Is it possible to download another app in Swift? - ios

I’m new to swift, and was wondering if I could download an iPhone/iPad app using swift (for example, I’m looking for something like an App Store API).

In a word, no.
Apple's security protections don't allow apps to install other apps. That would be a huge vulnerability.
And, as Rob pointed out in his comment, creating your own App Store would be a direct violation of the App Store guidelines you have to agree to in order to publish your apps on Apple's App Store. (Their ball, their rules.)


Is it possible to transfer ios application from react native to swift native app?

I have an iOS app published in store, made with React-Native. (it is created by other developer, i'm not the original developer in this project.)
Now i'm refactoring my application into SwiftUI.
Is it possible to change entire project in same package? I want to keep app store page of my application.
I read how to publish applications. I read how to manage app package uri.
Yes, possible.
Keep your bundle identifier same and Increase your app version.
It is completely possible. You need to re-submit the updated app for review and approval by Apple.
Be sure that the bundle identifier is the same, otherwise it will be treated as a new app and will not replace the old one on the App Store page.
There are already many examples of companies that have completely changed the codebase of their apps.

Does Apple accept iOS apps with statically linked OpenSSL in the app store?

This question is not really technical in nature but it is clearly answerable with yes/no and so I hope its fine if I ask it here on StackOverflow.
My scenario is as follows: In order to share code between iOS and Android I'm using C++ for much of the app's logic. I'm about to start writing network code for both platforms and I plan to utilize OpenSSL or one of its derivates (LibreSSL / BoringSSL) to be able to do HTTPS calls.
OpenSSL/LibreSSL/BoringSSL would be statically linked into my app and periodically be updated by releasing a new app version.
However, I'm unsure about whether Apple would accept such an app in its app store or not. As far as I know they take a closer look at what is inside the app and I want to prevent a situation where all code is written but eventually rejected when attempting to publish the app to the app store.
I'm looking for a clear yes/no answer whether Apple accepts such apps nowadays (2019). Preferably this answer is coming from someone who actually knows the answer i.e. from someone having done the same recently (2018/2019).
Did anyone recently succeed in publishing such an app into Apple's app store?
Not only does Apple allow this, that's exactly how one is supposed to use OpenSSL in an iOS app. The operating system doesn't provide OpenSSL for the apps, so the apps need to bring their own one.
You'll probably need to declare the use of encryption to comply with encryption export regulations. It is, however, required even when using the system encryption like TLS.

Firebase vs CloudKit Target Store Options

I'm currently making an app using Swift. It's an app similar to those of restaurant rating apps where users rate restaurants and leave comments. I have two questions.
1) Is it possible to launch my app on both Google Play Store and App Store if I choose to store my servers on CloudKit? If yes, which one is easier to integrate into my app?
2) If I choose to use Firebase, since I'm using Swift as my coding language, can I still launch my app on both Google Play Store and App Store?
Thank you very much in advance.
Typically anything "____kit" from Apple is a framework that's exclusive to the App Store. The features from SiriKit or HealthKit certainly cannot be launched on the Google Play Store.
If you're trying to deploy on both iOS and Android, I'd definitely choose Firebase. I use it myself on an app my company is creating, and have had no problems so far. It's owned by Google so you'll get great support on both iOS and Android.
Firebase is probably more powerful as well due to its connections into Google Cloud and Cloud Functions.
Hope that helped!

How to jump to system settings on iOS?

If my app detects that the network is disabled, I want to jump to the system network settings. How can I do this in iOS?
There is no way to do this with the current version of the API, and Apple specifically disallows this in their HIG. Presumably this means that if you find a way, your app will be rejected.
There are no documented public APIs allowing you to do this. You can however use Apple's private frameworks, but you won't get an app accepted on the app store this way. It can, however, be used for Ad Hoc distribution and even Cydia for jailbroken apps.
Here's a quick way to get started with the private frameworks.

Programmatically executing the application out of sandbox in iPhone

How to build an application which is capable of executing outside the sandbox in non-jail broken devices? Because I need to access the files and other informations like sms, call history etc ...
I'm afraid you will probably not be able to do this. The provided SDK, and terms of using the SDK do not allow you to operate outside of the sandbox.
Even if you were able to access the information, then the app would only ever be for your own use (unless you are an enterprise developer) as it would most likely get a rejection from the App Store approvals process.
The only access outside the sandbox that is allowed is mediated through Apple's SDK. You will only be able to access specific items, such as the Address Book or Photo library, through the iPhone OS framework.
If you have a more specific question about what you want to accomplish, perhaps we can answer based on what is currently allowed.
There's no method that I know of to perform access outside the sandbox that is defined by the iPhone SDK.
Even if there were, your app would not be available for non-jailbroken phones, as it wouldn't be approved by the app store.
