Plugin strip ~ How to exclude a specific file whose extension was included generally? - rollupjs

I'm using the rollup plugin strip to exclude the console.logs in the production built with following settings
plugins: [
include: ['**/*.(js|svelte)'],
labels: ['dev'],
functions: ['console.log'],
I now have the situation that I would like to keep one special log in production. So I created a function in a new file logInProduction.js
export function logInProduction(msg) {
throw new Error('PRODUCTION')
and added the file to the plugin options by adding this line
exclude: ['logInProduction.js'],
But when calling the function, the error is thrown, so the function was called, but the log before doesn't appear.
Is this because the .js ending is generally included before so the specific exclusion doen't have any effect? Is it possible to do this?
Or is there another maybe better way to keep one specific console.log?

Problem was, that the filename was missing the directory, so
exclude: ['src/utils/logInProduction.js'],
exclude: ['**/logInProduction.js'],
does work


Commandline to add and exception in edge to allow download and run JNLP

I have the issue I would like to automate via a script so tat .jnlp will be added as an allowable type of file , is there a command like or powershell or regedit that will add it?
The latest file types policies are published in the Chromium source code. You could clearly see that the danger_level of .jnlp type files is DANGEROUS. Therefor Edge will warn users that this file may harm their computers. Let users continue or discard the file.
If you ensure that the content(download file) on the site is safe, you can use this policy to specify the file types that are allowed to be downloaded continuously from a specific site: ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings.
[ { "file_extension": "jnlp", "domains": [""] }, { "file_extension": "exe", "domains": [""] }, { "file_extension": "swf", "domains": ["*"] } ]
If you want to achieve the same function through the registry, you can set it under this path: SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ExemptDomainFileTypePairsFromFileTypeDownloadWarnings

I'm getting an error building a sveltekit project

I'm building a sveltekit project. One thing I've done is created a custom type of file which is converted to a *.svelte file upon building or running the development server. By default, sveltekit includes the rollup extension rollup-plugin-dynamic-import-variables which is trying to parse my custom file (who knows why?) and throwing an "unexpected token" error. I'm trying to configure that extension to ignore my custom files, but so far without success. Here is my attempted svelte.config.js file:
// #type {import('#sveltejs/kit').Config}
var config;
import adapter from '#sveltejs/adapter-static';
import dynamicImportVariables from 'rollup-plugin-dynamic-import-variables';
config = {
kit: {
// --- hydrate the <div id="svelte"> element in src/app.html
target: '#svelte',
adapter: adapter({
pages: 'build',
assets: 'build',
fallback: null
vite: {
plugins: [
warnOnError: true,
exclude: '**'
export default config;
To be honest about it, I don't use dynamic imports anywhere and therefore would accept as a solution the complete disabling of the extension. But anything that would get it to ignore my custom files would also work.
UPDATE: SvelteKit 1.0.0-beta now requires pages/endpoints to follow a specific naming pattern, so explicit file exclusion should no longer be needed.
SvelteKit specially handles files in the routes/ directory with the following filenames (note the leading + in each filename):
All other files are ignored and can be colocated in the routes/ directory.
If, for some reason, you need to have a file that has a special name shown above, it's currently not possible to exclude that file from special processing.
Original outdated answer:
The rollup-plugin-dynamic-import-variables is actually included by Vite. To configure Vite's plugin, set the build.dynamicImportVarsOptions property:
// svelte.config.js
/** #type {import('#sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
kit: {
// hydrate the <div id="svelte"> element in src/app.html
target: "#svelte",
vite: {
build: {
dynamicImportVarsOptions: {
exclude: [/node_modules/, /\.starbucks$/],
export default config
But that's not going to fix the problem...
SvelteKit processes all files under src/routes/ so that they're automatically imported in the output application (in .svelte-kit/build/app.js), which will result in the same error.
Option 1: Private modules
You could exclude a src/routes/*.starbucks file by making it a private module, which has a leading underscore in the filename:
src/routes/_home.starbucks ๐Ÿ‘ˆ
src/routes/_index.starbucks ๐Ÿ‘ˆ
Option 2: Move files outside src/routes
Alternatively, move those *.starbucks files outside of src/routes/ (e.g., into src/starbucks/ or src/lib/):
src/starbucks/home.starbucks ๐Ÿ‘ˆ
src/starbucks/index.starbucks ๐Ÿ‘ˆ
src/lib/home.starbucks ๐Ÿ‘ˆ
src/lib/index.starbucks ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

Using StealJS to load Bower components lacking a bower.json file

I am using the StealJS + Bower integration in my application, but a couple of my Bower components (including es6-collections) do not contain a bower.json file. Because es6-collections is one of the dependencies in my project's bower.json file, StealJS tries to load the es6-collections component's bower.json file, cannot find it because it does not exist, and complains: Unable to load the bower.json for es6-collections. I tried using System.config({ path: { 'es6-collections': '...' } }) to notify StealJS of the path to the script to use when loading es6-collections, but that does not help. What can I do to get StealJS to load this component?
So I am going to make a few assumptions:
you are using steal from bower
you are "bower install"'ing es6-collections from github directly
you are implicitly using the system-bower plugin by using the HTML <script src="bower_components/steal/steal.js" main="main"></script> to load your "main" file
If these things seem mostly true-ish then you may just have to add some configuration in your bower.json file to silence the error/warning and have everything work as expected.
So because the system-bower plugin (which you are using implicitly because steal detects it is being loaded from a bower_components directory) uses the components bower.json files to determine entry points, so in this case the error/warning comes from not being able to find es6-collections bower.json file.
So we just need to tell System (used by steal) where to find that module and that it can stop looking for it's bower.json file.
We can do that by adding a "system" property to the bower.json and adding some configuration data like this...
"system": {
"paths": {
"es6-collections": "bower_components/es6-collections/index.js"
"bowerIgnore": ["es6-collections"],
"meta": {
"es6-collections": {
"format": "global"
The paths configuration there, tells System where to find the module
The bowerIgnore array tells system-bower to not look for the bower.json for that module
and the meta config is there to tell System to treat this module like it's a script that is going to add to the global object (window in the browser), which you should probably do for this particular module because of the way es6-collections was written: it exports an empty object if it has nothing to pollyfill so you can't use the exported object, best to just use it as if it was a global module.
For more information on all these things...
Just to have a working example here are three files you can copy-paste/clone and then do a bower install and see it working.

Karma + Rails: File structure?

When using the karma javascript test library (nรฉe Testacular) together with Rails, where should test files and mocked data go be placed?
It seems weird to have them in /assets/ because we donโ€™t actually want to serve them to users. (But I guess if they are simply never precompiled, then thatโ€™s not an actual problem, right?)
Via this post:!topic/angular/Mg8YjKWbEJ8
I'm experimenting with something that looks like this:
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
pattern: 'app/assets/javascripts/*.{js,coffee}',
watched: true,
included: false,
served: false
It watches app js files, but doesn't include them or serve them, instead including the application.js served by rails and sprockets.
I've also been fiddling with , but haven't found a way to use requirejs to include js files from within gems (such as jquery-rails or angularjs-rails).
We ended up putting tests and mocked data under the Rails appโ€™s spec folder and configuring Karma to import them as well as our tested code from app/assets.
Works for us. Other thoughts are welcome.
Our config/karma.conf.js file:
basePath = '../';
files = [
//our app!
// and our tests
// mocked data
autoWatch = true;
browsers = 'PhantomJS'.split(' ')
preprocessors = {
'**/*.coffee': 'coffee'
I found this project helpful as a starting point. It is explained by the authors on their blog.
It's an example rails app with angular.js and karma test runner.

Dojo custom build with NLS / localisation

I have a problem implementing a cross domain custom build in Dojo.
The situation is as follows: i have a pretty large application, with a good number of localisation bundles, so basicly the directory structures is like
core\ (my module)
When building my module the result is a big core.js/core.xd.js file, which, bien sur, does not contain the localisations. In the localisation nls directories (en/fr/etc) i find after the build each bundle builded/minified, and a bigger file for each language, core_fr.js/core_en.fs, which contains only Dojo/Dijit related strings.
so my build script is
layers: [
resourceName: "core",
name: "../core/trusted.js",
dependencies: [
prefixes: [
["core", "../core"]
In the core.controller.Fusebox class i try to load 1 nls
dojo["requireLocalization"]("core", "FuseboxContent");
here it will die, however with
availableFlatLocales is undefined
[Break on this error] var locales = availableFlatLocales.split(",");\r\n
My config in the html file is :
// version build
var djConfig = {
baseUrl: 'https://..../',
modulePaths: { 'core': 'core'},
useXDomain: true,
xdWaitSeconds: 10,
parseOnLoad: true,
afterOnLoad: true,
// debugAtAllCosts: true,
isDebug: true,
locale: "fr"
and then
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://..../core/trusted.js.uncompressed.js"></script>
I used the uncompressed for debug, of course.
The problem is that, on runtime, Dojo tries to load my bundles and can not find them, and i would like to embed them in my layer file, so no extra loads will be required.
Can this be achieved? And while we're at it, are there any working sites/examples with cross domain localisations?
UPDATE: i continued my analysis and the problem seems to lay in the fact that i am dynamicaly loading nls, so the build parser can not find the requireLocalization() calls. Therefore the project nls file contains only dojo/dijit related content. However, i added a few bundle loads in a dummy file, and the content of core/nls is still ignored by the builder.
Thanks for any info, i am pretty much at the end of my searches, there isn't much on the net on this subject.
I had a similar issue a few days ago. First of all, you can get around the error by setting the available locales as the 4th parameter of the requireLocalization call.
dojo.requireLocalization("core", "FuseboxContent", null, "en,fr");
though you should not have to do that.
Did you try including the localization as follows?
dojo.requireLocalization("core", "FuseboxContent"); // and not dojo["require..."]
