbers, but I don't see the same format in Jira issues.
Please refer the below examples for more details:
Confluence Page - Product Requirements Table with Bullet
Jira Issue Page - No Formatting for the same requirement
You can have better experience using C4J Addon, which show the user the exact Confluence content directly in the Jira issues.
You can try it for free at:
Best wishes,

JQL: How do I search for JIRA issues that link to URLs with a certain pattern?

In Jira, we use regular Web Links to point to an independent issue tracking system (for customer support). Those links can easily be identified by their domain name or URL prefix, e.g., they all have this form:
How can I filter for Jira issues that have links to URLs following this pattern?
The JQL editor does not offer anything related to issue links, and "link" and "URL" are genuinely bad search terms.
ScriptRunner for JIRA offers the Script JQL function "linkedIssuesOfRemote" that searches for issues that have a link to a specific web page, e.g.:
issuefunction in linkedIssuesOfRemote("")
will return all issues that link to that page. Instead of the link you might use the link title too.
Unfortunately wildcards are not (yet) supported, thus this doesn't work:
issuefunction in linkedIssuesOfRemote("*")
JavaRunner for JIRA 6.28 Does have support for wild card characters so you should be able to support what you need with.
issuefunction in linkedIssuesOfRemote("*")
