I am trying to copy the following template:
Where I would like to replace the tiger with an image of my own but first I would like to replicate this one.
On the page below I have the LaTeX code but it does not work. I obtain a few errors (out of the box)
(Code is here^)
Are there any similar title pages where I can replicate the following?
When I run the code it seems to work fine (except that the image of the tiger is missing), my compiler runs LaTeX -> drips -> ps2pdf, can TeXStudio do something similar?
I'm trying to generate png pictures of charts using knitr and latex standalone package. The following minimal code compiles but the output is pdf:
<<test-plot, echo=FALSE>>=
Now if I want to pass some options to standalone I must use curly brackets after convert=, but simply putting something like convert={true} will produce an error:
! Argument of \#fileswith#pti#ns has an extra }.
Something like convert={true, ghostscript, gsexe=gswin64c, density=1200} works fine with tikz charts.
Am I overlooking something or maybe a knitr shortcoming? Any ideas on how to go around?
I try to render \colorbox{yellow}{\sigma} and configurate the mathjax following http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/tex.html), but it just does not work.
Configuration I find from http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/tex.html (I tried with and without autoload-all.js, both don't work):
It looks like the same issue here on https://tex.stackexchange.com/
The problem here is that \colorbox reverts its argument back to text mode
Then you should write:
Convenient sites to test your syntax:
(add \usepackage{color} in the Custom LaTeX Document Preamble option to test colors)
here for Tex supported by mathjax.
Note: as \colorbox is displayed in red perhaps the command is not recognized, which means that your configuration contains errors. You can test with the macro require and write
Just created a markdown cell in Jupyter using some equations, and some of them using \mathscr to have like "math" fonts. When I run the kernel containing the equations everything is ok, however when I click the option to Download as PDF via LaTex, I'm getting the error below:
! Undefined control sequence.
l.300 [\mathscr
{L}({\bf{y}}|\beta, \sigma^2, {\bf{X}}) = (2\pi\sigma^2)^{-...
! Emergency stop.
l.300 [\mathscr
{L}({\bf{y}}|\beta, \sigma^2, {\bf{X}}) = (2\pi\sigma^2)^{-...
If I remove the \mathscr part everything can be exported with no issues (excepting some convertion problems for special characters), however, I wanted to know ho to solve it. I've been reading and it looks like the nbconvert configuration file can be modified to solve this, but I couldn't find the mentioned file and the exact way to modify it
Thanks for your help
I think the problem is with absent \usepackage{mathrsfs} directive in an intermediate .tex-file.
So you have a several ways to overcome it.
If you face with this problem occasianaly you could the following:
download the .tex-file instead pdf;
manually insert to \usepackage{mathrsfs} to it.
before the first \usepackage for example;
run something like
xelatex file.tex to finally convert to pdf.
If you will do it often, you could try to edit appropriate jinja-template.
At first, find the place where nbconvert was installed. For example with pip: pip show nbconvert. Imagine the path is /home/i/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages
Then the template would be at /home/i/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/nbconvert/templates/latex/base.tplx.
And again: just add \usepackage{mathrsfs} right after ((* block packages *)).
Voila -- the problem should gone.
At the end you have the third option -- you can create your own template from scratch and use it with nbconvert. I don't think it's very convenient way to solve your problem. You could read more in the documentation: http://nbconvert.readthedocs.io/en/latest/customizing.html
I am trying to generate Latex output from Doxygen ( on Windows 7 with DoxyWizard. My code is a small Python class and I just want the few pages that describe the class and its members or methods. Doxygen and Latex work fine but generate lots of empty or nearly empty pages (save a tree!).
When I set COMPACT_LATEX=YES then the first line of refman.tex becomes \documentclass[twoside]{article} . When I run the Make.bat (which in turn runs the Makefile), the Latex processing halts with:
! Undefined control sequence.
l.132 \backmatter
This is telling me that the article class is not expecting the usual front/back matter that would go in a book. With COMPACT_LATEX=NO, the first line is \documentclass[twoside]{book} and of course it runs fine but generates those extra pages.
Is there a way to suppress the backmatter in the Latex output when running with COMPACT_LATEX=NO ?
Perhaps this is a bug in Doxygen?
I'd like to read the Rails 3 source code on printed paper (and preferably in color).
For example, xv6 did a nice job printing their code. It even has line numbers and an index. The only thing I would like to add is syntax highlighting.
Anyone know how any of this is possible?
Here are two possibilities I found:
1. The Listings Package (could this also generate other formats besides PDF, like HTML?)
ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/listings/listings.pdf o
2. Highlight (does it do indexing?)
We could even add a rake task, print, that generates an up-to-date PDF.
I recomend you use highlight to turn the code into LaTeX and then use Listings to make it into a PDF, then print!