type A() =
member val Prop: int = 0 with get, set
There are multiple ways to create an instance
let a0 = A() // Prop = 0
let a1 = A(Prop = 1)
let a2 = A()
a2.Prop <- 2
Now we want to enhance our class and allow passing the prop value in the constructor, but without losing the parameterless constructor we already have
type A1() =
member val Prop: int = 0 with get, set
new(prop: int) = A1(Prop = prop) //Error
However this is an error
This is not a valid object construction expression. Explicit object
constructors must either call an alternate constructor or initialize
all fields of the object and specify a call to a super class
which doesn't seem correct as the new constructor is actually calling an alternate constructor.
There are alternatives/workarounds to achieve the result, for example:
type A2() =
member val Prop: int = 0 with get, set
static member Create(prop: int) = A(Prop = prop)
let a21 = A2.Create(1)
type A3(?prop: int) as this =
do if prop.IsSome then this.Prop <- prop.Value
member val Prop: int = 0 with get, set
let a31 = A3(1)
however the A1 version seems the cleanest and there are no apparent reasons why it cannot be valid (it is very similar to the A2 static member)
Can someone explain why the A1 syntax cannot be valid?
The primary constructor of your object should generally take all the parameters required for constructing a valid object. As a general rule I'd make the secondary constructor parameterless and the primary take all the parameters you care about.
If you must have a parameterless primary constructor but still want to assign properties in secondary constructors you can use the then keyword for side-effectful construction.
type A1() =
member val Prop: int = 0 with get, set
new(prop: int) as this =
this.Prop <- prop
I don't know if it cannot be valid if somebody decides the compiler should handle it, but I thought you might be interested in how we normally solve this case.
type A4(prop: int) =
member val Prop = prop with get, set
new() = A4(0)
let a4a = A4() // 0
let a4b = A4(3) // 3
let a4c = A4(Prop=7) // 7
Following this, it's useful to know how to make private constructors.
type A4 private (prop: int) =
member val Prop = prop with get, set
private new () = A4(0)
This example is of course rather useless code, but it shows where to put the private keyword. As you probably already understand, you can use one or more private constructors, typically with many parameters, as helpers for public constructors that have fewer parameters.
I'm trying to build an Attribute that validates a certain instance of a type.
In order to do this I have to cast the ObjectInstance to that type.
And I need to set the attribute on the member of that type.
So we need to resort to the and keyword for the circular definition.
However in the following case I get the error that
A custom attribute must invoke an object constructor
On the line marked below.
namespace Test
open System
open System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
[<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)>]
type MyAttribute() =
inherit ValidationAttribute ()
override this.IsValid (value: Object, validationContext: ValidationContext) =
match validationContext.ObjectInstance with
| :? MyClass as item ->
// TODO more validation
| _ ->
new ValidationResult("No no no")
and MyClass(someValue) =
[<Range(1, 7)>]
member this.SomeValue : int = someValue
I tried manually invoking the constructor, such as:
// or
[<new MyAttribute()>]
But none of them are accepted by the system.
Can an F# guru help me out here?
Interesting one. It seems that the type inference is really not getting that right. The correct syntax to use here is [<MyAttribute()>], but despite you using the and keyword, the MyAttribute class is not yet known.
Here is a workaround: First check that the object to validate is really of the right type, then use reflection to invoke a validation method:
[<AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)>]
type MyAttribute() =
inherit ValidationAttribute ()
override this.IsValid (value: Object, validationContext: ValidationContext) =
let t = validationContext.ObjectInstance.GetType()
if t.FullName = "Test.MyClass" then
let p = t.GetMethod("IsValid")
if p.Invoke(validationContext.ObjectInstance, [| |]) |> unbox<bool> then
new ValidationResult("No no no")
type MyClass(someValue: int) =
[<Range(1, 7)>]
member this.SomeValue = someValue
member this.IsValid() = someValue <= 7
Edit: to make that slightly cleaner, you could add an interface, that you use in your validation attribute, and later implement in your class.
type IIsValid =
abstract member IsValid: unit -> bool
Your IsValid method then becomes
override this.IsValid (value: Object, validationContext: ValidationContext) =
match validationContext.ObjectInstance with
| :? IIsValid as i ->
if i.IsValid() then
| _ ->
ValidationResult("No no no")
in your class, this looks like:
type MyClass(someValue: int) =
[<Range(1, 7)>]
member this.SomeValue = someValue
interface IIsValid with
member this.IsValid() = someValue <= 7
One solution would be to first describe your types in a signature files.
Since the attribute is specified in the signature file, you don't need to add it again in the implementation file:
namespace Foo
open System
type MyAttribute =
inherit System.Attribute
new : unit -> MyAttribute
member Foo : unit -> MyClass
and MyClass =
new : someValue : int -> MyClass
member SomeValue : int
namespace Foo
open System
type MyAttribute() =
inherit Attribute()
member this.Foo () =
new MyClass(1)
and MyClass(someValue) =
// [<MyAttribute()>] -> specified in the fsi, still appears in compiled code
member this.SomeValue : int = someValue
See for reference
One thing that you can do to get rid of mutual recursion is to break up MyClass definition into two and use type augmentation to add the members you want to mark with the attribute.
type MyClass(someValue: int) =
member internal this.InternalSomeValue = someValue
type MyAttribute() =
inherit ValidationAttribute()
(* you can refer to MyClass here *)
type MyClass with
member this.SomeValue = this.InternalSomeValue
That's closer to what you're asking for, but I like the interface idea better.
I know this is possible in C#, which produces simple and efficient code. --- Two objects of the same class can access each other's private parts.
class c1
private int A;
public void test(c1 c)
c.A = 5;
But It seems impossible in F#, is it true?
type c1()
let A = 0
member test (c: c1) = c.A
Interesting question. It seems to work with an explicit field but not with a let binding:
// Works
type c1 =
val private A : int
new(a) = { A = a }
member m.test(c : c1) = c.A
let someC1 = new c1(1)
let someMoreC1 = new c1(42);
let theAnswer = someC1.test someMoreC1
// Doesn't work
type c2() =
let mutable A = 42
// Compiler error: The field, constructor or member 'A' is not defined
member m.test(c : c2) = c.A
Yes, but in your example A is not semantically a private member of c1, it is more like a local variable of the constructor.
#afrischke gives an example of how to define c1 with an actual private member A (using val fields).
As section of the F# spec states:
The functions and values defined by instance definitions are lexically scoped (and thus implicitly private) to the object being defined.
This is possible and it is widely used, for example, for checking memberwise equality:
type c1 =
member private this.A = 0
interface IEquatable<c1> with
member this.Equals (that: c1) = this.A = that.A
// of course, it can be done in a regular method as well
member this.Equals (that: c1) = this.A = that.A
You just use a directly in an instance method
type c1()
let A = 0
member x.test = A
For a static method this doesn't work as let bindings are slightly different - then you need a class definition like
type c1()
private member x.A = 0
static member test (A:c1) = A.A
Is it possible to create static member indexed properties in F#? MSDN show them only for instance members, however, I'm able to define the following class:
type ObjWithStaticProperty =
static member StaticProperty
with get () = 3
and set (value:int) = ()
static member StaticPropertyIndexed1
with get (x:int) = 3
and set (x:int) (value:int) = ()
static member StaticPropertyIndexed2
with get (x:int,y:int) = 3
and set (x:int,y:int) (value:int) = ()
//Type signature given by FSI:
type ObjWithStaticProperty =
static member StaticProperty : int
static member StaticPropertyIndexed1 : x:int -> int with get
static member StaticPropertyIndexed2 : x:int * y:int -> int with get
static member StaticProperty : int with set
static member StaticPropertyIndexed1 : x:int -> int with set
static member StaticPropertyIndexed2 : x:int * y:int -> int with set
But when I try to use one, I get an error:
> ObjWithStaticProperty.StaticPropertyIndexed2.[1,2] <- 3;;
ObjWithStaticProperty.StaticPropertyIndexed2.[1,2] <- 3;;
error FS1187: An indexer property must be given at least one argument
I tried a few different syntax variations and none worked. Also weird is that when I hover over set in VS2010 for one of the definitions in the type, I get info about ExtraTopLevelOperators.set.
If you wanted to recover the Type.Prop.[args] notation, then you can define a simple object to represent an indexable property with the Item property:
type IndexedProperty<'I, 'T>(getter, setter) =
member x.Item
with get (a:'I) : 'T = getter a
and set (a:'I) (v:'T) : unit = setter a v
type ObjWithStaticProperty =
static member StaticPropertyIndexed1 =
IndexedProperty((fun x -> 3), (fun x v -> ()))
This returns a new instance of IndexedProperty every time, so it may be better to cache it. Anyway, I think this is quite nice trick and you can encapsulate some additional behavior into the property type.
A digression: I think that an elegant extension to F# would be to have first-class properties just like it has first-class events. (You could for example create properties that automatically support INotifyPropertyChange with just one line of code)
I believe that you call indexed properties using a different syntax (whether instance or static):
ObjWithStaticProperty.StaticPropertyIndexed2(1,2) <- 3
The only semi-exception to this is that an Item property on an instance x can be called via x.[...] (that is, Item is omitted and brackets are used around the arguments).
type SQLConn =
val mutable private connection : string option
member this.Connection
with get() : string = this.connection.Value
and set(v) = this.connection <- Some v
new (connection : string) = {connection = Some connection;}
new() = SQLConn #"Data Source=D:\Projects\AL\Service\ncFlow\dbase\dbflow.db3; Version=3;Password=432432434324"
I want to use "let x = 5+5" there or something like that, so how can I use private functions in my type (class) (record) , I know that I can use them if I do SQLConn() , but then I can't use val, I want to use both : val and let ...
thank you
As Tim explains, you can only use local let bindings with the implicit constructor syntax. I would definitely follow this approach as it makes F# code more readable.
Do you have any particular reason why you also want to use val in your code? You can still use them with the implicit constructor syntax, but they have to be mutable and initialized using mutation:
type SQLConn(connection:string) as x =
let mutable connection = connection
// Declare field using 'val' declaration (has to be mutable)
val mutable a : int
// Initialize the value imperatively in constructor
do x.a <- 10
member this.Connection
with get() = connection and set(v) = connection <- v
new() = SQLConn #"Data Source=.."
As far as I can tell val is only needed to create fields that are not private (which may be required by some code-gen based tools like ASP.NET, but is otherwise not really useful).
The error message explains the problem:
error FS0963: 'let' and 'do' bindings are not permitted in class definitions unless an implicit construction sequence is used. You can use an implicit construction sequence by modifying the type declaration to include arguments, e.g. 'type X(args) = ...'.
The error message is suggesting that you declare your class as type SQLConn(connection) =. If you do this, you probably ought to remove the member this.Connection property, since you'll no longer have a mutable field.
A more likely workaround would be to declare x as val x : int, then put the x = 5 + 5; initializer inside your constructor.
What about the following?
type SQLConn(conn:string) =
// could put some other let bindings here...
// ex: 'let y = 5 + 5' or whatever
let mutable conn = conn
new() = SQLConn(#"some default string")
member __.Connection
with get () = conn and set v = conn <- v
Consider my first attempt, a simple type in F# like the following:
type Test() =
inherit BaseImplementingNotifyPropertyChangedViaOnPropertyChanged()
let mutable prop: string = null
member this.Prop
with public get() = prop
and public set value =
match value with
| _ when value = prop -> ()
| _ ->
let prop = value
Now I test this via C# (this object is being exposed to a C# project, so apparent C# semantics are desirable):
public void TaskMaster_Test()
var target = new FTest();
string propName = null;
target.PropertyChanged += (s, a) => propName = a.PropertyName;
target.Prop = "newString";
Assert.AreEqual("Prop", propName);
Assert.AreEqual("newString", target.Prop);
propName is properly assigned, my F# Setter is running, but the second assert is failing because the underlying value of prop isn't changed. This sort of makes sense to me, because if I remove mutable from the prop field, no error is generated (and one should be because I'm trying to mutate the value). I think I must be missing a fundamental concept.
What's the correct way to rebind/mutate prop in the Test class so that I can pass my unit test?
As a side-note, I would probably use if .. then instead of the match construct as it makes the code more succinct (patterh matching is especially valuable when you need to test the value agains multiple complex patterns). Also, public is the default access for member, so you can make the code a bit more succinct:
type Test() =
inherit BaseImplementingNotifyPropertyChangedViaOnPropertyChanged()
let mutable prop : string = null
member this.Prop
with get() = prop
and set(value) =
if value <> prop then
prop <- value
Try this:
type Test() =
inherit BaseImplementingNotifyPropertyChangedViaOnPropertyChanged()
let mutable prop: string = null
member this.Prop
with public get() = prop
and public set value =
match value with
| _ when value = prop -> ()
| _ ->
prop <- value
You need to make the binding mutable and then alter its value in your setter. In your initial code, you were just creating a new binding (also called prop) within your setter, so no change was visible.
In your pattern match you are actually binding a new value with
let prop = value
When you bind a value like this with the same name, it will shadow the other value for the scope of the newly declared one. I believe what you actually want to do is this:
prop <- value