Docker on WSL2 and Ubuntu not pushing images - docker

I've installed Docker on WSL2 and Ubuntu and I'm not able to push any image to any registry. The process seems to start but then hangs up indefinitely without any error message.
Everything else works flawlessly, I can build and pull images and run containers but I cannot push anything. I've been trying private and public registries with no success. Daemon logs don't show anything meaningful, they just hang up.
Not sure if this might be related but I've been using Docker Desktop (with WSL2) previously without any problem. I completely uninstalled Docker Desktop and WSL2 and did a fresh install of WSL2, Ubuntu + Docker.
Here's the pertinent section of daemon logs:
I'm quite lost here so I'd really appreciate any suggestion on how to effectively debug this issue.


PyCharm Cannot Connect to Docker, thinks the Docker daemon is not running

The PyCharm interface to Docker has suddenly stopped working on my Mac. When I try to connect to Docker I get the error message "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?".
Docker appears to be working correctly. docker info returns reasonable results. The Docker Desktop is running. I can start a container through Docker Desktop and connect to it. Kibana works. The only thing that looks odd is that /var/run/docker.sock does not exist.
Is it a problem that docker.sock does not exist?
The PyCharm configuration for Docker looks like this:
I haven't changed it since everything worked.
A common solution suggested online it to change the permissions on the /var/run/docker.sock file, but obviously I can't do that. There is an assortment of things to try, but most of them require sudo and I don't have admin privileges on this machine. There is a Stack Overflow question that describes the same situation, but there the problem was that Docker could not be run without sudo, which is not the case here.
What is particularly strange is that this was working just a few days ago, and as far as I know nothing on the machine has changed. Same PyCharm setup, same Docker, same OS. I'm on
Python Community Edition 2021.2.3
Docker version 20.10.22, build 3a2c30b
Mac OSX Ventura 13.1
I have tried restarting the system.
Any ideas on what is broken?
The problem was that /var/run/docker.sock did not exist.
More details are in this Docker support forum thread.
This fix was to create the following softlink:
ln -s ~/.docker/run/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock

Hitting docker rate limit without pulling at all

I have a computer that is running docker. Now I get the error toomanyrequests when I try to pull an image. The twist is, I get this error if Docker is just running and I do not pull anything. So by waiting I never get to pull anything, except if I change my IP. If I get a fresh IP, I can pull without a problem. But after a few hours, I cannot pull anymore from the IP that the computer that is running Docker is using.
To my knowledge, I do not have any other software running that should provoke a pull. Is there anything from Docker itself, that contact docker hub and is causing the rate limit to kick-in. I just have 3 simple services running in Docker: A web proxy, a database and keycload. This is on a VM running Ubuntu 22.04.
There are no other machine on my network that are running Docker. If I start other machines and start Docker there, this problem does not occur. For example, I can start Docker Desktop on another machine and pull lots of stuff and leave it running, I do not get toomanyrequests.
Can anyone offer an explanation what is causing this? How can I fix this?

Docker Desktop can't pull images but Docker on WSL2 and Ubuntu can

I've been running into an issue testing out a working, compliant docker environment. While Docker-CE on Ubuntu would work, getting the Docker Desktop app to work may be more viable in creating a compliant docker environment (ease of control). I run into this error when trying to pull from the Docker Desktop app:
This happens on both the corporate network and off, as well as on the VPN. There are no instances where I can successfully pull when using Docker Desktop. Using Docker on WSL on the same computer on the same network I can successfully use its full functionality. Please let me know if you have a solution to this. Thank you!

Docker is running but get error saying demon is not running

I'm really new to docker. I have installed docker on my windows 10 laptop.
Then I started docker service. Please refer below screenshots.
However it shows docker running icon of docker shows it is false.
This is out put I got in power shell opened as Admin mode.
Please support me to bring to docker working status.

Docker for windows, docker wont run the image, it just hangs

I am trying to get started with docker but for some reason, it does not start the image and just hangs. I downloaded the hello world image from docker hub. My OS is windows 10 64bit. I dont know where to find any docker logs. I am using windows containers. Is there something I am missing?
I tried running the same commands in powershell and it just hangs.
I want to use windows containers as you can see the setting below is switch to linux
