I'm using Microsoft Graph in C# to interact with the Azure AD, now I need to build a teams bot that sends a welcome message to the user that was added to the directory, even if the user hasn't had a previous conversation with the bot. How can I implement that if the conversation reference is null?
You would require to install the bot app using Graph API and then get the conversation reference to send welcome message.
See following reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/graph-api/proactive-bots-and-messages/graph-proactive-bots-and-messages?tabs=dotnet
If the bot app is meant to be pre-installed for all users or a defined set of users in the organization, you can use Setup policies to install it - see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies . It will require the Teams administrator(s) in your organization to configure this.
I am trying to use Microsoft.Graph to send add a message to a chat. I have successfully found my team and created a channel for the messages to go into but when I try to actually send the message, I get a Forbidden error message. This is covered by the ticket:
Microsoft Graph API for Teams: Send Channel/ Chat messages and I am getting the same problem that #Koelier originaly got.
The reason that this is not fixed is that following the answer does not fix my problem. Indeed, the ChannelMessage.ReadWrite.All does not appear in my list. I am looking for the app to run as a service, in the background so the Application Permissions is the method I need to use.
I note that I am not alone in this as #johnnycardy notes that he has had exactly the same problem as me. Furthermore, I linked to the document referenced by #nastassiar and it did not reference the ChannelMessage.ReadWrite.All at all. I can assume it did once but not anymore.
Any guidance would be gratefully received.
Just checked the permissions to perform the same using graph explorer and the below are the ones that I had to add.
ChannelMessage.Send - Allows the app to send channel messages in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf.
Chat.ReadWrite - Allows an app to read and write your 1 on 1 or group chat messages in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf.
ChatMessage.Send - Allows an app to send one-to-one and group chat messages in Microsoft Teams, on your behalf.
Group.ReadWrite.All - Allows the app to create groups and read all group properties and memberships on your behalf. Additionally allows the app to manage your groups and to update group content for groups you are a member of.
enter image description here
I am trying to use Graph API to automate the process of creating a Microsoft Teams app with a Bot app feature.
I found this Graph API endpoint called publish teamsapp which allows me to POST a Teams app package and instantiate a Teams app. Below, the "Appr 4 - MS Teams Test" app was created by uploading an app package to the aforementioned endpoint.
App published through Graph API
However, in order to complete this automation, I need to create a Bot app feature under "Configure > App features" of my Teams app.
My problem is that the publish teamsapp doesn't seem to support creating the Bot app feature. The app package' that you upload contains a manifest.json. The schema of this manifest only allows you to provide a Bot ID (presumably for an existing bot). You cannot specify the webhook URL for this bot and there do not appear to be any APIs to generate the bot's client secret.
App features
My question is, are there any Microsoft APIs that would allow me to create, read from, and write to bot app features? Ideally, I would like to be able to do the following:
Create the bot app feature
Retrieve the bot ID associated with the bot
Set the webhook URL of the bot
Create a client secret associated with the bot
Retrieve the client secret so I can store in my own database.
Is this step 1 to step a loop you would like to follow? I will consider Azure Logic APP to do the bot API call to create a bot - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/logic-apps/quickstart-create-first-logic-app-workflow
Also, there is a forum actively monitoring by Teams-dev member you may want to check there as well - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/topics/single/58062.html
Looking for the best course of action that would have the least impact on users to be able proactively message users with teams app (bot) installed but where they have not messaged the bot and the conversation reference was not captured at time of install.
The scenario is that have an enterprise bot that has been operational for over 3 years servicing 10s of thousands of employees. The bot is auto installed for all users in the tenant, but conversation references were only being stored in the last 2/3's of the applications life, and the install event was not being captured until recently. This was not an issue in past as all proactive functionality was predicated on some interaction with the bot.
I now have a need to be able proactively messages all users within tenant regardless of if they have messaged the bot or not, or if they last messaged the bot before conversation references were being stored. There are only a small subset of users the fall into this category.
Hoping some way to generate a conversation update, be it through graph or other means. The installationUpdate event through app update seemed promising as can update the application but seems only triggered if bot is added or removed
Review the information provided here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/graph-api/proactive-bots-and-messages/graph-proactive-bots-and-messages?tabs=dotnet
Here is what we do
If we have the conversation ID in our cache/persistent store, we use
it to send the message
If we dont have, we use GET
to get the chatid (the app id here is not the bot application ID, but the ID generated when the app is installed in the org app store and is available from the Teams Admin interface)
If the user does not have our app installed, we
install the app using the teamsAppInstallationId ID. This automatically generates a event without user intervention that
is sent to the bot which you can then use to capture the conversation ID.
POST /users/{user-id | user-principal-name}/teamwork/installedApps
This approach does require an Application Permission: TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForUser.All
You might look into using the List Teams functionality in the Graph API. You can use Graph to get teams and list their members, assuming you can grant your bot the necessary permissions. There are many features in the Graph API which might help you accomplish this.
To send a proactive message to user the bot requires the conversation reference. The conversation can be only retrieved when bot installed.
Without conversation reference you cannot send a proactive message using bot.
You can use Send message in a chat API to send message to chat with delegated permissions.
Could you please raise a uservoice for your case
I am new to bot development. I am working on creating a MS Teams bot using bot framework. The bot will be installed in ‘Personal’ scope in Teams, and it doesn’t have any tab / messaging extension etc. Once installed, I want to get the list of all the members/ channels/ Notification updates (i.e. members added/deleted etc.). As per the different documentation, I can get the list using Graph API.
List members of team - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Docs
List members of a channel - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Docs
To achieve this, I need the token that will be passed in API. I am not sure how to implement that. I have followed the instructions mentioned in Add authentication to a bot in Bot Framework SDK - Bot Service | Microsoft Docs. There was a step to add ‘Add OAuth Connection Settings’ and there were multiple options in ‘Service Provider’. I selected ‘Azure Active Directory v2’. After doing that, it works and I can get the token, but it only works if during login, I user my azure directory credentials. I have a Microsoft account linked with my MS Teams which id different than the Azure account. A user in team can have a Microsoft account / work / office account so this needs to work for everyone so what would be the correct ‘Service Provider’ option that will work for all accounts?
I was thinking that the flow should be like:
When clicks on ‘Add’ button to install the app in Teams
Once added, bot will prompt for Graph API permission using OAuth.
Once user gives the permission, I can use the token to call graph APIs.
I have also looked at the following tutorials:
How to use Bot Framework Composer to build low-code Microsoft Teams bots (Part 1)
Get user profile information in your Microsoft Teams bot with Microsoft Graph (Part 2) - YouTube
But after performing all the steps, when I try to login, it says – ‘This action can't be performed since the app does not exist or has been uninstalled.’.
I am not getting a clear approach on how to proceed with it.
As #Maxim has also suggested, if you want to have a bot that should run multitenant you need to put tenant Id as common in OAuth Setting in Azure bot. As the value suggest it isn't going to specific to single tenant and Redirect Uri should be set to https://token.botframework.com/.auth/web/redirect in app registration.
This is it, you don't need to add anything.
This is also mention in the doc --
We have some sample around it as well that shows how to use Graph API with the bot -
You can setup this one and update the Graph calls to get member of team or channels.
I have a private slack application (developed by user 'X' from team 'XT')
I have a web server knows how to complete the Oauth process and generate tokens per teams
Now- as a user Y from team YT I am installing the slack app on my YT team and get a token,
using that token I perform API call for channels.create ,
I got into my team (aka YT) and indeed I see that the channel was created ,
it's written that the channel was created by the specific user that installed the slack app, meaning user Y.
I would expect to see that channel was created by the application not by specific user.
Is there any way to do that ?
thought about using bot token (got from the app instllation) but channels.create cannot be performed by a bot
I am afraid there is no solution for your problem. Every "write" action on Slack has to be attached to either a bot or a user. And since channels.create can not be used by a bot, it has to be a user.
The master access token of your Slack app is linked to the user that installed it, which is why that user will appear as creator of the channel when you use it.
I use a generic admin user ("slackadmin") for that purpose on my own Slack, but that will of course not work as general solution for each Slack team that want to install your app from the Slack App Directory.