OPA policy is working in policy playground but failing in cluster - open-policy-agent

I have created a policy for Nginx ingress annotation and I have tested it with the Rego playground (https://play.openpolicyagent.org/p/EEOfeSQHFo). Is not showing any error in the playground but when I deploy it in the cluster it is not working as expected.
Expected result:
When deploying the ingress manifest file, it should contain the annotation limit-connections and the value should be 5 or 10 or it should return the error.
Can somebody please review my rego code?

There's nothing wrong with your policy. The Kubernetes API server however expects the response to be formatted as an AdmissionReview object. The OPA docs on Kubernetes provides an example of how you may create one.


dotnet-isolated azure function container loads 0 of 1 function from metadata and then gives http status 204 (content not found)

I have .net 6 isolated function docker container that works locally but not in azure. The docker file copies the build output binaries to the home/site/wwwroot directory of the container based on the image mcr.microsoft.com/azure-functions/dotnet-isolated:4-dotnet-isolated6.0.
When I look at the live log stream I can see
the configuration is setup correctly as far as I can see but I don't have full access. its setup as dotnet-isolated and functions version 4. I can see its pointing at the right docker image.
I'm not sure what else to check troubleshoot why it doesn't start properly. Are the files in the correct location in the docker file? does it need anything else that I have missed?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, i should have mentioned that this is for a timer trigger only so there is no http triggers
In the Azure Functions:
For the Http Triggers, response comes in Http Status Codes.
For Timer Triggers, failed responses can be thrown in the form of exceptions but not the status codes.
I found an article in dontcodetired site where the author mentioned that we can write the status code manually which returns automatically during some situations which is taken care of by Azure Functions Runtime.
One of those situations is returning the status codes automatically in the case of failed operation like without the exception, function completes the execution without proper result which is a kind of internal server problem- it means the request of (any trigger type) is processed/succeeded but without proper response or operation result.

How to catch an ouppuit of a process or a command

I'm trying to write a rule where the condition depends on the output of a script.sh. I had tried several approaches, but I did not have success.
Searching in your documentation but didn´t find anything that help me. I tried several evt or proc, but neither of them given me any info.
In fact, this is the rule with I'm trying to see how I can find a workaround:
- rule: FIM Custom rule
desc: Testing rule
condition: access_log_files and (evt.type=close)
output: Test result (proc_name=%proc.name command=%proc.cmdline evt_type=%evt.type evt.args =%evt.args syslog_.facility_str=%syslog.facility.str syslog_message=%syslog.message)
priority: WARNING
Consider please that I´m running Falco on Docker with the last image.
When I execute in the Ubuntu host the command logger test, I recievedin the stdout of the docker falco container this message:
{"hostname":"dc95654c63c3","output":"01:21:29.759239580: Warning Test result (proc_name=python3 command=python3 /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/timer.py evt_type=close evt.args =res=0 syslog_.facility_str= syslog_message=)","priority":"Warning","rule":"FIM Custom rule","source":"syscall","tags":[],"time":"2022-12-17T01:21:29.759239580Z", "output_fields": {"evt.args":"res=0 ","evt.time":1671240089759239580,"evt.type":"close","proc.cmdline":"python3 /usr/lib/ubuntu-advantage/timer.py","proc.name":"python3","syslog.facility.str":null,"syslog.message":null}}
So please tell me what I can do.
In order to feed Falco with external sources of events (those that are not Kernel Syscalls) you'd need to use a Falco plugin. There are plugins to obtain events from Kubernetes, AWS CloudTrail, or even from GitHub. However, there is no plugin, that I know of, to obtain information from the standard output of a program or from Syslog.
Due to the nature of the project Falco, anyone in the community can contribute with such a plugin, so I invite you to join the Falco slack channel and ask around, or even write your own plugin.

CORS Fastapi Problem in dockerized deployment to Digital Ocean

I have deployed my first webapp at a digital ocean droplet.
The app has two docker containers running at :8000 and :5173
It has a frontend and a backend.
Originally I thought Cors is not enabled.
However after more research I think the issue lies with Fastapi as I've found other threads with similar problems.
Unfortunately none worked. There is talk on github and SO that fastapi and docker is the problem, but it works fine on my local machine. (in the container).
I tried these, this and pretty much everything I could find.
The error message is:
Access to fetch at 'http://<IP address>:8000/mdstats_player' from origin 'http://<IP address>:5173' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
GET http://<ip_address>/mdstats_player net::ERR_FAILED 200
In Fastapi I set up the allowed origins including that new IP address.
Exactly like https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/cors/ and it works locally originally getting the same error.
I also tried the wildcard and starlette.
I can access http://<ip_address>:8000 just fine.The container is running as expected.
On my local machine everything works as expected too. (i.e. backend and frontend containers can communicate).
The origins I set, (where ipaddress is my Digital Ocean IP address), the exact same one that gets denied, I think I have all variations, but maybe I am missing one?
origins = [
As a last chance:
I am also using svelte with vite.
In my docker-compose file I set:
- VITE_BACKEND_URL=http://<ip_address>:8000
original set to localhost
Many thanks in advance.
After trying pretty much everything I have found a solution:
instead of adding the middleware afterwards like they do on the fastapi tutorial
I did this:
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from fastapi.middleware import Middleware
app = FastAPI(middleware=middleware)
origins = [
middleware = [
I also had to add the network ips.
But the middleware part was crucial. Even with the network ips with app.add_middle_ware this won't work. I tried several times just to make sure that really is the solution since it seems like a lot of the other posts that come across have solutions that were just along the way since docker doesn't update everything each system update. See issues of docker on github.
Hope this helps someone. What insanity.

Add a URL path prefix to artifactory installation (Docker)

I'm running Artifactory CPP CE 7.7.3 and Traefik v2.2 using docker-compose. The service is only available over http://localhost/ui/. Now, what I need is an option which allows to add a URL path-prefix (e. g. http://localhost/artifactroy/ui).
My Setup
I used the described setup process from the Artifactory Docs suggest it.
My docker.compose.yaml is the official extracted from the jfrog-artifactory-cpp-ce-7.7.3-compose.tar.gz: ./templates/docker-compose.yaml.
I'm using a reverse proxy (traefik). For this, I've added the necessary traefik configuration lines to the docker-compose-file. Here is a small extract what I've added:
- "traefik.http.routers.artifactory.rule=Host(`localhost`) && PathPrefix(`/ui`)"
- "traefik.http.routers.artifactory.middlewares=artifactory-stripprefix"
- "traefik.http.middlewares.artifactory-stripprefix.stripprefix.prefixes=/"
- "traefik.http.services.artifactory.loadbalancer.server.port=8082"
With this I managed to access artifactory over http://localhost/ui/.
I have multiple small services running on my server, each of this service is accusable via http://localhost/<service-name>. This is very convenient and want to make clear that this URL is related to this service on my production server.
Because of this, I want to have an URL like http://localhost/artifactroy/ui/... instead of http://localhost/ui/...
I struggled getting artifactory setup in that way. I already managed to get a redirection from typing e. g. http://localhost/artifactroy/ to http://localhost/ui/ but this is not what I want on my production server.
What I did
Went through the documentation in hope of finding an option which I just can passt to artifactroy to add a prefix (Not successful).
Tried configure traefik two full days, to alter headers to get the repose point to http://localhost/artifactroy/ui/... (Only partially successful, redirection didn’t work afterwards)
Tried finding the configuration which is responsible for configure artifactory in $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc (Not successful)
Is this even possible? Help is highly appreciated..
This example (even though not traefic example) gives you a direction to implement it. There are certain routes already used within the product. You need to add a context over and above it to ensure all comes via the new context path.

How do i add Analytics to my existing wso2is? (WSO2 Identity Server)

Have deployed wso2is deployed on my k8s cluster using the Dockerfile mentioned in the https://github.com/wso2/docker-is/blob/5.7.x/dockerfiles/ubuntu/is-analytics/base/Dockerfile, its working fine.
Now the requirement has changed to have login stats (successful/unsuccessful/ failed attempts etc.) discover the Analytics support is the one use. But i am not quite sure how do i add this module into my Dockerfile?
Can someone list the various steps to install wso2is with analytics.
I have download the wso2is-analytics-5.7.0 zip, but i am not sure what else in the Dockerfile(from the link mentioned above) needs to change other than the :
"ARG WSO2_SERVER=wso2is-analytics"
Edited: so going once again the wso2is site : https://docs.wso2.com/display/IS570/Prerequisites+to+Publish+Statistics
Step 03: Configure Event Publishers , is these all optional? if already have wso2is deployed before?
because it says this "In a fresh WSO2 IS pack, you can view all the event publishers related to WSO2 IS Analytics in the /repository/deployment/server/eventpublishers directory."
Expected Result:
Have a working wso2is with analytics dasboard to track the login success/failure attempts.
thanks for your support, appreciate it!
Maurya (novice on wso2is)
The latest IS analytics-5.7.0, has different profiles, here, you need the following profiles,
Worker - Consume events from IS and process (This is consumed from event publishers in IS side, in the documentation, Step 3 and 4 are optional, that is documented for further understanding and not needed for deployment initially )
[1] https://hub.docker.com/r/wso2/wso2is-analytics-worker
Dashboard - This is to view the statistics
[2] https://hub.docker.com/r/wso2/wso2is-analytics-dashboard
[3] https://docs.wso2.com/display/IS570/Accessing+the+Analytics+Dashboard
