Rails: querying associations during validation - ruby-on-rails

During validation, I want to query associations but neither solution seems to be good because ActiveRecord’s style of validation. Here is an example:
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :borrowed_books
validate :should_only_borrow_good_books
def should_only_borrow_good_books
# What I want but it does not work:
# unless borrowed_books.where(condition: "bad").empty?
# errors.add(:borrowed_books, "only good books can be borrowed")
# end
# ^ this query always returns an empty array
# This approach works but it's not ideal:
unless borrowed_books.all? { |b| b.condition == "good" }
errors.add(:borrowed_books, "only good books can be borrowed")
class BorrowedBook < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
# attr: condition - ["bad", "good"]
One more option is to move the validation to BorrowedBook with something like validates :condition, inclusion: { in: %w(good) }, if: -> { user_id.present? } and perhaps validate association in User like validates_associated :borrowed_books. But I don't like this approach because it complicates things by moving the logic belonging to User to BorrowedBook. A few validations like this and your app might become really messy.

This validation should definitely stay in the user model. I do disagree that it will look messy if there are multiple conditions. If it makes messy, it often indicate that you should split the model or refactor the code there. It's the models job to enable you to access and validate the data from db. A way to improve the current code is to convert the condition column to enum, ref: https://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.1/classes/ActiveRecord/Enum.html you can write it like this
class User < ApplicationRecord
has_many :borrowed_books
validate :should_only_borrow_good_books
def should_only_borrow_good_books
return unless books.not_good.any?
errors.add(:borrowed_books, "only good books can be borrowed")
class BorrowedBook < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
enum status: [ :good, :bad ]


Make sure has_many :through association is unique on creation

If you are saving a has_many :through association at record creation time, how can you make sure the association has unique objects. Unique is defined by a custom set of attributes.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :user_roles
has_many :roles, through: :user_roles
before_validation :ensure_unique_roles
def ensure_unique_roles
# I thought the following would work:
self.roles = self.roles.to_a.uniq{|r| "#{r.project_id}-#{r.role_id}" }
# but the above results in duplicate, and is also kind of wonky because it goes through ActiveRecord assignment operator for an association (which is likely the cause of it not working correctly)
# I tried also:
self.user_roles = []
self.roles = self.roles.to_a.uniq{|r| "#{r.project_id}-#{r.role_id}" }
# but this is also wonky because it clears out the user roles which may have auxiliary data associated with them
What is the best way to validate the user_roles and roles are unique based on arbitrary conditions on an association?
The best way to do this, especially if you're using a relational db, is to create a unique multi-column index on user_roles.
add_index :user_roles, [:user_id, :role_id], unique: true
And then gracefully handle when the role addition fails:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def try_add_unique_role(role)
self.roles << role
rescue WhateverYourDbUniqueIndexExceptionIs
# handle gracefully somehow
# (return false, raise your own application exception, etc, etc)
Relational DBs are designed to guarantee referential integrity, so use it for exactly that. Any ruby/rails-only solution will have race conditions and/or be really inefficient.
If you want to provide user-friendly messaging and check "just in case", just go ahead and check:
already_has_role = UserRole.exists?(user: user, role: prospective_role_additions)
You'll still have to handle the potential exception when you try to persist role addition, though.
Just do a multi-field validation. Something like:
class UserRole < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :user_id,
presence: true
validates :user_id, uniqueness: { scope: [:project_id, :role_id] }
belongs_to :user, :project, :role
Something like that will ensure that a user can have only one role for a given project - if that's what you're looking for.
As mentioned by Kache, you probably also want to do a db-level index. The whole migration might look something like:
class AddIndexToUserRole < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_index :user_roles, [:user_id, :role_id, :project_id], unique: true, name: :index_unique_field_combination
The name: argument is optional but can be handy in case the concatenation of the field names gets too long (and throws an error).

Rails validate model which receive values using accepts_nested_attributes_for

I have 2 models: Dealer & Location.
class Dealer < AR::Base
has_many :locations
accepts_nested_attributes_for :locations
validate :should_has_one_default_location
def should_has_one_default_location
if locations.where(default: true).count != 0
errors.add(:base, "Should has exactly one default location")
class Location < AR::Base
# boolean attribute :default
belongs_to :dealer
As you understood, should_has_one_location adds error everytime, because .where(default: true) makes an sql query. How can I avoid this behaviour?
The very dirty solution is to use combination of inverse_of and select instead of where, but it seems very dirty. Any ideas?
I actually got an answer to a similar question of my own. For whatever it's worth, If you wanted to do a validation like you have above (but without the db query), you would do the following:
errors.add(:base, ""Should have exactly one default location") unless locations.any?{|location| location.default == 'true'}

How to hide records, rather than delete them (soft delete from scratch)

Let's keep this simple. Let's say I have a User model and a Post model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# id:integer name:string deleted:boolean
has_many :posts
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
# id:integer user_id:integer content:string deleted:boolean
belongs_to :user
Now, let's say an admin wants to "delete" (hide) a post. So basically he, through the system, sets a post's deleted attribute to 1. How should I now display this post in the view? Should I create a virtual attribute on the post like this:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
# id:integer user_id:integer content:string deleted:boolean
belongs_to :user
def administrated_content
if !self.deleted
"This post has been removed"
While that would work, I want to implement the above in a large number of models, and I can't help feeling that copy+pasting the above comparative into all of my models could be DRYer. A lot dryer.
I also think putting a deleted column in every single deletable model in my app feels a bit cumbersome too. I feel I should have a 'state' table. What are your thoughts on this:
class State
#id:integer #deleted:boolean #deleted_by:integer
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :post
and then querying self.state.deleted in the comparator? Would this require a polymorphic table? I've only attempted polymorphic once and I couldn't get it to work. (it was on a pretty complex self-referential model, mind). And this still doesn't address the problem of having a very, very similar class method in my models to check if an instance is deleted or not before displaying content.
In the deleted_by attribute, I'm thinking of placing the admin's id who deleted it. But what about when an admin undelete a post? Maybe I should just have an edited_by id.
How do I set up a dependent: :destroy type relationship between the user and his posts? Because now I want to do this: dependent: :set_deleted_to_0 and I'm not sure how to do this.
Also, we don't simply want to set the post's deleted attributes to 1, because we actually want to change the message our administrated_content gives out. We now want it to say, This post has been removed because of its user has been deleted. I'm sure I could jump in and do something hacky, but I want to do it properly from the start.
I also try to avoid gems when I can because I feel I'm missing out on learning.
I usually use a field named deleted_at for this case:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :not_deleted, lambda { where(deleted_at: nil) }
scope :deleted, lambda { where("#{self.table_name}.deleted_at IS NOT NULL") }
def destroy
self.update(deleted_at: DateTime.current)
def delete
def deleted?
# ...
Want to share this functionnality between multiple models?
=> Make an extension of it!
# lib/extensions/act_as_fake_deletable.rb
module ActAsFakeDeletable
# override the model actions
def destroy
self.update(deleted_at: DateTime.current)
def delete
def undestroy # to "restore" the file
self.update(deleted_at: nil)
def undelete
# define new scopes
def self.included(base)
base.class_eval do
scope :destroyed, where("#{self.table_name}.deleted_at IS NOT NULL")
scope :not_destroyed, where(deleted_at: nil)
scope :deleted, lambda { destroyed }
scope :not_deleted, lambda { not_destroyed }
class ActiveRecord::Base
def self.act_as_fake_deletable(options = {})
alias_method :destroy!, :destroy
alias_method :delete!, :delete
include ActAsFakeDeletable
options = { field_to_hide: :content, message_to_show_instead: "This content has been deleted" }.merge!(options)
define_method options[:field_to_hide].to_sym do
return options[:message_to_show_instead] if self.deleted_at.present?
self.read_attribute options[:field_to_hide].to_sym
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
Overwriting the defaults:
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
act_as_fake_deletable field_to_hide: :title, message_to_show_instead: "This book has been deleted man, sorry!"
Boom! Done.
Warning: This module overwrite the ActiveRecord's destroy and delete methods, which means you won't be able to destroy your record using those methods anymore. Instead of overwriting you could create a new method, named soft_destroy for example. So in your app (or console), you would use soft_destroy when relevant and use the destroy/delete methods when you really want to "hard destroy" the record.

STI with many types

I have a rails 4 app with STI models:
# models/person.rb
def Person < ActiveRecord::Base
# models/director.rb
def Director < Person
# models/actor.rb
def Director < Person
But because one person can be an actor and an director simultaneously, I want STI with many types like:
person = Person.first
person.type = "Director, Actor"
Actor.first.id => 1
Director.first.id => 1
Is there mechanism in rails or gem for realize this?
Rails does not support this and I'm not aware of any gems that support this as described (i.e. multiple subclass names in the type column).
There is gem at https://github.com/mhuggins/multiple_table_inheritance which uses separate tables for the subclasses and you can always use mixins as an alternative to inheritance.
I believe the more Rails idiomatic way to do something similar would be via scopes, which would allow you to do:
person = Person.first
person.position = 'Director, Actor'
person.directors.first.id => 1
person.actors.first.id => 1
And you would just have to define a pair of scopes in your Person class:
scope :actors, -> { where('position like ?', '%Actor%') }
scope :directors, -> { where('position like ?', '%Director%') }
You would lose the ability to do person.is_a? with this, but Ruby doesn't really do multiple inheritance in such a way as to allow #is_a? to return true when passed sibling classes anyway. You can also get effectively similar functionality with a simple test method:
def is_actor?
self.position =~ /Actor/
def is_director?
self.position =~ /Director/
EDIT: I haven't done a lot of Rails 4, so my scope syntax MAY not be right, I just glanced at the docs. The principle should be sound, though.
Thank to all answerers above!
I found solution that most appropriate for me:
I've created hmt association Person-ProfessionsPerson-Profession and leave descendants for Person class (Director and Actor).
# models/profession.rb
Profession < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :professions_people, dependent: :destroy
has_many :people, through: :professions_people
# models/person.rb
def Person < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :professions_people, dependent: :destroy
has_many :professions, through: :professions_people
# models/director.rb
def Director < Person
include PeopleFromProfession
# models/actor.rb
def Actor < Person
include PeopleFromProfession
I've seed 2 professions with column "class_type" (which should not change in app's work) "Actor" and "Director"
I've also add concern PeopleFromProfession for share some code:
# models/concerns/actor.rb
module PeopleFromProfession
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
default_scope { includes(:professions).where(professions: {class_type: self.name}) }
after_create :create_join_table_record
module ClassMethods
def model_name
def create_join_table_record
self.professions << Profession.where(class_type: self.class.name).first
default_scope is for scoping only people with specific profession, create_join_table_record callback is monkey-patch for create missed join table record.
Class method model_name was overwriting for purposes, that covered here Best practices to handle routes for STI subclasses in rails
If you will find some problems in that approach, please tell me.

Using accepts_nested_attributes_for + mass assignment protection in Rails

Say you have this structure:
class House < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :rooms
accepts_nested_attributes_for :rooms
attr_accessible :rooms_attributes
class Room < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :tv
accepts_nested_attributes_for :tv
attr_accessible :tv_attributes
class Tv
belongs_to :user
attr_accessible :manufacturer
validates_presence_of :user
Notice that Tv's user is not accessible on purpose. So you have a tripple-nested form that allows you to enter house, rooms, and tvs on one page.
Here's the controller's create method:
def create
#house = House.new(params[:house])
if #house.save
# ... standard stuff
# ... standard stuff
Question: How in the world would you populate user_id for each tv (it should come from current_user.id)? What's the good practice?
Here's the catch22 I see in this.
Populate user_ids directly into params hash (they're pretty deeply nested)
Save will fail because user_ids are not mass-assignable
Populate user for every tv after #save is finished
Save will fail because user_id must be present
Even if we bypass the above, tvs will be without ids for a moment of time - sucks
Any decent way to do this?
Anything wrong with this?
def create
#house = House.new(params[:house])
#house.rooms.map {|room| room.tv }.each {|tv| tv.user = current_user }
if #house.save
# ... standard stuff
# ... standard stuff
I haven't tried this out, but it seems like the objects should be built and accessible at this point, even if not saved.
