I am using LogicalDOC for DMS.
I have to use following api to get list of the documents.
GET- /document/list (Lists documents by folder).
Does this API provide pagination parameters to fetch limited number of records in pagination form?
The Walmart Open API doesn't seem to honor storeID as a filter parameter.
For example, I want my backend code (java) to search for BREAD filtered to a particular store. Is this possible with Any Open API ?
Here is my query
The returned result seems to always ignore the storeId.
Any thoughts ?
I am using Microsoft graph API. I made calls to get the lists of the sites and response resulted in listing all the lists available. Then used list id to fetch the items, but no items are displaying in the values field of response JSON. There are items in the list and can be seen in SharePoint. The API call made is to fetch the items -
and it returns-
"#odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#sites('abc.sharepoint.com%2C792f04d7-8a76-4ccf-95fd-10e3293536c4%2Ca422fba2-947c-44ef-8134-ddd560d6bb3d')/lists('0c739bcd-8649-4fa6-bca4-a8dcea53e2c2')/items",
"value": []
To get the lists, which is working -
and displays all the available lists.
I am referring this doc .
Using postman to make the calls.
Try to use test query tool below to check if it works.
It works using the API below in my test.
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/abc.sharepoint.com,{Site GUID},{Web GUID}/lists/{List GUID}/items
You can also check if the list id is right.
we wud like to webscrape / import surveymonkey results into a html page then approve/decline each survey from/on that page.
We can also use wordpress as a last resort if we must.
Any ideas/tip how we can do this programatically ? Api Tips ???
You can use the SurveyMonkey API to fetch the responses and render them how you like.
You can fetch the survey details like this:
GET /v3/surveys/<survey_id>/details
You can fetch the survey responses like this:
GET /v3/surveys/<survey_id>/responses
You can then join the two data together to fill it out. This may be quite a bit of work to render all that yourself though, you may just want to have a list of edit/analyze URLs (provided in the body when fetching responses) and then click through to SurveyMonkey to view the response and decide.
Fetch them in bulk like this:
GET /v3/surveys/<survey_id>/responses/bulk
and make a table with a list of URLs to work with. You may think of other ideas by looking at the API docs.
I can see in the Basic Tutorial section of the odata website that you can perfom a contains search using a filter
GET serviceRoot/Airports?$filter=contains(Location/Address, 'San Francisco')
The API I am using refused this when I tried to use it. The API I am accessing is OData 2.0.
So I wanted to know if OData 2.0 supports the contains filter but couldn't find a list anywhere documenting the filters you could use e.g. startsWith, endsWith, contains
My research led me to the only answer I could find which was to use substringof instead of contains. This is the end of the url call from the actual API I am working on. This results in searching for Items filtered by Description containing "69":
I've been using SimpleGeo for doing some of my place data queries for a location-based app I'm building. They currently use Factual's data set. From what I can tell, there is no way to do partial text queries on place data, probably because of limitations on Factual's end.
The kind of query I mean is that "Starb" would return results for Starbucks in an auto-complete.
Testing out Google Places API yields the same results. Querying "Bullf" for Bullfrog Brewery near Williamsport, PA turns up nothing. Querying "Bullfrog" yields the correct result.
Do any geolocation/place APIs support this kind of partial keyword query?
Google Places does have an Autocomplete API that will return results based on partial keyword queries.
You can view the documentation here:
Also there's a demo and a blog post about the Places API with Autocomplete here: