Map parameter to label - jenkins

I have a pipeline parameterized by env which takes specific values shown below. The parameter is used in the script and cannot change. But the admin tells me that the labels for the agent have to depend on the parameter env and another fixed one (e.G. LABELX).
The problem I encounter is that, while the script requires exactly the values shown below, the label for the agent is not always ${params.env}, but in one case there's a mapping/translation to be made.
This is the extremely reduced groovy script:
pipeline {
agent {label "${params.env} && LABELX"}
parameters {
name: 'env',
choices: ['development', 'staging', 'production'],
stages {
stage('Process') {
steps {
sh """
# use ${params.env} in bash script
The mapping I need is as follows:
How can I replace the parameter staging with the label test before choosing an agent? I cannot do that in a script, because scripts are run by agents... I have to somehow do this before, inside the ${params.env} maybe. Or do I need an additional parameter (params.label)?

One way to solve it is to create a constant label mapping before your pipeline, and then use it in your pipeline to retrieve the needed value.
Something like:
LABELS = ['development':'development', 'staging':'test', 'production':'production']
pipeline {
agent {
label "${LABELS[params.env]} && LABELX"
parameters {
name: 'env',
choices: ['development', 'staging', 'production'],
stages {
stage('Process') {
steps {
sh """
# use ${params.env} in bash script
By the way, it is not recommended to call your parameter env as it may override or collide in some cases with the default env map that contains all the environment parameters of the job, including those defined in the environment directive.


jenkins - overriding environment variables on agent

I want to be able to override default values per build, via "Run with parameters".
Currently, to enable someone to override environment variables on the agent I have this in my Jenkinsfile...
pipeline {
parameters {
string(name: 'build_tsc', defaultValue: '', description: 'Override the path to the tsc executable')
stages {
stage('Compiling') {
steps {
script {
if (params.build_tsc) {
echo "Compiling with tsc override: ${params.build_tsc}"
bat "${params.build_tsc}"
else if (!env.JENKINS_TSC) {
error("tsc not set on agent")
else {
echo "Compiling with agent tsc: ${env.JENKINS_TSC}"
bat "${env.JENKINS_TSC}"
Is there a better way?
You can override the values in the JENKINS UI Node configuration page:
We do this where specific nodes have different configurations and have a groovy job that updates them based on the labels we have assigned (eg: WL1035 vs WL1036) when we add nodes or change the configuration.
You can also install the Slave Setups plugin to perform Node Configuration at launch time:
The above assumes you wish to override a global ENV or tool configuration for all jobs on the node.

Jenkins Pipeline Examples for Selecting Different Jenkins Node

Our Jenkins setup consists of master nodes and different / dedicated worker nodes for running jobs in dev, test and prod environment. How do I go about creating a scripted pipeline code that allows users to select environment (possibly from master node) and depending upon the environment selected would execute the rest of the job in the node selected? Here is my initial thought:
stage('Select environment ') {
script {
def userInput = input(id: 'userInput', message: 'Merge to?',
parameters: [[$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition', defaultValue: 'strDef',
description:'describing choices', name:'Env', choices: "dev\ntest\nprod"]
echo "Environment here ${params.Env}" // prints null here
stage("Build") {
node(${params.Env}) { // schedule job based upon the environment selected earlier
echo "My test here"
I am in the right path or should I be looking at something else?
Another follow up question is that the job that is running on the worker node also requires additional user input. Is there a way to combine the user input in one go such that the users would not be prompted with multiple user screens?
If you pass the environment as a build parameter when kicking off the job, and you have appropriate labels on your nodes, you could do something like:
agent = params.WHAT_NODE
agentLabels = "deploy && ${agent}"
pipeline {
agent { label agentLabels }
Ended up doing the following for scripted pipeline:
The code for selecting environment can be run on any node (whether master or slaves with agent running). The parameter can be injected into an environment variable: env..
node {
stage('Select Environment'){
env.Env = input(id: 'userInput', message: 'Select Environment',
parameters: [[$class: 'ChoiceParameterDefinition',
defaultValue: 'strDef',
description:'describing choices',
choices: "jen-dev-worker\njen-test-worker\njen-prod-worker"]
stage('Display Environment') {
The following code snippet ensures that script would be executed on the environment selected in the last step. Requires Jenkins workers with labels: jen-dev-worker, jen-test-worker, jen-prod-worker) available.
node (env.Env) {
echo "Hello world, I am running on ${env.Env}"

How to set Jenkins environment variables in run-time

I want to set some jenkins environment variables in run time based on my computation. How can i set this run-time in my jenkinsfile's step section.
for example: based on my calculation i get abc=1. How can i set this in real time in my jenkinsfile's step section so that i can use it later by calling $abc.
I am declaring my pipeline and environment variables as explained here:
i'm using Jenkins ver. 2.41
Here an example how to set variables and use it in the same Jenkinsfile.
The Variable versionToDeploy will be used by the build job step.
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
echo 'build the artifacts'
script {
versionToDeploy = '2.3.0'
post {
success {
echo 'start deploy job'
build job: 'pipeline-declarative-multi-job-deploy', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'version', value: versionToDeploy]]

How to set PATH in Jenkins Declarative Pipeline

In Jenkins scripted pipeline you can set PATH env variable like this :
node {
git url: ''
withEnv(["PATH+MAVEN=${tool 'M3'}/bin"]) {
sh 'mvn -B verify'
Notice the PATH+MAVEN as explained here :
A list of environment variables to set, each in the form
VARIABLE=value or VARIABLE= to unset variables otherwise defined. You
may also use the syntax PATH+WHATEVER=/something to prepend /something
to $PATH.
But I didn't find how to do it in declarative pipeline using environment syntax (as explained here :
environment {
DB_ENGINE = 'sqlite'
Ideally I would like to update the PATH to use custom tools for all my stages.
It is possible with environment section:
pipeline {
agent { label 'docker' }
environment {
PATH = "/hot/new/bin:${env.PATH}"
stages {
stage ('build') {
steps {
echo "PATH is: ${env.PATH}"
See this answer for info.
As a workaround, you can define an environment variable and use it in the sh step:
pipeline {
environment {
MAVEN_HOME = tool('M3')
stages {
stage(Maven') {
sh '${MAVEN_HOME}/bin/mvn -B verify'
Check the following link, this explains how to configure your tools.
Using the declarative pipeline things become a bit different but overall it is easier to understand.
Using the tool section in pipeline is only allowed for pre-installed Global Tools. Some tools are provided by plugins, but if it not exists I'am afraid you cannot use the environment setup via pipeline tool declaration.
I hope to be wrong!

Load file with environment variables Jenkins Pipeline

I am doing a simple pipeline:
Build -> Staging -> Production
I need different environment variables for staging and production, so i am trying to source variables.
sh 'source $JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/'
But it returns Not found
[Stack Test] Running shell script
+ source /var/jenkins_home/.envvars/
/var/jenkins_home/workspace/Stack Test#tmp/durable-bcbe1515/ 2: /var/jenkins_home/workspace/Stack Test#tmp/durable-bcbe1515/ source: not found
The path is right, because i run the same command when i log via ssh, and it works fine.
Here is the pipeline idea:
node {
stage name: 'Build'
// git and gradle build OK
echo 'My build stage'
stage name: 'Staging'
sh 'source $JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/' // PROBLEM HERE
echo '$DB_URL' // Expects http://production_url/my_db
sh 'gradle flywayMigrate' // To staging
input message: "Does Staging server look good?"
stage name: 'Production'
sh 'source $JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/'
echo '$DB_URL' // Expects http://production_url/my_db
sh 'gradle flywayMigrate' // To production
sh './'
What should i do?
I was thinking about not using pipeline (but i will not be able to use my Jenkinsfile).
Or make different jobs for staging and production, using EnvInject Plugin (But i lose my stage view)
Or make withEnv (but the code gets big, because today i am working with 12 env vars)
One way you could load environment variables from a file is to load a Groovy file.
For example:
Let's say you have a groovy file in '$JENKINS_HOME/.envvars' called 'stacktest-staging.groovy'.
Inside this file, you define 2 environment variables you want to load
You can then load this in using
load "$JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/stacktest-staging.groovy"
Then you can use them in subsequent echo/shell steps.
For example, here is a short pipeline script:
node {
load "$JENKINS_HOME/.envvars/stacktest-staging.groovy"
echo "${env.DB_URL}"
echo "${env.DB_URL2}"
From the comments to the accepted answer
Don't use global 'env' but use 'withEnv' construct, eg see:
issue #9: don't set env vars with global env in top 10 best practices jenkins pipeline plugin
In the following example: VAR1 is a plain java string (no groovy variable expansion), VAR2 is a groovy string (so variable 'someGroovyVar' is expanded).
The passed script is a plain java string, so $VAR1 and $VAR2 are passed literally to the shell, and the echo's are accessing environment variables VAR1 and VAR2.
stage('build') {
def someGroovyVar = 'Hello world'
withEnv(['VAR1=VALUE ONE',
]) {
def result = sh(script: 'echo $VAR1; echo $VAR2', returnStdout: true)
echo result
For secrets / passwords you can use credentials binding plugin
NOTE: CREDENTIALS_ID1 is a registered username/password secret on the Jenkins settings.
stage('Push') {
credentialsId: 'CREDENTIALS_ID1',
passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'USER')]) {
echo "User name: $USER"
echo "Password: $PASSWORD"
The jenkisn console log output hides the real values:
[Pipeline] echo
User name: ****
[Pipeline] echo
Password: ****
Jenkins and credentials is a big issue, probably see: credentials plugin
For completeness: Most of the time, we need the secrets in environment variables, as we use them from shell scripts, so we combine the withCredentials and withEnv like follows:
stage('Push') {
credentialsId: 'CREDENTIALS_ID1',
passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'USER')]) {
]) {
def result = sh(script: 'echo $ENV_USERNAME', returnStdout: true)
echo result
Another way to resolve this install 'Pipeline Utility Steps' plugin that provides us readProperties method ( for reference please go to the link
Here in the example we can see that they are storing the keys into an array and using the keys to retrieve the value.
But in that case the in production the problem will be like if we add any variable later into property file that variable needs to be added into the array of Jenkins file as well.
To get rid of this tight coupling, we can write code in such a way so that the Jenkins build environment can get information automatically about all the existing keys which presents currently in the Property file. Here is an example for the reference
def loadEnvironmentVariables(path){
def props = readProperties file: path
keys= props.keySet()
for(key in keys) {
value = props["${key}"]
env."${key}" = "${value}"
And the client code looks like
path = '\\ABS_Output\\EnvVars\\'
With declarative pipeline, you can do it in one line ( change path by your value):
script {
readProperties(file: path).each {key, value -> env[key] = value }
Using withEnv() to pass environment variables from file splitted by new line and casted to List:
writeFile file: 'version.txt', text: 'version=6.22.0'
withEnv(readFile('version.txt').split('\n') as List) {
sh "echo ${version}"
If you are using Jenkins 2.0 you can load the property file (which consists of all required Environment variables along with their corresponding values) and read all the environment variables listed there automatically and inject it into the Jenkins provided env entity.
Here is a method which performs the above stated action.
def loadProperties(path) {
properties = new Properties()
File propertiesFile = new File(path)
Set<Object> keys = properties.keySet();
for(Object k:keys){
String key = (String)k;
String value =(String) properties.getProperty(key)
env."${key}" = "${value}"
To call this method we need to pass the path of property file as a string variable For example, in our Jenkins file using groovy script we can call like
path = "${workspace}/"
Please ask me if you have any doubt
Here is a complete example of externalizing environment variables and loading them in Jenkins pipeline execution. The pipeline is written in a declarative style.
stage('Reading environment variable defined in groovy file') {
steps {
script {
load "./pipeline/basics/extenvvariable/env.groovy"
echo "${env.env_var1}"
echo "${env.env_var2}"
Complete code example:
Where variables are loaded from a groovy file placed with the pipeline code only.
This pattern comes very handy when you are creating a generic pipeline that could be used across teams.
You can externalize the dependent variable in such groovy file and each team can define their values according to their ecosystem.
Another solution is to use a custom method without allowing extra permissions such as for new Properties() which leads to this error before allowing:
org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: Scripts not permitted to use new java.util.Properties
or adding extra plugin methods such as readProperties.
here is a method which reads a simple file named env_vars in this format:
pipeline {
<... skipped lines ...>
script {
echo "show time! ${BAR} ${BAR2}"
<... skipped lines ...>
private void loadEnvironmentVariablesFromFile(String path) {
def file = readFile(path)
file.split('\n').each { envLine ->
def (key, value) = envLine.tokenize('=')
env."${key}" = "${value}"
