WildFly change wsdl-host with a -D option - wsdl

Is it possible to override the value of wsdl-host with a -D option, in order to not modify the standalone.xml, and gain something like this to start the process?
./standalone.sh -b -Dwsdl-host=jbossws.undefined.host


Prevent systemctl restart mosquitto.service from resetting Dynamic Security

I'm trying out the Dynamic Security module for mosquitto and everything seems to work fine as long as I never systemctl restart mosquitto.service. After install mosquitto and enabling the Dynamic Security module, I ran these two commands:
mosquitto_ctrl dynsec init /etc/mosquitto/dynamic-security.json steve
systemctl restart mosquitto.service
Then I was able to create a user, role, subscribe and publish to a topic like this:
mosquitto_ctrl -u steve -P Pass1234 dynsec createClient john0
mosquitto_ctrl -u steve -P Pass1234 dynsec createRole role0
mosquitto_ctrl -u steve -P Pass1234 dynsec addClientRole john0 role0 1
mosquitto_ctrl -u steve -P Pass1234 dynsec addRoleACL role0 publishClientSend pizza allow
mosquitto_ctrl -u steve -P Pass1234 dynsec addRoleACL role0 subscribeLiteral pizza allow
mosquitto_sub -u john0 -P Pass1234 -t pizza
# then open a second terminal window and do this:
mosquitto_pub -u john0 -P Pass1234 -t pizza -m 'hi'
# result is the word `hi` appears in the first/original terminal window
I can repeatedly publish and subscribe to topics with the john0 user on the pizza topic.
However, the moment I have to reboot my server or if I run a systemctl restart mosquitto.service, then the john0 client no longer exists.
How do I prevent the john0 user and all the roles and access privileges from disappearing after a systemctl restart mosquitto.service?
Here's my /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf
persistence true
persistence_location /var/lib/mosquitto/
log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log
include_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d
allow_anonymous false
per_listener_settings false
plugin /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mosquitto_dynamic_security.so
plugin_opt_config_file /etc/mosquitto/dynamic-security.json
Also, in my /etc/mosquitto/dynamic-security.json, the only record taht exists is he one for steve. I do not see any other clients in the dynamic-security.json file.
Also, it seems if I manually edit the /etc/mosquitto/dynamic-security.json, it does NOT immediately take effect. I need to run systemctl restart mosquitto.service in order for the changes to take effect.
So I guess now my question is specifically how do I add clients and roles such that it meets all these criteria:
I can add them during run time and they immediately take effect without a systemctl restart mosquitto.service.
After a systemctl restart mosquitto.service, that the clients and roles still exist (ie. they are not deleted)
Mosquitto was configured to store its dynamic security state in /etc/mosquitto/dynamic-security.json.
Unfortunately, /etc/mosquitto is frequently not writable by mosquitto, for security reasons. State is generally meant to be stored in /var/lib/mosquitto, which Mosquitto is able to write to.
To fix this, change the configuration to read:
plugin_opt_config_file /var/lib/mosquitto/dynamic-security.json
If you have an existing dynamic-security.json file in /etc/mosquitto you can move it to /var/lib/mosquitto and retain whatever is currently in it:
mv /etc/mosquitto/dynamic-security.json /var/lib/mosquitto
chown mosquitto /var/lib/mosquitto/dynamic-security.json
chmod 700 /var/lib/mosquitto/dynamic-security.json
The chown line makes sure it's owned by the user mosquitto - if you run mosquitto as a different user, change this line to be the user you run it as.
The chmod line makes sure that only the file's owner (and root) can read the file. Even though the passwords in the file are encrypted, we don't want to make it any easier than necessary for an attacker to access it.
This happens due to permission issues for mosquitto
You can just simply do
chown mosquitto /etc/mosquitto/dynamic-security.json
After this when you use mosquitto_ctrl commands.
It will be visible in the json file.

redirect output from mosquitto_sub to .txt file and overwrite with each update

I'm trying to create a .txt file from a redirect from the mosquitto_sub command. I want the file to be overwritten each time it receives new data from MQTT.
This doesn't work:
mosquitto_sub -h -t "application/7/device/a8404117b18312e9/rx" > newtest.txt
This appends output at each new data received. I only need the latest in the file.
I'm not a programmer so there may be something simple I'm missing.
Thanks in advance
The best you a probably do here is to add the -C flag set to 1 which will have the client exit after the first message and place the command in a loop in a shell script.
This does have the possibility to miss messages if the rate of publication is high enough.
You will also need to use a temporary file for the redirect as it will zero out the target of the redirect as soon as it starts.
while true; do
mosquitto_sub -C 1 -h -t "application/7/device/a8404117b18312e9/rx" > temp.txt
mv temp.txt newtest.txt

Does `strace -f` work differently when run inside a docker container?

Assume the following:
I have a program myprogram inside a docker container
I'm running the docker container with
docker run --privileged=true my-label/my-container
Inside the container - the program is being run with:
strace -f -e trace=desc ./myprogram
What I see is that the strace (despite having the -f on) doesn't follow all the child processes.
I see the following output from strace
[pid 10] 07:36:46.668931 write(2, "..\n"..., 454 <unfinished ...>
<stdout of ..>
<stdout other output - but I don't see the write commands - so probably from a child process>
[pid 10] 07:36:46.669684 write(2, "My final output\n", 24 <unfinished ...>
<stdout of My final output>
What I want to see is the other write commands.
Now I should see the the other write commands - because I'm using -f.
What I think is happening is that running inside docker makes the process handling and security different.
My question is: Does strace -f work differently when run inside a docker container?
Note that this application starts and stops in 2 seconds - so the tracing tool has to follow the application lifecycle - like strace does. Connecting to a server background process won't work.
It turns out strace truncates string output - you have to explicitly tell it that you want more than the first n (10?) string chars. You do this with -s 800.
strace -s 800 -ff ./myprogram
You can also get all the write commands by asking strace explicitly with -e write.
strace -s 800 -ff -e write ./myprogram

Nagios Percona Monitoring Plugin

I was reading a blog post on Percona Monitoring Plugins and how you can somehow monitor a Galera cluster using pmp-check-mysql-status plugin. Below is the link to the blog demonstrating that:
The commands in this tutorial are run on the command line. I wish to try these commands in a Nagios .cfg file e.g, monitor.cfg. How do i write the services for the commands used in this tutorial?
This was my attempt and i cannot figure out what the best parameters to use for check_command on the service. I am suspecting that where the problem is.
So inside my /etc/nagios3/conf.d/monitor.cfg file, i have the following:
define host{
use generic-host
host_name percona-server
alias percona
## Check for a Primary Cluster
define command{
command_name check_mysql_status
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/pmp-check-
mysql-status -x wsrep_cluster_status -C == -T str -c non-Primary
define service{
use generic-service
hostgroup_name mysql-servers
service_description Cluster
check_command pmp-check-mysql-
When i run the command Nagios and go to monitor it, i get this message in the Nagios dashboard:
status: UNKNOWN; /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/pmp-check-mysql-status: 31:
shift: can't shift that many
You verified that:
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/pmp-check-mysql-status -x wsrep_cluster_status -C == -T str -c non-Primary
works fine on command line on the target host? I suspect there's a shell escape issue with the ==
Does this work well for you? /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/pmp-check-mysql-status -x wsrep_flow_control_paused -w 0.1 -c 0.9

