Xterm js custom terminal outputting wrong name using Neofetch or echo $TERM_PROGRAM - xtermjs

when i run neofetch or echo $TERM_PROGRAM through xterm js, it outputs vscode. So i wonder how to set a custom terminal name, like Hyper outputting Hyper, vscode outputting vscode, etc.
Sincerely, FormalSnake.


Twilio CLI setup; In autocomplete: What is "add the autocomplete env var to your bash profile and source it"?

I'm following the CLI setup for twilio and i get the following instruction from the command line on my mac (mojave) when i reach the autocomplete section of this document (https://www.twilio.com/docs/twilio-cli/quickstart). I do not know what i am being instructed to do here. Excuse my naivety.
1) Add the autocomplete env var to your bash profile and source it
$ printf "$(twilio autocomplete:script bash)" >> ~/.bashrc; source ~/.bashrc
NOTE: If your terminal starts as a login shell you may need to print the init script into ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile.
2) Test it out, e.g.:
$ twilio <TAB><TAB> # Command completion
$ twilio command --<TAB><TAB> # Flag completion
You can run the command:
printf "$(twilio autocomplete:script bash)" >> ~/.bashrc; source ~/.bashrc
from your OS-X terminal prompt, it will then append >> the output of that command to your ~/.bashrcfile. It then sources the contents of that file to populate your terminal environment (do you don't need to close your terminal and re-open it in this first instance).
From that point on, when you start a new Bash shell, you will be good to go (and don't need to run that command again).

Can't use commands from ipython or julia repls with zsh

When I try to run a shell command in ipython or the julia repl it just says
shell> ls
zsh:1: command not found: ls
Not sure if it matters, but I have my path set in zshenv instead of zshrc so that emacs shell works.
Any ideas?
I'm on macOS 10.14.6
For Julia, The shell> REPL prompt does in fact use a shell to execute its commands (on non-Windows systems). It effectively does something like run(`$shell -c ls`), and for most shells (including zsh) this means "non-interactive" mode and limits the number of init files that get loaded. You want to make sure your shell is working in this mode; I'd guess that if you type zsh -c ls at your terminal it'll be similarly broken.
Alternatively, you can customize which shell Julia uses through an environment variable. Setting JULIA_SHELL=/bin/sh is probably a safe bet — Julia uses that environment variable if it is set, otherwise it uses SHELL, and finally it falls back to /bin/sh if neither is set.
I'm not as familiar with ipython, but I'd wager it's doing something similar.

TeXShop and knitr

I run LaTeX on a Mac using the TeXShop editor. I have now been trying to set up knitr with this system, but seem to be failing.
With R, I have installed the knitr package using install.packages("knitr"). To set up TeXShop, I have saved this script
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/texbin:/usr/local/bin
Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit('$1')"
latexmk -pdf "${1%.*}"
shown here as ~/library/TexShop/engines/Knitr.engine.
Now I am trying to run it by opening TeXShop, select the Knitr engine from the dropdown menu, and execute this script which is recommended here "for absolute beginners". The script is saved as test.Rnw on the desktop.
However, nothing is happening, not even an error message. I am hoping there is this one thing that I should obviously do but failed to realize — e.g., include the path to R in the script. Any ideas?

make an lp script into functioning printer

I'm trying to print to separate printers simultaneously in Ubuntu 14.04
From all of my reading the best option I've seen is to write a script
that sends an lp command to the separate printers.
This is the script I've written so far
lp -d printer "$#"
lp -d printer2 "$#"
where printer and printer 2 are the actual printers installed on the system
This script works from a terminal, however I would like to be able to send print jobs directly to a "printer" that is actually the script I've written.
How can I make this lp script into a "printer"
Ok I didn't find a way to do this the way I originally intended, however it is possible with tea4CUPS
great cups backend tool with an easy config file
The install instructions are on the download page.
As for printing to multiple printers, add this command in the config file for every printer you wish to print to.
prehook_firstprinter: /usr/bin/lp -d Name of Printer -o raw $TEADATAFILE
Here are the simplest instructions I could write
1. download the tea4cups.gz
Extract it to the home folder, rename it to tea4cups
Open a terminal and run these commands
sudo cp /home/manifester/tea4cups/tea4cups.conf /etc/cups
sudo cp /home/manifester/tea4cups/tea4cups /usr/lib/cups/backend/
sudo chmod 700 /usr/lib/cups/backend/tea4cups
Run this command
sudo gedit /etc/cups/tea4cups.conf
Paste this in the bottom of the document
prehook_firstprinter: /usr/bin/lp -d Name of Printer yes the literal name in the printer window -o raw $TEADATAFILE
you will need a new line for every printer you have, so if you want to print to 3 printers you will need three of the above line each having the name of the printer it will be talking to.
save and close everything
open a terminal and run
sudo service cups restart
open a web browser and go to the browser cups controller
go to Add Printer
you should see a printer named "tea4CUPSnothing"
If you don't see it go back and press "Find Printers"
it should be there
Change the info of the printer to "Print all" for all type fields"
Press Continue
The generic printer driver works because the printer doesn't actually exist.
Press Continue
Set Defaults
you should be done, go to your printer window on ubuntu and do a test print.

I have to run "/bin/bash --login" everytime to use rake/rails commands?

whenever I switch directory in my terminal, I have to run the command "/bin/bash --login" before I can run rails/rake related commands. If I don't, I get an error saying "the program "rails" can be found in the following packages: ..."
Any advice?
By default some servers do not allow this due to permissions reason. You can place this in
~/.bashrc and it will automatically work when you open a new terminal
As per bash man page.
When an interactive shell that is not a login shell is started, bash
reads and executes commands from ~/.bashrc, if that file exists. This
may be inhibited by using the --norc option. The --rcfile file option
will force bash to read and execute commands from file instead of
When bash is started non-interactively, to run a shell script, for
example, it looks for the variable BASH_ENV in the environment,
expands its value if it appears there, and uses the expanded value as
the name of a file to read and execute. Bash behaves as if the
following command were executed:
if [ -n "$BASH_ENV" ]; then . "$BASH_ENV"; fi but the value of the
PATH variable is not used to search for the file name.
The file is just shell commands. It is typically used to change prompts, set environment variables, and define shell procedures. Traditionally, the file .profile is used for this purpose, but bash has so many extensions that it needs its own startup file for users that want to put bashisms in startup files.
Easy solution:
Just open terminal. GO to Edit menu from terminal navigation bar, Select "Profile Preferences", It will open "edit profile pop-up". Select "Title and Command" button and "check Run Command as login shell"
ctrl + alt + t -> Edit -> Profile Preferences -> Title and Command -> Check Run command as login shell
Close the terminal and open again. Next time you don't need to "/bin/bash --login"
