I need to have a focus on the Grid View but I would like to get it by value, for example if I have a Names column and I want to get the row for the name 'Walter' I would like to get the focus for that row.
In this case, this is done by key of the row, but I need it by value.
var sender = (MVCxGridView)s;
// Set the zero-based index of the focused row.
sender.FocusedRowIndex = 6;
As i know you cannot focus with value in a gridview. When I need to do this scenario I do it this way,follow the steps bellow using asp.net:
1. For i=0 to gridview.RowCount-1
2.If gridview.getrowcellvalue(i,gridview.columns("Name")
3. gridview.FocusedRowHandle=i
End If
I use Grid component with 1 column and have a lot of information in such column in each row. Also, I use Grid Details and show specific form there. After the user action in the form, I need to refresh/re-render the Grid row in order to reflect the most recent changes. Please advise how to let the Grid know in order to refresh/re-render the specific row.
I am very new to tableau and I would like to somehow hide from this example the 2nd and 4th row, but put the value behind the 1st and 3rd row.
So the % values should stay but basically, I do not need the tag of it.
Any help would be very appreciated.
First of all, I'm pretty new to Delphi.
I have a DBGrid connected to a DataSource and filled up with data from an SQL server. What I want to achieve is that when I press a button, it brings up a new window with comboboxes/editboxes, all filled up with the previously selected (in DBGrid) row's data and modify them and execute an UPDATE query.
In order to do that, I need the primary key value of the selected record, so my little program would know which row should it display and update.
My question is, how can I get a specific cell value (in this case, an id) of a selected record from a DBGrid?
If you know the column for the ID field you can inspect its Field property. The Fields Value will contain the current ID.
Let say I build a form with Form Builder with 2 sections.
I want the value of email-address element on section-1 control, can be displayed on section-2 section on show-email-address element.
How to do this with Form Builder?
insert a Calculated Value control
open the Control Settings for that control
enter a Calculated Value formula and set it to $email-address
NOTE: This works whether you are in the same section or a different section, but it doesn't work across *Section Templates*.
I want a behavior like if you click on the first listitem open do a thing, if I click on the second listitem do other thing. Same thing for the third and second.
Similar to switchboard but not in iconview (I have the animason and gtk.stack set up):
This is the code:
var listbox = new Gtk.ListBox();
var l = new Watcher.List.ListItem("title", "subtitle");
listbox.insert(l, 0);
var l2 = new Watcher.List.ListItem("title2", "subtitle2");
listbox.insert(l2, 1);
"l" and l2 is a Gtk.ListBoxRow object so basically I add 2 listboxrow item into a listbox.
When I click on an Item do stuff:
listbox.row_selected.connect( ()=>{
It will always show the stack child named "new" whether I click the first or second item in the list. I can acces the ListBoxRow index but that is just only for a specific Row.
I need to add custom formated items into a list and I was told that ListBox can do it. (Others can't?)
My ListBoxRow is just a grid with two labels in it but I want to add buttons and some more later.
Look at the reference for Listbox.row_selected(): You'll see that it has a ListBoxRow argument. You should update your row_selected closure to have that argument as well -- then you can use the row inside the closure to figure out which child you want to set visible.
If you really need to know the index of the row inside the listbox, you call row.get_index().