Electron ipcRenderer.sendSync() returning undefined - electron

I'm writing an app with the electron-react-boilerplate framework.
I've been following a tutorial here: https://riptutorial.com/electron/example/19713/synchronous-ipc-communication
In my renderer process I have:
let a = window.electron.ipcRenderer.sendSync('LIST', []);
and in my main process:
ipcMain.on('LIST', (event) => {
event.returnValue = 'test';
However the value 'a' is undefined when it is logged. What am I doing wrong?

I realised what I did wrong.
In preload.ts I exposed the function sendSync like below:
sendSync(channel: Channels, args: unknown[]) {
ipcRenderer.sendSync(channel, args);
...this didn't return anything, hence the undefined. I should have done:
sendSync(channel: Channels, args: unknown[]) {
return ipcRenderer.sendSync(channel, args);
Now it returns as expected!


Debugging Worker thread in electron

I'm testing out worker_thread on an electron application. I'm currently using version 11.0.2.
The code is simple and is working and returning the sample data but I cant seem to step into the code.
Main Process:
import { Worker, isMainThread, workerData } from 'worker_threads';
config.ipcMain.on('entries:search', (evt: any, opts: any) => {
if (isMainThread) {
const pathWorker = path.join(__dirname, '../data/entries_worker.js');
const worker = new Worker(pathWorker, {
workerData: opts.value,
worker.on('message', (data) => {
const d = 1;
worker.on('error', (data) => {
const d = 1;
worker.on('exit', (data) => {
const d = 1;
The worker file code:
import { workerData, parentPort } from 'worker_threads';
parentPort.postMessage({ status: 'Done' });
I'm using Visual Studio Code and I do put breakpoints and event the debugger statement but it never seems to break into the worker file.
The message event does receive the response from the script { status: 'Done' } and the exit event returns 0.
Any ideas on how I can stop at the breakpoint in the worker file entries_worker.js?
Found the following link about how it's not available right now. I'm not 100% sure if it has changed
ndb allow debugger worker thread. run in develop env like this:
"electron-dev": "ndb electron ."
When you use worker thread, you can found it easy:
You can also add breakpoints debug your code:

My spectron app.client doesn't contains all the methods

I'm trying to test my electron app using spectron and mocha, here is my file 'first.js' containing my tests:
const assert = require('assert');
const path = require('path');
const {Application} = require('spectron');
const electronPath = require('electron');
describe('GULP Tests', function () {
const app = new Application({
path: electronPath,
args: [path.join(__dirname, '..', 'main.js')]
//Start the electron app before each test
before(() => {
return app.start();
//Stop the electron app after completion of each test
after(() => {
if (app && app.isRunning()) {
return app.stop();
it('Is window opened', async () => {
const count = await app.client.getWindowCount();
return assert.equal(count, 1);
it('Clicks on the project creation button', async () => {
await app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded();
const title = await app.client.
return assert.equal(title, 'Welcome to GULP, !');
My first test is passing, but for the second one i'd like to do a click on an element, but my app.client does not contain a .click methods, and also no getText or getHTML. I've tried to import browser from webdriverio but it was the same problem, I get an error when testing saying me that those methods doesn't exists. I've red the spectron documentation and they're using .click and .getText methods regularly, why I don't get them ? I've imported spectron as it's said in the documentation to.
I have struggled with the same issue for a while. After much trial and error i changed my async methods to normal functions.
it('Clicks on the project creation button', function() {
const title = await app.client.
return assert.equal(title, 'Welcome to GULP, !');
Strange but it worked for me. hopefully it helps.

How to capture responsebody from newman

I want to capture the responsebody in Newman.
const newman = require('newman');
collection: require('./xxx.json'),
iterationData: './data.jsp',
reporters: 'cli'
}, function (err, summary) {
if (err) { throw err; }
console.log('collection run complete!');
I use the code above. it works fine but I want to capture the json output here from the call. How can I achieve it?
Perhaps you used a wrong term for retrieving json response body. If you want to just get the response body you need to parse JSON returned and to save it to a variable.
If you would use newman to run through command line there are everything is super simple:
let body = JSON.parse(responseBody)
and after test where you need to see the response you put this 2 lines of code.
But with your case perhaps you need that:
1) Callback option
const newman = require('newman');
collection: require('./xxx.json'),
iterationData: './data.jsp',
reporters: 'cli'
}, function (err, summary) {
if (err) { throw err; }
console.log('collection run complete!');
.on('request', function (err, data) {
// err, data can be used to write to files using the node fs module.
or the better and modern option:
let response = await newman.run({
collection: 'collection',
environment: 'env',
.on('request', async function (err, data) {
// err, data can be used to write to files using the node fs module.
Not sure I will be working as expected, but at least try.
Btw, where do you run these tests? just in clear env or use some runner framework.
Postman return execution summary in Callback function. after execution if you save the summary in callback and return it. you can access request/response/ headers.
function runcollection(callback){
collection: 'C:\\newman\\PMP Dependency latest collection\\Updated\\TestCollection.postman_collection.json',
environment: 'C:\\newman\\PMP Dependency latest collection\\Updated\\Test.postman_environment.json',
iterationCount :1
},function(error, summary){
runcollection(result => {console.log(result.run.executions[0].response.stream.toString())});

Calling a javascript function, which is passed as a parameter from a javascript library

I'm currently trying to implement the fullcalendar javascript library into an angular 2 dart webapp.
I'm having problems porting this javascript code to dart though:
events: function(start, end, timezone, callback) {
var generated_events=[
title : 'test',
start : '2016-08-08'
allDaySlot: false
//More options can go here
I've gotten as far as being able to pass a dart function to the events parameter with this code:
.callMethod('fullCalendar',[new JsObject.jsify({
'events': (start, end, timezone, callback){
List<FullCalendarEvent> generated_events= [
new FullCalendarEvent(title: "test", start: "2016-08-08")
print("Caught exception!");
'allDaySlot': false
//more options can go here
Where the FullCalendarEvent is a simple anoymous class structure:
class FullCalendarEvent{
external String get title;
external set title(String v);
external String get start;
external set start(String v);
external factory FullCalendarEvent({
String title,
String start
However the callback(generated_events); throws this exception:
NoSuchMethodError: method not found: 'call$1' (callback.call$1 is not a function)
With the help of Günter's replies I managed to fix the problem. Instead of doing callback(generated_events); I instead use callback.apply([generated_events]); Additionally instead of using
List<FullCalendarEvent> generated_events= [
new FullCalendarEvent(title: "test", start: "2016-08-08")
I instead use:
var generated_events = new JsObject.jsify([{'title':'test','start':'2016-08-08'}]);
My working code looks like this:
.callMethod('fullCalendar',[new JsObject.jsify({
'events': (start, end, timezone, callback){
var generated_events = new JsObject.jsify([{'title':'test','start':'2016-08-08'}]);
print("Caught exception!");
'allDaySlot': false
//more options can go here
A JS function should be callable with

Why is should.be.type() failing with "TypeError: (intermediate value).should.be.type is not a function"

I do not understand why the following test is failing with the error:
TypeError: (intermediate value).should.be.type is not a function
describe('#Option object', function() {
it('returns value as whatever type was passed to the constructor', function() {
var o = function() {
this.getValue = function() {
return new Date();
var i = new o();
I've read [most] of the Should.js documentation but I must be missing something. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with my test?
Actually only one thing wrong. You read not should.js docs, but unit.js docs - it is not related to should.js at all.
Correct link.
Correct code will be:
