Transpose Rows to Column in FME - fme

how can I Transpose from Row to column?
from this
to this

Just add an AttributeCreator where the Attribute Name comes from your "name" attribute and the value from your "value" attribute. Pay attention to the notation #Value(attrName):


If part of string matches populate specific value in other column/cell

I am using googlesheets, and needs help with a formula for the below usecase.
if a number from column B matches the part of the number from column A then populate specific value in column C
for example: of value from column B = 0000 matches partly in column A (its always last 4 to matches in column A) then populate APPLE in column C
=if(REGEXMATCH(A1,B1), "APPLE", "")
into cell C1 will work, just make sure to change "APPLE" for whatever your text source is.
To have it go down the whole column automatically put this in C1 instead:
Assuming that column F has your strings you want to check:

Last value of a column in Google Sheets

I was trying to use the following function;
in order to get the last currency value of a column, but it returns #ERROR!.
The value im trying to extract
As I montly update this spreadsheet, it would make it very convenient if would etract the last value in the column, e.g. the value marked in the image.
Is there a way (in Google Sheets) to find the last non-empty cell in this column, such that when I update the spreadsheet with a new "last value" it would return that value?
The index(counta()) pattern will fail when the data is sparse, i.e., when there are blank values in the column.
The index(match()) pattern will fail when the data contains a value that is not a number.
To find the last non-blank value in column D, regardless of data type, use the +sort(row()) pattern:
=+sort(D1:D; not(isblank(D1:D)) * row(D1:D); false)
The formula uses semicolons as argument separators to make it work in any locale.
If the column has only currency (ie number) values then you can use something like:
=INDEX(D1:D, MATCH(999^99, D1:D))
or try:
=SORTN(D:D; 1;;ROW(D:D)*(D:D<>""); )

Google Sheets - Search column value in another column if found copy second column's value

I have a situation like below:
Column A has some values. Column B has more values. Now I want to check if Column B contains values from Column A. If it contains then print values from Column B to Column C.
Please note that all values are unique so no confusion of finding value more than once.
Column A
Column B
Column C(This is expected output)
Here's one way ..
=filter(B2:B, match(regexextract(B2:B, "(.*)#"), A2:A, 0))
Or maybe
=ArrayFormula(if(len(A2:A), vlookup(A2:A, {split(B2:B, "#"), B2:B}, 3, 0),))

google sheets - is it possible to match only the "duplicate values" from a column?
in the example sheet above, I would like to populate column H only the duplicate serial numbers found in column E. Column F has formula that represents wether the value in E is duplicate with True/False - I'm assuming there is a way to use the TRUE value to index and match them over to column H?
I think this should work for you. You don't need the helper column.

DSUM with multiple criteria

I'm trying to get the sum of all items in column F:F when Column J:J = "Channel"and Column K:K = "Country"
The above query returns a 0 when it should return a 7.
=DSUM(Sheet1!$A$1:$L$142, Sheet1!$F$1, {{Sheet1!$K$1; "Channel"}, {Sheet1!$L$1; "Country"}})
Notice changes about the parameters:
Sheet1!$A$1:$L$142 column L:L should be included if you want to use it in your criteria.
Second parameter just needs a column name (Sheet1!$F$1) or its number (6). No need to place the whole range there.
You need to have a two strings range for criteria: first one with the column name, second with the criteria for that column. You set before the whole column K:K and L:L and placed a string to match at the bottom. Only the first tow rows were used, so you criteria was actually like this: kolumn K:K should be like the value in K2 and column L:L like the value in L2 (but this one didn't actually worked as this column was not a part of your table (the 1st parameter)).
Or you can use SUMIFS:
=SUMIFS(Sheet1!$F$2:$F$142, Sheet1!$K$2:$K$142, "Channel", Sheet1!$L$2:$L$142, "Country")
Or if you need to sum the whole column (not just down to 142 row):
=SUMIFS(Sheet1!$F:$F, Sheet1!$K:$K, "Channel", Sheet1!$L:$L, "Country")
Here's a basic proof-of-concept.
Count all vegetables
Answer: 18
Formula: =DSUM(A4:D10,"Qty",{"Category";"Vegetable"})
Count all vegetables at Safeway
Answer: 10
Formula: =DSUM(A4:D10,"Qty",{{"Category";"Vegetable"},{"Store";"Safeway"}})
