Arcgis SAML server side misconfiguration - oauth

While subdomain scanning I came across "" and if we view the source of it this is in the source <script> var oAuthInfo = {"oauth_state":"BW7jKvGjSEuTWe8DZSdozjgT9ZM1P48mflNEF7MZQ15QbtkRlAW9qNZ_TG_zM-gFSOb1YhckGuWoyoweZZcvuJphl-tfT6-cK5vq4YvQDDnX5HxrREmNUHCLOf4azDDz1BBF8a2pkVA0u3eKEmyRHsj20ZigrLRV0iAOTwlWtZNprD2shjeNa7YuzYDofpKdrEfYba-PZWVPSRCLKbXhIYB5ECt9u4tgdes3XbBAhx6E46mHIMDd3Nio2AUvIJ6pt_YTuPV2ciPFHmwS5sFbRSscuRhuKBsisQZOpiFbi_Bp3zMKg4YxsnuZAjdT010BuMSDbBAPLcFRyoxUSTl3PSqLlEVq6HE6ZcnV_C8eTYVC34P3qdKovKwFmwott3yeUWRxeJhJvxvKjmVFV9vXmqEWtlwpyHPyEbcNlAiqSXc.","client_id":"arcgisonline","appTitle":"ArcGIS Online","locale":"en","orgName":"Atlas Beta","persistOption":true,"federationInfo":{"idpName":"FBI Federation Services","idpAuthorizeUrl":""},"canSignInArcGIS":true,"canSignInIDP":true,"canSignInSocial":true,"hideCancel":true,"showSocialLogins":true,"contextPath":"/portal/sharing","isPortal":true,"isPortalSignupDisabled":true,"isPortalEmailSupported":false,"orgUrlBase":"portal","helpBase":"/portal/portalhelp/en/"} window.setTheme(oAuthInfo, "/portal/sharing"); </script> Can someone tell me why on earth this is here


Filtering requests by header - GunDB

So, basically I would like to filter the requests between nodes using some kind of security. I think a simple static token access based scenario is enough. The idea is to not let anyone to just connect and consult sensitive data. I already tried this solution, but I think it's outdated: JWT authentication with gundb.
Really appreciate some help :)
OBS: Im using the latest version of gundb. My server is the nodejs vanilla. Here's my code, but I dont know if it helps
const GUN = require('gun');
var listOfPeers = ["http://localhost:8081/gun"];
const server = require('http').createServer().listen(8080);
const gun = GUN({web: server, peers: listOfPeers});
gun.get("poems/2").put({foo: "bar"})

OWIN middleware for OpenID Connect - Code flow ( Flow type - AuthorizationCode) documentation?

In my implementation I am using OpenID-Connect Server (Identity Server v3+) to authenticate MVC 5 app (with AngularJS front-end)
I am planning to use OID Code flow (with Scope Open_ID) to authenticate the client (RP). For the OpenID connect middle-ware, I am using OWIN (Katana Project) components.
Before the implementation, I want to understand back-channel token request, refresh token request process, etc using OWIN.. But I am unable to find any documentation for this type of implementation (most of the available examples use Implicit flow).
I could find samples for generic Code flow implementation for ID Server v3 here
I am looking for a similar one using OWIN middleware ? Does anyone have any pointers ?
Edit: good news, code flow and response_mode=query support was finally added to Katana, as part of the 4.1 release (that shipped in November 2019):
The OpenID Connect middleware doesn't support the code flow: (it's already fixed in the ASP.NET 5 version, though).
Actually, only the implicit flow (id_token) is officially supported, and you have to use the response_mode=form_post extension. Trying to use the authorization code flow will simply result in an exception being thrown during the callback, because it won't be able to extract the (missing) id_token from the authentication response.
Though not directly supported, you can also use the hybrid flow (code + id_token (+ token)), but it's up to you to implement the token request part. You can see for an example.
The answer and comment replies by Pinpoint are spot on. Thanks!
But if you are willing to step away from the NuGet package and instead run modified source code for Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect you can get code (code) flow with form_post.
Of course this can be said for all open source project problems but this was an quick solution for a big thing in my case so I thought I'd share that it could be an option.
I downloaded code from, added the csproj to my solution and removed lines from in AuthenticateCoreAsync().
You must then combine it with backchannel calls and then create your own new ClaimsIdentity() to set as the notification.AuthenticationTicket.
// Install-Package IdentityModel to handle the backchannel calls in a nicer fashion
AuthorizationCodeReceived = async notification =>
var configuration = await notification.Options.ConfigurationManager
var tokenClient = new TokenClient(configuration.TokenEndpoint,
notification.Options.ClientId, notification.Options.ClientSecret,
var tokenResponse = await tokenClient.RequestAuthorizationCodeAsync(
cancellationToken: notification.Request.CallCancelled);
if (tokenResponse.IsError
|| string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tokenResponse.AccessToken)
|| string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tokenResponse.RefreshToken))
notification.Response.Write("Error retrieving tokens.");
var userInfoClient = new UserInfoClient(configuration.UserInfoEndpoint);
var userInfoResponse = await userInfoClient.GetAsync(tokenResponse.AccessToken);
if (userInfoResponse.IsError)
notification.Response.Write("Error retrieving user info.");

YouTube API Academy

I just completed the YouTube API tutorials on Codecademy and successfully managed to display results relating to a given 'q' value in the console window provided using the following code:
// Helper function to display JavaScript value on HTML page.
function showResponse(response) {
var responseString = JSON.stringify(response, '', 2);
document.getElementById('response').innerHTML += responseString;
// Called automatically when JavaScript client library is loaded.
function onClientLoad() {
gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', onYouTubeApiLoad);
// Called automatically when YouTube API interface is loaded (see line 9).
function onYouTubeApiLoad() {
// This API key is intended for use only in this lesson.
// See to get a key for your own applications.
function search() {
// Use the JavaScript client library to create a search.list() API call.
var request ={
part: 'snippet',
q: "Hello",
// Send the request to the API server,
// and invoke onSearchRepsonse() with the response.
// Called automatically with the response of the YouTube API request.
function onSearchResponse(response) {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="search.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<pre id="response"></pre>
The problem I am having now is that I have taken this code and put it into my own local files with the intention of furthering my understanding and manipulating it work in a way which suits me, however it just returns a blank page. I assume that it works on Codecademy because they use a particular environment and the code used perhaps only works within that environment, I am surprised they wouldn't provide information on what changes would be required to use this outside of their given environment and was hoping someone could shed some light on this? Perhaps I am altogether wrong, if so, any insight would be appreciated.
Browser Console Output:
Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('file://') does not match the recipient window's origin ('null').
I also had the same problem but it was resolved when I used Xampp. What you have to do is install xampp on your machine and then locate its directory. After You will find a folder named "htdocs". Just move your folder containing both js and HTML file into this folder. Now you have to open Xampp Control Panel and click on start button for both - Apache and SQL server. Now open your browser and type in the URL:
http://localhost/"(Your htdocs directory name containing both of your pages)"
After this, click on .html file and you are done.

Consume WCF Rest Service in using jquery

I am trying to consume a wcf rest api in a project using jquery. for doing so i have done:
Created a WCF Rest service source code can be downloaded from here.
Created a ASP.Net project to consume that restAPI using jquery. source code here.
In ASP .Net project on the click of button I am trying to call a REST service. But every time I gets two issues:
calling var jsondata = JSON.stringify(request); in TestHTML5.js throws an error saying "Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'JSON' is undefined"
When I press ignore it continues towards WCF Rest API call but it always returns error (Not Found) function. Rest API never gets called.
Thanks for every one's help in advance.
Solution and source link can be found on this link.
I have looked at the sample code you provided and the problem is that you are violating the same origin policy restriction. You cannot perform cross domain AJAX calls. In your example the service is hosted on http://localhost:35798 and the web application calling it on http://localhost:23590 which is not possible. You will have to host both the service and the calling application in the same ASP.NET project. You seem to have attempted to enable CORS on the client side using ($.support.cors = true;) but on your service doesn't support CORS.
Another issue saw with your calling page (TestHTML5.htm) is the fact that you have included jquery twice (once the minified and once the standard version) and you have included your script (TestHTML5.js) after jquery. You should fix your script references. And yet another issue is the following line <script type="text/javascript"/> which is invalid.
So start by fixing your markup (I have removed all the CSS noise you had in your markup in order to focus on the important parts):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>SignUp Form</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Scripts/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../Scripts/TestHTML5.js"></script>
<button id="Send" onclick="testHTML5OnClick();">
Send Me ID!
and then in your TestHTML5.js you could also clean a little bit. For example your service is listening for the following url pattern json/{id} and accepting only GET verbs and you are attempting to use POST which is not possible. In addition to that you are attempting to use the JSON.stringify method which doesn't make any sense with the GET verb. You should simply send the id as part of the url portion as you defined in your service.
function testHTML5OnClick() {
var id = 5;
var url = "../RestServiceImpl.svc/json/" + id;
var type = 'GET';
function callLoginService(url, type) {
type: type,
url: url,
success: serviceSucceeded,
error: serviceFailed
function serviceSucceeded(result) {
function serviceFailed(result) {
alert('Service call failed: ' + result.status + '' + result.statusText);
Did u add this reference?
script type="text/javascript" src="../../json.js"></script>
I have same problem and search i get this and this result

Error "Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin" in jsOAuth

I'm trying to use the twitter API with library jsOAuth.
Full html
<div id="message">Loading..</div>
<script src="jsOAuth-1.3.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var oauth = OAuth({
consumerKey: "-MY-KEY-",
consumerSecret: "MY-SECRET"
oauth.get("", success, failure);
function success(data){
$("#message").html("Sucess: " + data.text);
var timeline = jQuery.parseJSON(data.text);
$.each(timeline, function (element){
function failure(data) {
console.log("Throw rotten fruit, something failed");
$("#message").html("Error" );
Full image
What am I doing wrong?
How can I use the twitter API in my PC.
If you can send me I would appreciate any examples.
Thank you all.
What am I doing wrong?
You are trying to make an AJAX request to Twitter. You are violating cross domain access policies - you cannot access data on the Twitter domain.
How can I use the Twitter API on my PC?
Pick one :
Use a server-side proxy
Store your code on a file:// path, which removes the cross domain restrictions
Change your browser's security settings to allow this kind of access.
I have styled the unlikely ones in italic.
Also, as an experienced Twitter developer, I have one important note to make about your code: you're using Javascript to access the API. While using JS to do that isn't disallowed, using OAuth in javascript is very unsafe and your application will be blocked from the Twitter API if you used this code on a website.
