Can we run IP based testing for geo location in playwright? - playwright

Playwright provides geolocation support using latitude and longitude, however it only changes location at client. In my use-case, I need IP address needs along with APIs and urls so fetch and render content based on IP address

Playwright geolocation support is about emulating the geographic location of the client, as diplayed below:
const context = await browser.newContext({
geolocation: { longitude: 52.3456, latitude: 5.6789},
permissions: ['geolocation']
It is not possible to change the geolocation of the server, since you don't have control over the server. The only thing you can do is mock the server response, but that way you're not testing the actual server behavior, which seems to be what you want.


How do I add default (Default to browser country) country code before the mobile number in MVC ASP.NET?

I have got a Textbox accepting mobile number. How do I add default (Default to browser country) country code before the mobile number?
I am using MVC ASP.NET
You can use the service,, to detect the country by user's IP (The location will generally be less accurate than the native geolocation details, but it doesn't require any user permission). It will give you the client IP, hostname, geolocation information (city, region, country, area code, zip code etc) and network owner.
$.get("", function(response) {
}, "jsonp");
Here's a more detailed JSFiddle example that also prints out the full response information, so you can see all of the available details:

Service which will return client timezone on http request

I would like to set automatically timezone on my Arduino with ethernet card. So I'd like to know if there is the service which can return client timezone on http request.
Since you have nothing but the IP address, then the only possibility is to guess at the location via IP geolocation. For example, you could use, or, or any number of other sources. (A Google search for "IP Geolocation" will show many results).
Of course, IP Geolocation isn't all that accurate, and you may have many incorrect results. If your device has GPS or some other source of location data, that would be much more accurate than IP Geolocation.
Once you have a latitude and longitude, you can call one of the API's listed here to return the time zone.

Database geolocation which one is better

I am looking into getting a geolocation database. I am trying to understand the difference between a paid and a free service besides how accurate the results are.
I want to display data on the page based on the user's location. Should I user server side or client side to check the location and display the data accordingly? I can imagine how to do it server side, but not client side.
If I want to get the user's ip, country, region, city, and show the cities within x km around that city, I would also need the Latitude and Longitude correct?
I was looking at
option: DB5
I suggest maxmind database for Geo location, I have used maxmind database for my
the link of maxmind data base is-
freegeoip uses maxmind GeoLite2 database. You could as well download it yourself (~25mb) and lookup on your server which would be faster.

Geolocation - How Does it Work?

I am using a script bought from Code Canyon (a weather script) and the script uses MaxMind GeoIP Javascript Web Service to determine my users current location. The question I have is how does MaxMind (or other geolocation services) determine the location?
When it determines my location it is on average about 30 miles away from my actual city. Why and how does it determine the location being there and not closer? I assume this has to do with my ISP and my ISP routing. Is this correct?
The location it is showing you is the location of your internet server.
If you are using the geolocation code which uses your ip address to get the current location then it will show the location of your host server.
Your ISP assigns you an IP when connecting. Obviously, the ISP bought that IP at one point, and the geolocation service you are using has an entry for it, in this case, a data center of your ISP.

How does web browser geolocation work? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about a specific programming problem, a software algorithm, or software tools primarily used by programmers. If you believe the question would be on-topic on another Stack Exchange site, you can leave a comment to explain where the question may be able to be answered.
Closed 4 years ago.
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I would like to know how geolocation works in a web browser like Google Chrome or Firefox?
I can access this web site and when I allow the browser to send my location, it shows my current location.
But when I send that URL to my friends to test it, it doesn't work for all of them. How does geolocation work and how do I implement it to get the correct location?
When you visit a location-aware
website, Firefox will ask you if you
want to share your location.
If you consent, Firefox gathers
information about nearby wireless
access points and your computer’s IP
address. Then Firefox sends this
information to the default geolocation
service provider, Google Location
Services, to get an estimate of your
location. That location estimate is
then shared with the requesting
So it depends on the browser they are using and some luck :-)
Re how it works: the Wikipedia article discusses several techniques (IP address location, cellphone and WiFi triangulation, GPS).
The HTML5 implementations require both browser support (FF 3.6, Opera 10.60, Chrome 4? 5?, IE maybe some day) and user consent before the geolocation data are retrieved.
As to how to implement it, the code of the demo you link to seems to be under the MIT License which basically says "you can do whatever, as long as you keep the resulting code under the license"; so you could take that code as a base to build on.
Info and examples from W3C Geolocation API Specification:
The Geolocation API defines a high-level interface to location
information associated only with the device hosting the
implementation, such as latitude and longitude. The API itself is
agnostic of the underlying location information sources. Common
sources of location information include Global Positioning System
(GPS) and location inferred from network signals such as IP address,
RFID, WiFi and Bluetooth MAC addresses, and GSM/CDMA cell IDs, as well
as user input. No guarantee is given that the API returns the device's
actual location.
You could implement it this way:
(one-shot position request)
function showMap(position) {
// Show a map centered at (position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude).
// One-shot position request.
(requesting repeated position updates)
function scrollMap(position) {
// Scrolls the map so that it is centered at (position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude).
// Request repeated updates.
var watchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(scrollMap);
function buttonClickHandler() {
// Cancel the updates when the user clicks a button.
Things really depend on the implementation of the website you are using and your browser.
Simplest way, which doesnt require any client side extensions is that the webpage gets your ip address and uses any of the "ip to geolocation" services to make a questimate where you are currently.
Second options is that browsers have an extension that can advertise your your coordinates to the webserver. In these cases, this information in the client side can be either fetched, again from ip to geolocation services or gps unit attached to your computer. For example, Nokia N900 and build-in browser MicroB has this sort of extension.
