Environment variable $ydb_dist (/opt/yottadb/current) could not be verified against the executables path (/opt/yottadb/current/yottadb) - docker

I'm getting this error when pulling and running the yottadb/yottadb-debian latest docker image. I'm using the one-liner for docker on the vendor's site with no success.
Is this result expected based on my warning message? Is there something I need to do differently?
% docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/ydb-data:/data yottadb/yottadb-debian:latest-master
Unable to find image 'yottadb/yottadb-debian:latest-master' locally
latest-master: Pulling from yottadb/yottadb-debian
e756f3fdd6a3: Pull complete
46aff8aeff03: Pull complete
85c3e3e2f9eb: Pull complete
148d9d91d050: Pull complete
696701bd209c: Pull complete
650e51801ed7: Pull complete
e152d63a4881: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:2455efef59cf561bb1b97e8ede571a0b4533390754c4fa74b51e27b41a0a18b8
Status: Downloaded newer image for yottadb/yottadb-debian:latest-master
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
Error file is at /tmp/ydb_env_1_u6fTQt/err
%YDB-E-YDBDISTUNVERIF, Environment variable $ydb_dist (/opt/yottadb/current) could not be verified against the executables path (/opt/yottadb/current/yottadb)
Sourcing /opt/yottadb/current/ydb_env_set returned status 253

YottaDB docker images are all x86_64, and won't run on ARM64.
However, YottaDB supports ARM64 (aka AArch64) on Debian. You have to install it manually using the ydbinstall script. Post back if you need more help.


Docker: "Unable to pull 'tomcat:8.5' : no matching manifest for linux/arm/v7 in the manifest list entries"

On Raspberry Pi, I got an error when I tried to set up ODK-X Sync Endpoint.
I referred to the instruction from https://docs.odk-x.org/sync-endpoint-manual-setup/
This is the command I ran:
$ mvn clean install
The error message is as below:
Failed to execute goal io.fabric8:docker-maven-plugin:0.34.1:build (start) on project sync-endpoint-docker-swarm: Unable to pull 'tomcat:8.5' : no matching manifest for linux/arm/v7 in the manifest list entries
How can I solve this problem?
The error is fairly clear: tomcat:8.5, which sync-endpoint depends on, does not provide a manifest for the armv7 architecture. You can see this on the page for tomcat's 8.5 tag, showing that it only provides images for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64/v8.
If you need to use that Dockerfile as is and cannot change the tomcat version used, you will need to use a device with a matching architecture. If you are able to modify the Dockerfile and are willing to use a different version of tomcat, it appears that there are other tags which do support linux/arm32/v7.

Unable to find image 'acbuild:latest' locally

I'm attempting to compile Stygian's repack of AzerothCore as I want to add the Auction House Bot module. I have installed and set up Docker, cloned the repo and installed the module and patch, but I am receiving an error while trying to run the "./bin/acore-docker-build" command as outlined in the wiki.
I am running Windows 10 Pro
I have run the following commands:
Which appeared to work, and
Which produced the following error:
scott#DESKTOP-BGVSVR4 MINGW64 ~/Desktop/Stygian/StygianCore/Source
(master) $ ./bin/acore-docker-build unable to prepare context: unable
to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path: GetFileAttributesEx
C:\Users\scott\Desktop\Stygian\StygianCore\Source\docker\build: The
system cannot find the file specified. Unable to find image
'acbuild:latest' locally C:\Program
Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe: Error response from
daemon: pull access denied for acbuild, repository does not exist or
may require 'docker login'. See 'C:\Program
Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\bin\docker.exe run --help'.
Repacks are not supported by AC. You are probably using an older version of AC and not the latest.
You are getting the error:
Unable to find image 'acbuild:latest'
but in the latest version of AC, such image is baked in the same script that you're trying to run (./bin/acore-docker-build) and its Dockerfile is located in docker/build/Dockerfile.
Try to clone AC from the official repository and it will work.

Suse Linux docker file

I have a suse linux 12 ec2 instance. I have activated a image sles11sp3-docker-image using sledocker. In the Dockerfile when I try to install ibm java 1.6 using
RUN zypper in java-1_6_0-ibm, I get following error .
Refreshing service 'container-suseconnect'.
Problem retrieving the repository index file for service 'container-suseconnect':
Skipping service 'container-suseconnect' because of the above error.
Warning: No repositories defined. Operating only with the installed resolvables. Nothing can be installed.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'java-1_6_0-ibm' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
Resolving package dependencies...
No provider of 'java-1_6_0-ibm' found.
Nothing to do.
The command '/bin/sh -c zypper in java-1_6_0-ibm' returned a non-zero code: 104
Please help
According to the docs (https://www.suse.com/documentation/sles-12/singlehtml/dockerquick/dockerquick.html), running zypper ref -s only gets you repo URLs with 12 hour tokens. Moreover, this command only appears to work while running in Docker on a SLES12 host.
Once I push the image to a repo and run it on another host, zypper ref -s no longer works (same error as yours). I'm basically stuck pre-installing all the base stuff before I publish the image.

Docker library/base not found?

I'm new to docker then I tried this command to pull 'docker pull base' but an error of FATA[0008] Error: image library/base:latest not found
anyone knows this problem?
The image "library/ubuntu/" mentions:
General use Ubuntu base image.
Tags available are “latest” (equivalent to the tags “precise” and “12.04”), “saucy” (“13.10”), “raring” (“13.04”), “quantel” (“12.10”), and “lucid” (“10.04”).
The “latest” tag is equivalent to the most recent Long Term Support (LTS) release of Ubuntu.
This image replaces the deprecated “base” image.
So if you were trying to pull the latest ubuntu image, a git pull ubuntu:latest should work.

Docker build from source fails

After git clone from dotcloud/docker
cd docker
sudo make VERBOSE=1
Fetching https://net/http/cookiejar?go-get=1
https fetch failed
unrecognized import path "net/http/cookiejar"
Can any one please tell me what should i be looking at. I have Go 1.1 installed. The reason i wanted to build docker from src it to remove sys_rawio from lxc.cap.drop. I needed to make CUDA work with lxc containers. I was able to compile cuda code but while running it. I keep getting driver related error that says Operation not permitted.
Installed Go from https://go.googlecode.com/files/go1.1.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
As suggested by user creack in above comments.
cd docker/docker; go build; ./docker -d& ./docker version
I have docker build successfully now.
Docker can now be used to build docker and is the recommended (and only supported) method, see:
