How to run 2 .exe files using registry keys - registrykey

The idea here is to make 2 .exe files run when I open only 1 of them.
I have 2 files:
F:\Gry\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe
C:\Program Files (x86)\Overwolf\OverwolfLauncher.exe
When I launch LeagueClient.exe I'd like OverwolfLauncher.exe to run alongside it. Is there a way to do it?

I don't think you'll be able to modify the LeagueClient without running with any issues with the anticheat, I believe creating a bat file would be what you want.
#ECHO off
start F:\Gry\Riot Games\League of Legends\LeagueClient.exe
start C:\Program Files (x86)\Overwolf\OverwolfLauncher.exe


How to get rid of files which end in .Identifier in Laravel

I cloned a laravel-8 sail project via gitlab but everywhere in every folder which containing files there is a file which ends in .Identifier
I don't know where they come from. There may be 1000 files like this in the project.
My question is:
How can I get rid of those files which endr with .Identifier?
Is there some kind of Ubuntu or docker command that searches the entire project for such file which ends in .Identifier and then deletes them?
Maybe phpStorm has such a function?
If you are on Linux machine, then open terminal in you project folder and run rm *.Identifier. And if you are on Windows machine then open command prompt in your project folder and run del *.Identifier. This will do the trick for you.

Cannot open Zip file after creation with tar.exe

I'm trying to use Tar.exe in a Windows 10 command prompt to zip an entire folder and its subdirectories into a .zip file.
After reading different answers on here and this online help, so far I have the following:
tar.exe -cvzf "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\" "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\MyFolder"
This appears to work within the command prompt (no errors and all files get listed). The .zip file gets created on the Desktop but when I try to open it by double-clicking on it, I get this error:
Windows cannot open the folder.
The Compressed (zipped) Folder 'C:\Users\Me\Desktop\MyFolder' is invalid.
I dragged the file into Notepad to see if there were any headers that might uncover the problem, but it looks like some kind of oriental affair...!
Can anyone advise what I've done wrong here please?
After much deliberation, I finally opted to use 7-Zip:
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\" "C:\Users\Me\Desktop\MyFolder"
The destination machine without 7-Zip could still read the file, but more importantly, the speed of the zip creation was magnitudes faster than Windows's UI or the Tar function.

How to define repository.home at startup

I'm trying to define a folder for the Tar/Repository files in Sling. However, I can't figure out the right way to set an alternative repository.home folder.
As I understand it the Tar SegmentNodeStoreService is supposed to default to a folder under the {sling.home} path, set with the -c argument. No matter what I try it is always placing the repository folder relative to the folder I'm running start from. The rest of Sling goes in the sling.home folder.
For instance, if I'm in
and I run
java -jar project/target/sling-app.jar -c /temp
The sling bundles, logs, etc will be under /temp, but the sling/repository folder will be put under the ~/Development folder.
I've tried adding these extra command line arguments too, but they don't help.
Thanks in advance
Turns out it was a bug and it is now fixed in sling 9

Re-sync folders via command line

I am currently working out how best to go about syncing files in my folders which will be included in my installer.
It works fine through the interface, but doesn't seem to work out well when doing it through the command line.
My folder structure is essentially:
Installer Config
My code 1
My code 2
My installer is to set up my two code folders when installed. Like I mentioned, I have this set up working for building the installer through the interface.
In my project, I have My code 1 and My code 2 folders set as sync folders in the Files and Folders section.
In the Installer Config folder, I am running a couple of scripts which essentially boil down to a batch file which does:
"" /loadpathvars PathVariables.xml
"" /execute myproject.aip commands.txt
and my commands.txt which does:
ResetSync APPDIR\mycode1
ResetSync APPDIR\mycode2
When the ResetSync calls are made, I get the error: Folder not synchronized: APPDIR\mycode1. but when I just hit refresh in the Files and Folders section in interface, it works fine.
To create this error I add a new file to the 'My code 1' folder. Run the scripts, and I get the 'Folder not synchronized' error.
Solved on Advanced Installer forums.

Cannot open Selenium Jar file from CMD. Path or ClassPath issue?

I'm trying to launch:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar -role hub
from my Command Prompt but output was as below:
C:\Program Files (x86)>java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar -role hub
Unable to access jarfile selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar
C:\Program Files (x86) is where the jar file is located.
I've put C:\Program Files (x86) in my PATH and CLASSPATH and it still won't work.
Your filename must be wrong. Check whether you have a file named -selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar. Chances are you won't be. :)
I encountered the same issue.
The solution is that the naming convention matters.
if you have a selenium server standalone.jar file, you can rename it first
to make it look simple(example abc.jar).
1) If the jar file in your system is encountered with the .jar extension,
then after renaming, give the .jar extension.(eg abc.jar)
2) If the jar file in your system is not having the .jar extension,
then after renaming, dont provide the .jar extension(eg abc)
3)Start the hub now:
java -jar abc.jar -role hub
Nikhil Kanojia
Unable to access the jarfile is considered as Common Error.
This error can occur when starting up either a hub or node. This means Java cannot find the selenium-server jar file. Either run the command from the directory where the selenium-server-XXXX.jar file is stored, or specify an explicit path to the jar.
Go for details here
1.goto root mode
2. install $apt install mlocate
3. locate your jar file
4. check the correct jar file name and again try to open it with specific command
5 java -jar ./selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar
I had the same issue with ubuntu. Try following steps..
Go to the directory where the jar file located.
Then execute the .jar file in the directory using,
java -jar ./selenium-server-standalone-2.14.0.jar
Go to desired location in command prompt and enter the below command.
java -jar ./selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar
That means if you save the .jar file in "C:\Eclipse\jar" location then the command should be:
C:\Eclipse\jar>java -jar ./selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar
