I have a static Watir script to fill a form which works fine locally. I'm planning to add a web UI in order to make it dynamic and user-accesible. User will fill in a form, and those values will be passed into the script to run.
Which is the best approach to do this? Using RoR into Heroku with a form in a view and calling the script in /lib/Rubyscript.rb?
require 'watir'
require 'pry'
class Script
def start
browser = Watir::Browser.new
browser.input(id: "txtUsuarioLogin").send_keys(USER)
browser.input(id: "txtPasswordLogin").send_keys(PASSWORD)
browser.button(id: 'btnLoginUsuario').click
browser.select_list(id: '1').click
browser.select_list(id: '2').select "4"
browser.select_list(id: '3').click
browser.select_list(id: '3').option(index: 1).click
browser.button(id: '4').click
I'm developing a web-scraper. So, I wrote some code and don't understand why the loop doesn't work? How can help me with that?
browser = Watir::Browser.new
browser.is(class: /event--head-block/).each do |event|
event.is(class: /event--more/).button.click
puts "Hello world"
So, when I executed the code, I didn't see 'hello world' in the console. In addition, when tried to understand are the class 'event--head-block' present on the web-page, I run browser.element(class: /event--head-block/).exists? and that returns true.
I forget to say that there are 8-10 same classes with name 'event--head-block'. Probably it's the reason?
Specs: Rails 5.2, Ruby 2.5.1, Yarn 1.91.1, React-Rails 2.6.0, selenium-webdriver 3.14, chromedriver 77, capybara gem 3.29 , Ubuntu 18.04
Issue: I created a questionnaire using react components in a Rails app which works when run in development mode. I can click the yes or no button then a callback function renders the new question text. However my selenium integration tests don't pick this up. The page object continues to have the same text for the first question so I receive an error like this
Failure/Error: expect(question.text).to include('last question')
expected "first question" to include "last question"
The test itself looks like this in features/questionnaire.rb
RSpec.feature "Onboarding Questionnaire", type: :feature, js:true do
question = find('h3.question')
expect(question.text).to include('first question')
yes = find('#yes')
sleep 5
question = find('h3.question')
expect(question.text).to include('last question')
The problem arises after yes.click. I thought at first my animations were causing the issue, but I removed those and it is just using setState in my callback function.
Here is my react callback function
saveAnswer(e) {
questionnaire = this
questionnaire.setState({page: questionnaire.state.page})
Here is my driver config
Capybara.javascript_driver = :selenium_chrome_headless
Now using sleep works as desired. Here are the changes I made.
1) I removed the deprecated gem chromedriver-helper and replaced it with webdrivers
2) Added require 'webdrivers' to the rails_helper.rb file.
3) Found error in my react code (which wasn't showing up in development or being logged in chrome webdriver) of questionnaire = this which I changed to var questionnaire = this.
Integration tests now pass fine using selenium_chrome_headless
I have a select2 v4 that loads options through AJAX.
I am running a Cucumber test where I need to select 2 options of the list, but I can't seem to make the list open up and load (which normally gets populated when I type 2 or characters).
I have tried:
As suggested here:
#session.first(".input.publish_to .select2-container").click
which do not give me an error, but I am not getting the options to select, so I am assuming that the click is not really working. Things I have tried to select the options:
# This one cannot find the css:
#session.find(".select2-results__options", text: client.email).click
# This one gives me a Timeout error
#session.evaluate_script "$('#publish_to').val(#{client.id}).trigger('change')"
# This one gives me a Timeout error
#session.evaluate_script "$('.select2-search__field').trigger('keydown').val('#{client.email}').trigger('keyup')";
sleep 10
#session.find('.select2-search__option', text: client.email).click
Anything with trigger gives me a Timeout error, so I tried waiting for jQuery.active but I never got a true even waiting for 2 minutes:
counter = 0
timeout_in_sec = 120
while counter < timeout_in_sec && #session.evaluate_script('jQuery.active').zero?
sleep 1.second
I tried using the gem capybara-select2 running:
#session.select2 client.email, css: '#publish_to', search: true
but I get the error undefined methodselect2' for #and I haveWorld(CapybaraSelect2)in myenv.rb`
I am using Cucumber v3.1.2 with ruby gem 'cucumber-rails'
The poltergeist driver is roughly equivalent to a 7 year old version of Safari which means it doesn't support a lot of current JS/CSS. This means your issue could simply be that select2 is no longer compatible with Poltergeist (without a lot of polyfilling). You're going to be much better off updating to using a real browser (stable - chrome via selenium, etc) or one of the direct to Chrome drivers (highly beta) that have spun off Poltergeist (Apparition is one of them). Those will allow you to run with a visible browser (useful for debugging) or headless.
The following code uses Chrome via selenium and interacts with the select2 demo site to select an entry that is loaded via Ajax.
require "selenium/webdriver"
require "capybara/dsl"
sess = Capybara::Session.new(:selenium_chrome)
sess.first('.select2-container', minimum: 1).click
sess.find('.select2-dropdown input.select2-search__field').send_keys("capy")
sleep 5 # just to watch the browser search
sess.find('.select2-results__option', text: 'teamcapybara/capybara').click
sess.assert_selector(:css, '.select2-selection__rendered', text: 'teamcapybara/capybara')
sleep 5 # just to see the effect
I'm practicing webscraping using Watir, Mechanize and Nokigiri gems.
I'm running into an issue with my Watir script. My plan is to get a list of prices from flights via http://tripadvisor.com/. When I run the script, the Chrome browser opens as it should, the script proceeds to fill out the first parts of the form, origin and destination and then it halts. Here is the error message I'm getting:
This code has slept for the duration of the default timeout waiting for an Element to be present. If the test is still passing, consider using Element#exists? instead of rescuing UnknownObjectException
/home/jaffejoe/.rbenv/versions/2.4.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/watir-6.2.0/lib/watir/elements/element.rb:515:in `rescue in wait_for_present': element located, but timed out after 30 seconds, waiting for true condition on #<Watir::Input: located: true; {:name=>"rt_leaveday", :tag_name=>"input"}> (Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException)
from /home/jaffejoe/.rbenv/versions/2.4.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/watir-6.2.0/lib/watir/elements/element.rb:505:in `wait_for_present'
from /home/jaffejoe/.rbenv/versions/2.4.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/watir-6.2.0/lib/watir/elements/element.rb:522:in `wait_for_enabled'
from /home/jaffejoe/.rbenv/versions/2.4.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/watir-6.2.0/lib/watir/elements/element.rb:534:in `wait_for_writable'
from /home/jaffejoe/.rbenv/versions/2.4.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/watir-6.2.0/lib/watir/elements/element.rb:639:in `element_call'
from /home/jaffejoe/.rbenv/versions/2.4.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/watir-6.2.0/lib/watir/elements/element.rb:303:in `send_keys'
from watir_test.rb:8:in `<main>' </
Here is my code:
require 'watir'
browser = Watir::Browser.new
browser.input(name: 'orig').send_keys('Boston, MA - Logan International Airport (BOS)')
browser.input(name: 'dest').send_keys('Milan, Italy - All Airports (MIL)')
browser.input(name: 'rt_leaveday').send_keys('1')
browser.input(name: 'rt_leavemonth').send_keys('06/2017')
browser.input(name: 'retday').send_keys('30')
browser.input(name: 'leavemonth').send_keys('06/2017')
browser.input(value: 'Search Flights').click
puts browser.url
It can't set value on the rt_leaveday or rt_leavemonth because they are hidden inputs. But you can execute a script to click on dateselector:
require 'watir'
browser = Watir::Browser.new
browser.text_field(name: 'orig').set('Boston, MA - Logan International Airport (BOS)')
browser.text_field(name: 'dest').set('Milan, Italy - All Airports (MIL)')
browser.span(id: "CHECK_FARES_BUTTON").fire_event :click
puts browser.url
=> https://www.tripadvisor.com/CheapFlightsSearchResults-g187849-a_airport0.BOS-a_airport1.MIL-a_cos.0-a_date0.20170328-a_date1.20170402-a_nearby0.no-a_nearby1.no-a_nonstop.no-a_pax0.a-a_travelers.1-Milan_Lombardy.html
Firstly it is showing error I have use #Watir.default_timeout = 900 also I try change the time in config file inside webrick still it doesn't work
The errors are
Secondly for the next error I even tried changing port number still it doesn't work
Errno::ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 70 55):
I want to list all the seller name and price but it only list 2 sellers name and price I want them all
require 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'phantomjs'
require 'watir'
browser = Watir::Browser.new: chrome
browser.goto "url"
browser.div(: class => 'sellCont').uls.each do |list |
puts list.lis.first.text# For dealer name
puts list.li(: class => 'price')# For price
Are you getting all required data when you load given url first time without click on any link or button on browser?
As you said your example one-to-one as your code. It is really strange because it does not look like a valid ruby code. This code works in my console (irb)
require 'selenium-webdriver'
require 'watir-webdriver'
browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome
browser.goto "https://paytm.com/shop/p/gionee-e7-mini-black-MOBGIONEE-E7-MIHAPP44414CBBDB36C?psearch=organic%7Cundefined%7Cgionee%20e7%7Cgrid"
browser.div(:class => 'sellCont').uls.each do |list |
puts list.li.first.text# For dealer name
puts list.li(:class => 'price')# For price
Pay attention that you don't use phantomjs (maybe you need it in general but not in the given example) so it was removed. And I require watir-webdriver not watir (I just take it from one of my project)