Distributed RabbitMQ Nodes don't recognize each other

I'm working on a RabbitMQ distributed POC and I'm stuck at the basics of clustering the nodes.
I'm trying to follow the rabbit's tutorial on clustering so this is my reference.
After installing erlang (R14B04) and rabbit (2.8.2-1) I've copied the .erlang.cookie file contents from one node to the other two.
I wasn't sure about how to get erlang to notice this change to I had to restart the machines themselves (pretty brute force but I don't know erlang at all).
In addtion I opened in iptables 4369 and 5 additional ports for communications and placed under
/usr/lib64/erlang/bin/sys.config the following config:
{kernel,[{inet_dist_listen_min, XX00},{inet_dist_listen_max,XX05}]}]
Then another restart (dumb I know) to verify erlang takes these into consideration but still when I run:
rabbitmqctl cluster rabbit#HostName1
I get:
Clustering node rabbit#HostName2 with [rabbit#HostName1] ...
Error: {no_running_cluster_nodes,[rabbit#HostName1],
There is a chance my fiddling with the erlang.cookie or with the ports did not succeed but I don't know how to check them. I tried typing erl in the cmd and then erl_epmd:names() or other commands to get more information but I'm probably way off in erlang land.
Would truly appreciate any help
I tried pinging two erlang nodes manually and got pang back.
I did the following:
Connected to two nodes, stopped rabbitmq (wasn't sure if needed but to be sure), started erlang like so (erl -sname dilbert and erl -sname dilbert2) when the erlang command line started i ran node(). on each of them and got dilbert#HostName1 and dilbert2#HostName2 respectively. I then tried to run net_adm:ping('dilbert'). and net_adm:ping('dilbert#HostName1'). with the single quote and without them from both nodes (changed names of course) and got on all 8 cases pang.
When I ran nodes(). on one of the machines I got back an empty array.
I've also tried to allow all traffic in the firewall (script) and then try to run the above commands (don't worry they're back on now) and still got back pang.
For some reason I had cookies mismatch which I needed to resolve (thanks #kjw0188 for the suggestion [I ran erlang:get_cookie(). in the erlang command line]).
This did not help and I needed to stop iptables completely (not sure why but I'll figure it soon) and load the erlang node with -name dilbert#my-ip because my rackspace servers have no dns-name. This finally enabled me to get a pong and see the nodes see each other (nodes(). returns a non-empty array after the ping).
The problem I'm facing now is how to instruct RabbitMQ to use -name instead of -sname when starting erlang.
So I had multiple issues with connecting my two RabbitMQ nodes-
I'll add that my nodes are hosted on rackspace, and so don't have a default exposable hostname, and require iptables since there is no DMZ or built in security group concept like amazon.
1. Cookie- Not sure how or why but I had multiple instances of .erlang.cookie (in /root, in my home directory and in /var/lib/rabbitmq/) I kept only the one in rabbitmq and verified all nodes have the same cookie.
2. IPTables- In order for the nodes to communicate I needed to open the epmd port and the range of ports for the actual communication inet_dist_listen_min inet_dist_listen_max.
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p tcp --dport ${epmd} -s ${otherNode} -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p tcp --dport ${inet_dist_listen_min}:${inet_dist_listen_max} -s ${otherNode} -j ACCEPT
empd is the usuall 4369 port and for the other range use whatever range you want.
${otherNode} is the ip of my other node.
I also needed to configure erlang through rabbitmq to use these ports (see config file at end)
3. HostName- Seeing as I don't have a hostname I needed to edit the rabbit scripts to use -name and not -sname (the first tells erlang to take the whole name, the latter stands for short name and thus appends an # symbol and the hostname).
This was accomplished by editing:
Added at the beginning the definition of the RABBITMQ_NODE_IP_ADDRESS property
and in the actual erl command I changed
-sname ${RABBITMQ_NODENAME} \ to
This made rabbitmq listen only on the specified ip address (specified in the config file at the end) and load with that ip instead of the usuall hostname.
edited /usr/lib/rabbitmq/bin/rabbitmq-server
Changed the actual erl command from -sname ${RABBITMQ_NODENAME} \ to -name ${RABBITMQ_NODENAME}#${RABBITMQ_NODE_IP_ADDRESS}\
Added a rabbit conf (/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf) file with-
#the ip address which rabbit should use, this is to limit rabbit to only use internal rackspace communication and not publicly accessible ports
#had to change the nodename becaue otherwise rabbitmq used rabbit#Hostname and not only rabbit
#This instructed rabbit to instruct erlang which ports it should use for its communications with other nodes
export SERVER_ERL_ARGS="$SERVER_ERL_ARGS -kernel inet_dist_listen_min somePort -kernel inet_dist_listen_max someOtherBiggerPort"
Some resources which helped me along the way:
RabbitMQ Clustering Guide
Clustering RabbitMQ servers for High Availability
rabbitmq-env.conf(5) manual page
Node communication by public IP address erlang mailing list (The middle post)
Configuring RabbitMQ Cluster on Cloud
Hope this will help anyone else.
Not sure how I was mistaken but it seemed my erlang-rabbit port instructions were not taken into consideration or were not enough. Ended up having to allow all communications between the two nodes...
One thing to really watch out for is whitespace of any kind in the erlang cookie file, especially line breaks AFTER the contents of the cookie. So long as both are identical, things are okay, but when one has a line break and the other doesn't, thing won't work.
Background: I was facing the same issue while setting up Rabbitmq cluster. I was using 2 docker containers running on my host-machine, which is equivalent to 2 separate nodes and I could not create a cluster of these two.
Solution: 1. Make sure you have same erlang cookie on all your cluster nodes, the default location is /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie. This file is used for authentication, so make sure, you have it same on all the nodes. After changing the .erlang.cookie restart your rabbitmq service.
Make sure that nodes are accessible from one other, use ping or telnet to check the connection.
Check that /etc/hosts have correct entries, for example if rabbit2 wants to join cluster rabbit1, /etc/hosts of rabbit2 should contain. rabbit1 rabbit2
Now stop service using $rabbitmqctl stop_app followed by $rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit#rabbit1, start your service by rabbitmqctl start_app and check $rabbitmqctl cluster_status to see weather you have joined the cluster or not.
I followed the rabbitmq official documentation to setup the cluster.
to change RabbitMQ sname/name behaviour you can edit the scripts:
In script rabbitmqctl there is the following piece of code:
exec erl \
-pa "${RABBITMQ_HOME}/ebin" \
-noinput \
-hidden \
-sname rabbitmqctl$$ \
-s rabbit_control \
-extra "$#"
You have to change it in:
exec erl \
-pa "${RABBITMQ_HOME}/ebin" \
-noinput \
-hidden \
-name rabbitmqctl$$ \
-s rabbit_control \
-extra "$#"
so you need to copy the cookie from the node you trying to connect
example :- rabbit#node1
go to rabbit#node1 and copy the cookie from cat /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie
go to rabbit#node2 remove the current cookie and paste the new one.
on same node
/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl stop_app
/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl reset
/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl cluster rabbit#node1
should do it.
same documented here.
