EXECUTE FORMAT() USING in postgres is showing error for $ - stored-procedures

i will directly get to the code rather than explaining too much
execute format('
"$1" = select "Source1" from temp_tables._%s;
'::text, (translate("Song_Id_"::text, '-', '_')))
using "Source1__";
the table is dynamically created and the table name is all fine as i have used that table to insert some data into it. if i run this code, the error i am getting is
ERROR: syntax error at or near "$1"
LINE 1: $1 = select "Source1" from temp_tables._24af1593_3539_49fd_9...
QUERY: $1 = select "Source1" from temp_tables._24af1593_3539_49fd_9ef4_29307f301d38;
i have tried other method too like
'$1 = select "Source1" from temp_tables._' || (translate("Song_Id_"::text, '-', '_')) ||';'
using "Source1__";
even this gives the same error.
note : "Source1__" is a variable of type text declared in the stored procedure where everything else is being executed too.

This is wrong. The EXECUTE command accepts only SQL statements. There is nothing statement like var = SELECT .... More - the you can pass just value by using clause USING. You cannot to pass any reference to variable. Solution is easy. Just use clause INTO
EXECUTE 'SELECT ... ' INTO target_plpgsql_variable
Please, read related documentation. Unfortunately, some parts the stored procedures are not extra intuitive because there is mix of two very different languages. It is good by reading documentation, because is hard to find correct solution without knowledge of possibilities and syntax.


Run Macro in PhpSpreadsheet

I'm doing a project that allow the customer to export the mysql data into .xls form. I'm using phpspreadsheet library.
That's done, but in my data contain lots of date, some of the date is 0000-00-00 means that it is not used.
I wanted to filter all of these '0000-00-00' into '-'.
I uses excel find and replace and save them as macro ( .bas )
What i have tried is
load the .bas file with IOFactory and reader in php, but it say the file format is not accepted
use substitute method in php loops that use to get the sql data value
$activeSheet->setCellValue('L'.$i, '=substitute('L'.$i ,"0000-00-00", "-')');
$i is 1 that will increase by 1 for each loop
This method failed when the i can't include the $i inside the substitute() because the of "" and
'' problem, I tried to change them around, but seem like the 0000-00-00 and - must use "", if
not the method is not recognise by the library that makes the $i can't be detect then...
Is there any way to solve any of these problems? or it can't be solve in the first place?
cause i can't found any explanation of macro in phpspreadsheet from community nor google.
When setting the value of the cell
if ($datefromselect == '0000-00-00') {
$activeSheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($colnum, $rownum, '-');
} else {
$activeSheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($colnum, $rownum, $datefromselect);
or get it done in the select as in
SELECT lastname,
if(date_closed = '0000-00-00', '-', date_closed)
FROM `lca_clients`

EPStatmentObject model not working?

Im trying to modify an epl by compiling it using the compileEPL() method and add more to e.g the where clause, however im havin trouble getting it work.
Lets say this is my epl:
select * from event where A = 1
and I want to add another where condition using the AND
and I compile the epl using compileEPL()
.add(Expressions.eq("B", )));
instead of giving me:
select * from event where A = 1 and B = 2 it just gives ..where A = 1 and not adding the new where clause.
Am I doing it wrong? The EPStatementObjectModel works fine for building an object EPL from scratch but not when compiling it and adding or modify it.
Does anyone know? Thanks.
The where-clause is rooted in an EQ since "A=1".
Expression equalsExpr = model.getWhereClause();
So construct an AND clause that holds the old EQ and the new EQ.
Expression and = Expressions.and().add(equalsExpr).add(Expressions.eq("B", ...));
Finally set the "and" as the new where-clause:
In summary, when modifying expressions to add "and": when old expression is not itself an AND you should build an AND node and add the old expression and new ones.

Clean MySQL tables with failed foreign checks

I have a giant mysql sql dump file. But I'm getting error when I try to import it because of foreign key checks. Somehow there is missing data, so I'm importing it with
and it works, but I'm looking for a solution for missing data.
So is there any automatic way to find and delete relation data with missing entries to get a clean database dump, or I have to go and write manuel SQL for every relation, write query to delete missing values ?
You can automate a delete statement like this:
CREATE DEFINER=`root`#`localhost` PROCEDURE `check_foreign`()
DECLARE vstmt VARCHAR(4000);
DECLARE vtbname VARCHAR(50);
DECLARE vtbnameref VARCHAR(50);
DECLARE vtbcolref VARCHAR(50);
DECLARE cr_tables CURSOR FOR select a.table_name, a.referenced_table_name, a.column_name, a.referenced_column_name from information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE a where a.table_schema = 'protocol_manager' and a.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME is not null order by a.table_name;
DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR not found SET finishing = 1;
OPEN cr_tables;
SET vstmt = '';
table_foreign_delete: loop
if finishing = 1 then
leave table_foreign_delete;
end if;
FETCH cr_tables INTO vtbname, vtbnameref, vtbcol, vtbcolref;
SET vstmt = CONCAT(vstmt, char(10), 'DELETE FROM ', vtbname, ' a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ', vtbnameref, ' b WHERE a.', vtbcol, ' = b.', vtbcolref, ');');
end loop table_foreign_delete;
select vstmt;
You can even do deep search to find a way to execute it dynamicly. For example a temporary table with a trigger. You generate a delete statement, insert it into the temp table, trigger the insert that fires a another (func, proc) to execute the statement generated.

How to create an update query with Open Office Base?

I want to create basically an update query on Open Office Base (the same way with Ms ACCESS).
Base does not typically use update queries (but see below). Instead, the easiest way to do an update command is to go to Tools -> SQL. Enter something similar to the following, then press Execute:
UPDATE "Table1" SET "Value" = 'BBB' WHERE ID = 0
The other way is to run the command with a macro. Here is an example using Basic:
Sub UpdateSQL
REM Run an SQL command on a table in LibreOffice Base
Context = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.sdb.DatabaseContext")
databaseURLOrRegisteredName = "file:///C:/Users/JimStandard/Desktop/New Database.odb"
Db = Context.getByName(databaseURLOrRegisteredName )
Conn = Db.getConnection("","") 'username & password pair - HSQL default blank
Stmt = Conn.createStatement()
'strSQL = "INSERT INTO ""Table1"" (ID,""Value"") VALUES (3,'DDD')"
strSQL = "UPDATE ""Table1"" SET ""Value"" = 'CCC' WHERE ID = 0"
End Sub
Note that the data can also be modified with a form or by editing the table directly.
Under some circumstances it is possible to create an update query. I couldn't get this to work with the default built-in HSQLDB 1.8 engine, but it worked with MYSQL.
In the Queries section, Create Query in SQL View
Click the toolbar button to Run SQL Command directly.
Enter a command like the following:
update mytable set mycolumn = 'This is some text.' where ID = 59;
Hit F5 to run the query.
It gives an error that The data content could not be loaded, but it still performs the update and changes the data. To get rid of the error, the command needs to return a value. For example, I created this stored procedure in MYSQL:
IN id_in INT,
IN newval_in VARCHAR(100)
UPDATE test_table SET value = newval_in WHERE id = id_in;
SELECT id, value FROM test_table WHERE id = id_in;
Then this query in LibreOffice Base modifies the data without giving any errors:
CALL update_val(2,'HHH')
See also:
Modifying table entries from LibreOffice Base, possible?

How can I call a DB2 stored procedure with OUT parameters from SQuirreL SQL?

I really like SQuirreL SQL as a SQL query tool, but I've never been able to get it to call stored procedures in our AS/400 DB2 database. I always get the error "The number of parameter values set or registered does not match the number of parameters." I've double-checked the number of params and had no luck. This is the syntax I've tried for a procedure that takes one IN and one OUT:
call SOMESPROC(12345, ?);
It seems that SQuirrel currently is not capable of doing that on AS/400 DB2.
Using the open source "SQL Workbench/J" (http://www.sql-workbench.net/) I was able to call a procedure:
wbcall SOMESPROC(12345, ?);
It has its own command for calling a procedure "wbcall". Use ? for out parameters.
Note: While installing SQL Workbench/J make sure to download the right DB2 driver from IBM and also add the licence file while adding the driver inside SQL Workbench/J.
In Squirrel you can use something like this. You'll want to make sure the type of the declared variable matches the type of your out parameter in the stored procedure.
If you also need to provide input for the procedure you could do this.
STORED_PROC_NAME('input', outParam);
You also need to change the statement separator to something other than ;. Otherwise it will break up the statement and try to send each piece individually.
In the pro version of DbVisualizer, with the "Process Parameter Markers in SQL" under the SQL Commander menu option enabled, it will allow the "?" param
call SOMESPROC(12345, ?);
through trial and error, I was able to see the results in Squirrel.
create or replace variable var4 char(1);
create or replace variable var5 decimal(3,0);
create or replace variable var6 char(60);
call getthedata('XXX',123456789,'1234567',var4,var5,var6);
select var4,var5,var6 from sysibm.sysdummy1; -- displays OUT parms
I would think that if there is one in then the call should be:
CALL SomeSProc(12345)
to get a result maybe try:
SELECT * FROM SomeSProc(12345)
Here is an tested example which works on Squirrel 3.7 with a db2 stored procedure . The trick is to passe with an transitional stored procedure MY_PROC_TEST to call the real stored procedure PROC_TEST.
change statement separator in squirrel > session > session properties > SQL : #
RESULT SETS 1 -- out resultset (call product)
DECLARE flag SMALLINT; -- out parameter
CALL MY_PROC('2015', flag);
Then you can call the sored procedure like this :
This will work in Squirrel if you change the delimiter (as specified above). However, to see what the variable is, you need to do the following...
In my example, I will set the delimiter to a tildy (~). Include after last "end", before "select". Code begins here...
declare inoutParm numeric(2,0);
call spMyStoredProcedure(
, inoutParm
declare global temporary table session.myTempTbl
(MyResult char(1024) )
with replace ;
insert into session.myTempTbl
values(inoutParm) ;
select myResult from session.myTempTbl
Mic Keeley
as400(db2) SQL Developer
I was able to cobble together some amalgamation of all of the above answers and came up with this which worked for me. I'm using Squirrel SQL 2018 connecting to an IBM AS/400 DB2 database. I did have to declare a statement separator, I used "#".
DECLARE success CHAR(1); -- output parameters
DECLARE message CHAR(300);
SET success = ' ';
SET message = ' ';
CALL myProc('some', 'params', 4, success, message);
INSERT INTO session.myTmp(s_res, m_res) VALUES(success, message);
# -- <- statement separator needs to be set to something other than ";" in this case it's set to "#"
SELECT * FROM session.myTmp;
change statement separator in squirrel > session > session properties > SQL : '#'
DECLARE inOutParam varchar(200);
set inOutParam = 'a value';
