how do I register each implementation of IMyInterface<T> to the DI container?
Instead of having to manually register each class that implements a generic interface I want reflection to take care of this on startup.
public interface IMyInterface<T> { }
public class Foo : IMyInterface<Bar> { }
public class Baz : IMyInterface<A> { }
How do I register Foo and Baz as services.AddTransient<IMyInterface<Bar>, Foo>() using reflection?
Auto-Registering your types is done in three steps:
Request types from the type system
Filtering the types you want to register
Loop through the list and register them
Requesting types from the type system can be done through the Assembly API, typically by calling Assembly.GetTypes() or Assembly.GetExportedTypes() (look at the documentation which method suits you best). But first you need to access the Assembly instance or instances. This can be done using AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() to get all currently loaded assemblies (warning: this might not be all assemblies your application needs, or you can get the assembly of a specific type, for instance by calling typeof(Foo).Assembly. This is useful if you know that all types live in the same assembly.
This leads to the following code:
var types =
from assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
from type in assembly.GetTypes()
select type;
Next, you want to filter out the types that do not implement IMyInterface<T>. This is the most tricky part, because Reflection and generic types can be a PITA. However, a filter such as the following will get you started:
var registrations =
from type in types
where !type.IsAbstract
where !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition
let services =
from iface in type.GetInterfaces()
where iface.IsGenericType
where iface.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IMyInterface<>)
select iface
from service in services
select new { service, type };
This code:
filters out all abstract types (interfaces and abstract classes) as they can't be registered
filters out all generic type definitions, such as Bar<T>, because they typically require special attention and registration.
Gets all the interfaces of the type that implement a closed version of IMyInterface<T>.
Each returned interface results in a item in the registrations collection. If a type doesn't implement IMyInterface<T>, it will not be part of the registrations collection and, therefore, not registered (see below). In case a type implements IMyInterface<T> multiple times, it gets a registration for each closed version of that interface (which can be very handy, depending on your needs).
Now you have a list of registrations to make. The remaining task is the actual registration of these service-to-implementation mappings, which is actually the easy part:
foreach (var reg in registrations)
services.AddTransient(reg.service, reg.type);
Et voilĂ . There you have it. All your non-generic implementations of IMyInterface<T> are registered by their closed IMyInterface<T>.
In my data access layer I have a repository hierarchy that looks like this:
^ ^
| |
| |
| |
+ |
<TEntity> +
The IEntityRepository<TEntity> interface defines basic CRUD operations that will be useful regardless of entity type. EntityRepository<TEntity> is a concrete implementation of these operations.
In addition, there are repository types for operations that are specific to a particular entity. In the example above, I have a Customer entity, and the ICustomerRepository interface defines operations such as GetByPhoneNumber. The ICustomerRepository also derives from IEntityRepository<Customer>, so that the common CRUD operations will also be available for an instance of ICustomerRepository. Finally, CustomerRepository is the concrete implementation for the ICustomerRepository operations, and it also inherits from EntityRepository<Customer> for the common operations implementation.
So, going over to my actual question: I use Simple Injector to inject instances into my application. I register each of the specialized repository types in my container: CustomerRepository as the implementation of ICustomerRepository and so on.
To ensure new entity types can be added to the system and used without needing to create a new, concrete repository implementation as well, I would like to be able to serve the base EntityRepository<> implementation when an IEntityRepository<> of the new entity is requested. I've understood I can use the RegisterOpenGeneric method for this.
What I can't figure out is, when a generic repository is requested, how can I serve the specialized repository for that type if it exists, and the generic repository only as a fallback?
