How to resume firebase analytic data stream? - disconnected

I mistakenly disconnected google analytics from the app and deleted the data stream, How can I restore the previous firebase events data?


Difference between event child_added of Realtime Database Firebase vs Firebase Cloud function

I having a case where I need to receive notification whenever Realtime Database Firebase have new data. When investigate, I found out there are 2 way to do this in client side (mobile app using React Native):
Using Realtime Database child_added event
Using Cloud Functions event onWrite()
Can someone please tell me what is the difference between 2 way and pros and cons of each way?. The document is not helpful for me about this.
Backend Server written in Java framework Spring boot response function push new data to Realtime Database Firebase.
Client side need to receive notification when new data added to Realtime Database Firebase (currently only mobile app written in React Native but I also need to do it for web in the future)
Paraphrasing Frank Van Puffelen's comment as an answer:
Firestore and Realtime databases are two completely separate databases. Though firestore and Realtime database both are part of Firebase. If you want to trigger a cloud function from Real Time database, please follow this documentation. If you want to trigger cloud function from Firestore, please check this documentation.

Can iOS HealthKit data be accessed from a website?

If someone gives permission to access their HealthKit data, can my website be able to display their most recent HealthKit data—their steps count for example. In other words, does HealthKit report to the cloud that can be accessed with an API? Or does it need to be an app that accesses the HealthKit data locally?
There is no cloud API, you would have to create an app that reads the HelathKit data and reports it to your backend.

How can we store firebase events offline and sync this events when device comes online bypassing 72 hours firebase offline sync limit?

We are having an enterprise application which is used in regions where there is no internet for many days. I am using Firebase for analytics and I have enabled firebase persistent storage which helps to send the analytics events to firebase when the device comes online but the limitation is it only sends 72 hours data to Firebase analytics. So, I want firebase to get at least offline analytics data of the last 10 days. Can I achieve this by storing this analytics event in core data when the device is offline and send this event to firebase when the device is connected to the internet? Or is there any alternative way to achieve this? I only want to send the event name and timestamp of the event.

CloudKit offline storage

I'm developing iOS app which is using CloudKit. I'm pretty clear how to download/upload data from cloud when requested on the device. It works just fine when internet connection is present. I'm thinking to allow users to access their data offline also. After brief research I discovered that CoreData integration with iCloud was depreciated as of recent Xcode release. I found some third party pods on github which let you handle this problem by syncing core data from device to iCloud. I'm a bit skeptical using those plugins due to possible data loss or other issues. Is the idea behind depreciating CloudKit to move away from offline storage? Im thinking now what to do... should I attempt to create some sort of sync between core data and iCloud or not use core data at all and just let users to access data only when online connection available. Such approach would save device storage but restrict data access to online only. Any recommendations ?
CoreData integration with iCloud is not depreciated, here are some references from Apple:
Setting up core data with CloudKit
Syncing a core data store with CloudKit
Mirroring a core data store with CloudKit
WWDC 2019 - Using Core Data With CloudKit

clearing google analytics cached data - ios

I am working on an iOS app in which I have integrated Google Analytics for tracking different events and crashes but what I want is that when my app crashes then only crash report should be sent to google analytics. Let me explain again
if app runs smoothly it should send all the data to google server
if app runs without internet then google caches all the data and sends when internet is available and it should run
now this one is important.
If app runs without internet then google caches all data, but when app is offline it is crashed and when analytics SDK tries to send the data to the server on next restart it should only send crash report instead of all the activity performed by user when he was inactive.
