Trying to replicate a LaTeX front cover template - latex

I am trying to copy the following template:
Where I would like to replace the tiger with an image of my own but first I would like to replicate this one.
On the page below I have the LaTeX code but it does not work. I obtain a few errors (out of the box)
(Code is here^)
Are there any similar title pages where I can replicate the following?

When I run the code it seems to work fine (except that the image of the tiger is missing), my compiler runs LaTeX -> drips -> ps2pdf, can TeXStudio do something similar?


How to use latex standalone package with knitr?

I'm trying to generate png pictures of charts using knitr and latex standalone package. The following minimal code compiles but the output is pdf:
<<test-plot, echo=FALSE>>=
Now if I want to pass some options to standalone I must use curly brackets after convert=, but simply putting something like convert={true} will produce an error:
! Argument of \#fileswith#pti#ns has an extra }.
Something like convert={true, ghostscript, gsexe=gswin64c, density=1200} works fine with tikz charts.
Am I overlooking something or maybe a knitr shortcoming? Any ideas on how to go around?

Mathjax does not render colorbox correctly

I try to render \colorbox{yellow}{\sigma} and configurate the mathjax following, but it just does not work.
Configuration I find from (I tried with and without autoload-all.js, both don't work):
It looks like the same issue here on
The problem here is that \colorbox reverts its argument back to text mode
Then you should write:
Convenient sites to test your syntax:
(add \usepackage{color} in the Custom LaTeX Document Preamble option to test colors)
here for Tex supported by mathjax.
Note: as \colorbox is displayed in red perhaps the command is not recognized, which means that your configuration contains errors. You can test with the macro require and write

Why jupyter is not able to download as pdf a markdown cell using LaTex \mathscr?

Just created a markdown cell in Jupyter using some equations, and some of them using \mathscr to have like "math" fonts. When I run the kernel containing the equations everything is ok, however when I click the option to Download as PDF via LaTex, I'm getting the error below:
! Undefined control sequence.
l.300 [\mathscr
{L}({\bf{y}}|\beta, \sigma^2, {\bf{X}}) = (2\pi\sigma^2)^{-...
! Emergency stop.
l.300 [\mathscr
{L}({\bf{y}}|\beta, \sigma^2, {\bf{X}}) = (2\pi\sigma^2)^{-...
If I remove the \mathscr part everything can be exported with no issues (excepting some convertion problems for special characters), however, I wanted to know ho to solve it. I've been reading and it looks like the nbconvert configuration file can be modified to solve this, but I couldn't find the mentioned file and the exact way to modify it
Thanks for your help
I think the problem is with absent \usepackage{mathrsfs} directive in an intermediate .tex-file.
So you have a several ways to overcome it.
If you face with this problem occasianaly you could the following:
download the .tex-file instead pdf;
manually insert to \usepackage{mathrsfs} to it.
before the first \usepackage for example;
run something like
xelatex file.tex to finally convert to pdf.
If you will do it often, you could try to edit appropriate jinja-template.
At first, find the place where nbconvert was installed. For example with pip: pip show nbconvert. Imagine the path is /home/i/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages
Then the template would be at /home/i/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/nbconvert/templates/latex/base.tplx.
And again: just add \usepackage{mathrsfs} right after ((* block packages *)).
Voila -- the problem should gone.
At the end you have the third option -- you can create your own template from scratch and use it with nbconvert. I don't think it's very convenient way to solve your problem. You could read more in the documentation:

Doxygen COMPACT_LATEX seems to generate incorrect Latex

I am trying to generate Latex output from Doxygen ( on Windows 7 with DoxyWizard. My code is a small Python class and I just want the few pages that describe the class and its members or methods. Doxygen and Latex work fine but generate lots of empty or nearly empty pages (save a tree!).
When I set COMPACT_LATEX=YES then the first line of refman.tex becomes \documentclass[twoside]{article} . When I run the Make.bat (which in turn runs the Makefile), the Latex processing halts with:
! Undefined control sequence.
l.132 \backmatter
This is telling me that the article class is not expecting the usual front/back matter that would go in a book. With COMPACT_LATEX=NO, the first line is \documentclass[twoside]{book} and of course it runs fine but generates those extra pages.
Is there a way to suppress the backmatter in the Latex output when running with COMPACT_LATEX=NO ?
Perhaps this is a bug in Doxygen?

How to Print Rails Source Code?

I'd like to read the Rails 3 source code on printed paper (and preferably in color).
For example, xv6 did a nice job printing their code. It even has line numbers and an index. The only thing I would like to add is syntax highlighting.
Anyone know how any of this is possible?
Here are two possibilities I found:
1. The Listings Package (could this also generate other formats besides PDF, like HTML?) o
2. Highlight (does it do indexing?)
We could even add a rake task, print, that generates an up-to-date PDF.
I recomend you use highlight to turn the code into LaTeX and then use Listings to make it into a PDF, then print!