For example, let's say I do this in my application:
container.Register<ICustomerRepository, CustomerRepository>();
container.RegisterOpenGeneric(typeof(IEntityRepository<>), typeof(EntityRepository<>));
Most of the classes relying on repositories would request the ICustomerRepositorydirectly. However, there could be a class in my application requesting the base interface, like this:
public ContractValidator(IEntityRepository<Customer> customerRepository,
IEntityRepository<Contract> contractRepository)
What happens in the example above is:
customerRepository gets an instance of EntityRepository<Customer>
contractRepository gets an instance of EntityRepository<Contract>
What I want to happen is:
customerRepository gets an instance of CustomerRepository
contractRepository gets an instance of EntityRepository<Contract>
Is there any way to inform Simple Injector's resolution that if a derivation of a particular interface exists, this should be served instead? So for IDerived : IBase, requests for IBase should return an implementation of IDerived if it exists. And I don't want this resolution across the board, just for these repositories. Can it be done in a reasonable way, or would I need to manually iterate through all the registrations in the RegisterOpenGeneric predicate and check manually?
Assuming your classes look like this
public class CustomerRepository :
IEntityRepository<Customer> { }
You can register all the generic implementations of IEntityRepository<> using RegisterManyForOpenGeneric and the fallback registration stays the same.
UPDATE: Updated with v3 syntax
// Simple Injector v3.x
container.Register<ICustomerRepository, CustomerRepository>();
new[] { typeof(IEntityRepository<>).Assembly });
c => !c.Handled);
// Simple Injector v2.x
container.Register<ICustomerRepository, CustomerRepository>();
new[] { typeof(IEntityRepository<>).Assembly });
But you should note that if you use any lifestyle then these separate registrations may not resolve as you would expect. This is known as a torn lifestyle.
You can't use RegisterOpenGeneric or RegisterManyForOpenGeneric for this. You will have to hand-write some code to reflect over the type system and find the implementations to register by their specific interface.
In my opinion however you should not have custom repository. These one-to-obe mappings are cause you these grief and besides, you are violating the SOLID principles by doing so. If you can, consider a design as described here.
I am looking at structuremap as an IOC/DI tool. Looking at this example:
The only thing that does not make sense is, if I have an interface and derive several concrete types from it, in the code:
public class ClassThatGetsAnIValidator
public void SaveObject(object objectToSave)
// Go get the proper IValidator from StructureMap
IValidator validator = ObjectFactory.GetInstance();
var notification = validator.Validate(objectToSave);
if (notification.IsValid())
// save the object
How do I know which validator I get? IE I may have an AlphaBetValidator, NumericValidator, etc, with different method bodys and so on.....
I think this is the point:
Registering "what" and "how" StructureMap should build or find those requested services (the tedious part, but it's gotten much better over the years)
Which I struggle to grasp.
Please help.
From the documentation:
If there is only one Instance for a registered PluginType, that
Instance will be assumed to be the default for the PluginType.
Otherwise, if there is more than one Instance for a PluginType,
StructureMap must be explicitly told which Instance is the default,
otherwise the call to GetInstance() will throw an exception (202).
To resolve to a particular instance you could use the naming mechanism. From the same documentation page:
Sometimes it's advantageous to retrieve a "named" instance of a type.
Let's say that you're building a system that needs to connect to
interface with multiple external shipping systems. You've designed an
interface for your system called IShippingSystem that hides the
details of each external shipping behind adapters. The rest of your
code should only "know" how to interact with the IShippingSystem, but
at some point, some class needs to know how to select and retrieve the
proper instance of IShippingSystem. Before the advent of IoC
containers like StructureMap, you would have coded a Factory class and
possibly a Builder class by hand to do the construction. With
StructureMap, this code is simply a call to the
ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance(Type, string) method.
IShippingService internationalService = ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance<IShippingService>("International");
IShippingService domesticService = ObjectFactory.GetNamedInstance<IShippingService>("Domestic");
When creating an service container in Symfony2 you mostly pass "static" arguments (like other classes etc.) to its constructor.
However I'd like to create a factory and therefore I need to be able to pass an dynamic argument to the service constructor.
The examples I found ( e.g. are all ending up using static arguments as argument.
But what do I have to do, if I want my factory to decide which object to return based on (for example) user input?
I have some problems understanding why service factory should not work on your case. Do you need to return different service class unrelated to each other?
What I see from the factory example is that you could do something like this:
class NewsletterFactory
public function __constructor(...)
// Receive arguments needed to create the service below
public function get()
// Say the variable $userInput exists and is derived from constructor
if ($userInput === 'string')
return new NewsletterManager($dynamicArgument1);
if ($userInput === 'integer')
return new AnotherNewsletterManager($dynamicArgument2);
return new DefaultNewsletterManager();
Now, if this doesn't fit your needs. You can also create a service say CustomFactory that returns what you need. What is returned is not directly a service, so you can do whatever you want. But this would prevent you from requesting the objects created by CustomFactory from the dependency container.
Similar to that is the FormFactory. It is the factory used to instantiate form type. But the FormFactory is more powerfull since it is coupled with a dependency injection tag and a compiler pass, which register each types into the dependency injection system so they can be retrieved on their own. I don't exactly all the internals of the Form component but I think it could solve your problem if other methods do not.
Here's the situation: I have an abstract class with a constructor that takes a boolean (which controls some caching behavior):
abstract class BaseFoo { protected BaseFoo(boolean cache) {...} }
The implementations are all generated source code (many dozens of them). I want to create bindings for all of them automatically, i.e. without explicit hand-coding for each type being bound. I want the injection sites to be able to specify either caching or non-caching (true/false ctor param). For example I might have two injections like:
DependsOnSomeFoos(#Inject #NonCaching AFoo aFoo, #Inject #Caching BFoo bFoo) {...}
(Arguably that's a bad thing to do, since the decision to cache or not might better be in a module. But it seems useful given what I'm working with.)
The question then is: what's the best way to configure bindings to produce a set of generated types in a uniform way, that supports a binding annotation as well as constructor param on the concrete class?
Previously I just had a default constructor on the implementation classes, and simply put an #ImplementedBy on each of the generated interfaces. E.g.:
// This is all generated source...
interface AFoo { ... }
class AFooImpl extends BaseFoo implements AFoo { AFooImpl() { super(true); } }
But, now I want to allow individual injection points to decide if true or false is passed to BaseFoo, instead of it always defaulting to true. I tried to set up an injection listener to (sneakily) change the true/false value post-construction, but I couldn't see how to "listen" for a range of types injected with a certain annotation.
The problem I keep coming back to is that bindings need to be for a specific type, but I don't want to enumerate all my types centrally.
I also considered:
Writing some kind of scanner to discover all the generated classes and add a pair of bindings for each of them, perhaps using Google Reflections.
Creating additional, trivial "non caching" types (e.g. AFoo.NoCache extends AFoo), which would allow me to go back to #ImplementedBy.
Hard wiring each specific type as either caching/non-caching when it's generated.
I'm not feeling great about any of those ideas. Is there a better way?
UPDATE: Thanks for the comment and answer. I think generating a small module alongside each type and writing out a list of the modules to pull in at runtime via getResources is the winner.
That said, after talking w/ a coworker, we might just dodge the question as I posed it and instead inject a strategy object with a method like boolean shouldCache(Class<? extends BaseFoo> c) into each generated class. The strategy can be implemented on top of the application config and would provide coarse and fine grained control. This gives up on the requirement to vary the behavior by injection site. On the plus side, we don't need the extra modules.
There are two additional approaches to look at (in addition to what you mentioned):
Inject Factory classes instead of your real class; that is, your hand-coded stuff would end up saying:
DependsOnSomeFoos(AFoo.Factory aFooFactory, BFoo.Factory bFooFactory) {
AFoo aFoo = aFooFactory.caching();
BFoo bFoo = bFooFactory.nonCaching();
and your generated code would say:
// In
interface AFoo {
interface Factory extends FooFactory<AFoo> {}
// ...
// In
class AFooImpl extends BaseFoo implements AFoo {
AFooImpl(boolean caching, StuffNeededByAFIConstructor otherStuff) {
// use otherStuff
// ...
class Factory implements AFoo.Factory {
#Inject Provider<StuffNeededByAFIConstructor> provider;
public AFoo caching() {
return new AFooImpl(true, provider.get());
// ...
Of course this depends on an interface FooFactory:
interface FooFactory<T> {
T caching();
T nonCaching();
Modify the process that does your code generation to generate also a Guice module that you then use in your application setup. I don't know how your code generation is currently structured, but if you have some way of knowing the full set of classes at code generation time you can either do this directly or append to some file that can then be loaded with ClassLoader.getResources as part of a Guice module that autodiscovers what classes to bind.
