Can I tests written with robot framework in Travis CI and Circle CI? - appium

I have to maintain a lot of tests for mobile app testing written with the robot framework with Appium.
Can I run tests written with the robot framework in Travis CI and Circle CI?
Also, would it work with Browserstack?


Automated build

I needed to setup a Jenkins pipeline and I wanted to know if unit test should run before the actual compilation of the project
The Jenkins pipeline currently runs unit and Integration test before the bundling and wanted know if that's ok

VueJS, run e2e tests using Cypress into a Jenkins pipeline using a docker image

I created a VueJs project with some unit tests (using Jest) and integration tests using Cypress.
I have also a Jenkins pipeline in order to build, test and deploy the application.
I Integrated, as test stage, the unit tests but I would like to integrate also Cypress in order to run the integration tests into a dedicated pipeline step.
Is is possible to have this without installing any additional Cypress Jenkins plugin?
I mean, Is it possible to use a docker image to run the tests using Cypress?
Can you point me to some examples?
You should be able to use this with Jenkins Docker capabilities. Also here is another example you can refer to.

Spinning up Karate test client in a docker container

I am setting up the integration test framework for a Java rest api in our project and we want to run integration test in the gitlab pipeline. Since these tests are running in the same project as the API, we are wondering couple of things:
We dont want to run Karate tests during the maven build process. We want to run them only at integration test stage after the application deployment stage is complete. How do we do that as the maven build process runs both the junit unit tests and karate tests.
Since the API requires authentication, we need to run the karate test in a docker container, since we can inject our credentials only in the container as we are using hashi-corp vault to store the credentials. How do we launch a container with Karate client.
There are ways to run only a subset using Maven. What I do is define a different JUnit test, and call that from the command-line. Read the docs for more:
As long as you can pass environment variables (which you certainly can in Docker) you are good. Refer:

Run tests written in different language as part of one Jenkins job

I have E2E tests written in golang and java for my application.
I want to kick off all E2E tests together as part of one Jenkins job. Is it doable?

Is it possible to use Travis CI with Flutter to build only?

I wanna study Travis Ci with flutter, but normally it is used for testing. But, I have no time to run how to test applications and only want to use it for the build.
Is it useless for only building goals or worthy?