My application is using MEF to export some classes from an external assembly. These classes are setup for constructor injection. The issue I am facing is that
MEF is attempting to instantiate the classes when I try to access them. Is there a way to have Ninject take care of the instantiation of the class?
IEnumerable<Lazy<IMyInterface>> controllers =
// The following line throws an error because MEF is
// trying to instantiate a class that requires 5 parameters
IMyInterface firstClass = controllers.First().Value;
There are multiple classes that implement IMyInterface and I would like to select the one that has a specific name and then have Ninject create an instance of it. I'm not really sure if I want laziness.
public class MyClassOne : IMyInterface {
private MyRepository one;
private YourRepository two;
public MyClassTwo(MyRepository repoOne, YourRepository repoTwo) {
one = repoOne;
two = repoTwo;
public class MyClassTwo : IMyInterface {
private MyRepository one;
private YourRepository two;
public MyClassTwo(MyRepository repoOne, YourRepository repoTwo) {
one = repoOne;
two = repoTwo;
Using MEF, I would like to get either MyClassOne or MyClassTwo and then have Ninject provide an instance of MyRepository and YourRepository (Note, these two are bound in a Ninject module in the main assembly and not the assembly they are in)
You could use the Ninject Load mechanism to get the exported classes into the mix, and the you either:
The creation is lazy (i.e., each impl of IMyInterface is created on the fly as you iterate over the above) IIRC, but have a look at the tests in the source (which is very clean and readable, you have no excuse :P) to be sure.
If you dont need the laziness, use LINQ's ToArray or ToList to get a IMyInterface[] or List<IMyInterface>
or you can use the low-level Resolve() family of methods (again, have a look in the tests for samples) to get the eligible services [if you wanted to do some filtering or something other than just using an instance - though binding metadata is probably the solution there]
Finally, if you can edit in an explanation of whether you need laziness per se or are doing it to illustrate a point. (and have a search for Lazy<T> here and in general wrt both Ninject and autofac for some samples - cant recall if there are any examples in the source - think not as it's still on 3.5)
EDIT: In that case, you want a bind that has:
Bind<X>().To<>().In...().Named( "x" );
in the registrations in your modules in the child assembly.
Then when you're resolving in the parent assembly, you use the Kernel.Get<> overload that takes a name parameter to indicate the one you want (no need for laziness, arrays or IEnumerable). The Named mechanism is a specific (just one or two helper extensions implement it in terms of the generalised concept) application of the binding metadata concept in Ninject - there's plenty room to customise it if somethng beyond a simple name is insufficient.
If you're using MEF to construct the objects, you could use the Kernel.Inject() mechanism to inject properties. The problem is that either MEF or Ninject
- has to find the types (Ninject: generally via Bind() in Modules or via scanning extensions, after which one can do a Resolve to subset the bindings before instantiation - though this isnt something you normally do)
- has to instantiate the types (Ninject: typically via a Kernel.Get(), but if you discovered the types via e.g. MEF, you might use the Kernel.Get(Type) overloads )
- has to inject the types (Ninject: typically via a Kernel.Inject(), or implicit in the `Kernel.Get())
What's not clear to me yet is why you feel you need to mix and mangle the two - ultimately sharing duties during construction and constructor injection is not a core use case for either lib, even if they're both quite composable libraries. Do you have a constraint, or do you have critical benefits on both sides?
You can use ExportFactory to create Instances
see docs here:
Your case would be slitly different
I would use Metadata and a custom attribute also
IEnumerable<ExportFactory<IMyInterFace, IMyInterfaceMetaData>> Controllers{ get; set; }
public IMyInterface CreateControllerFor(string parameter)
var controller = Controllers.Where(v => v.Metadata.ControllerName == parameter).FirstOrDefault().CreateExport().Value;
return controller;
or use return Controllers.First() without the Metadata
Then you can code the ninject parts around that or even stick with MEF
Hope this helps