How to filter Microsoft Graph API JSON response using Power Query language? - microsoft-graph-api

My request is
Because of this I have a problem in PowerApps, I can't show the objects.

Assuming you have...
... a working Custom Connector named myCustConn
... with a GET method called GetRoles
try this:
In the PowerApp, insert a Button control and set its OnSelect property to:
ClearCollect(colAppRoles, myCustConn.GetRoles().value.AppRoles)
Then insert a Gallery control and set its Items property to:
Then insert a TextBox control into the Gallery template and set its Default property to:
ThisItem.description (or, etc.)


Using Graph API is it possible to filter items from a list/document library filtering by webUrl containing some text?

I'm able to get the items from a document library by querying the Graph like this:{site-id}/lists/{library-id}/items
And I get items back that look like the following:
Now I want to filter the results to get only items where the webUrl property contains the text '1808569'. So I change the query to:{site-id}/lists/{library-id}/items?$filter=contains(webUrl,'1808569')
And here is what I get back:
If filtering by webUrl not supported??
You can filter list items only by fields. Filtering by any property (even by id) is not supported.
GET /v1.0/sites/{site_id}/lists/{list_id}/items?$expand=fields&$filter=fields/Title eq 'foo'
Not sure what exactly your value 1808569 represents in your case but as an alternative you can try to create a custom column on the list with this value 1808569 and then filter items by this custom field
GET /v1.0/sites/{site_id}/lists/{list_id}/items?$expand=fields&$filter=fields/CustomField eq '1808569'
Filter by field may require header Prefer:HonorNonIndexedQueriesWarningMayFailRandomly
Could you try using filter = startswith(webUrl,'1808569')

Outlook Rest API push notifications: Filter the notifications based on specific custom property set by outlook add-in

I followed same steps that are mentioned in this question, to filter the push notification events based on custom properties set by outlook add-in.
Below is the resource link that I used while subscribing to push notifications.$filter=SingleValueExtendedProperties%2FAny(ep%3A%20ep%2FPropertyId%20eq%20'String%20{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}%20Name%20cecp-7e248e5e-204e-4e2b-aa0f-788af20fc21c'%20and%20ep%2FValue%20ne%20null)
It's filtering the calendar items that are having custom properties set by add-in, irrespective of whatever custom property it is.
By looking at this resource link, we could say that no where we have mentioned the custom property name. But my add-in sets more than one custom properties to calendar item. I want to filter all calendar items that are having specific custom property. For example, My add-in sets any one of the below custom property to calendar based on business login.
Custom property 1:
var item = Office.context.mailbox.item;
item.loadCustomPropertiesAsync((result) => {
const props = result.value;
props.set("my_prop_one", "test_value_one");
props.saveAsync((saveResult) => console.log("Successfull"));
Custom property 2:
var item = Office.context.mailbox.item;
item.loadCustomPropertiesAsync((result) => {
const props = result.value;
props.set("my_prop_two", "test_value_tw");
props.saveAsync((saveResult) => console.log("Successful"));
Now I want to filter all calendar items that are having custom property my_prop_one.
As suggested by #Jason Johnston in one of the comments, I cross verified the property name and it's GUID using MFCMapi. Both property name and it's GUID values are correct.
MFCMapi data of custom property meetingsetby.
Then I collected data from MFCMapi and prepared the below url to filter calendar items that are having custom property meetingsetby and it's value webex.$filter=SingleValueExtendedProperties%2FAny(ep%3A%20ep%2FPropertyId%20eq%20'String%20{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}%20Name%20meetingsetby'%20and%20ep%2FValue%20eq%20'webex')
And below is the response from postman when I make the get call using above url.
As you can see, response has empty list even though there is one calendar item with custom property meetingsetby and value webex.
Then I set the SingleValueExtendedProperty to calendar item using outlook Rest API as described in this post. Below is the sample request data,
MFCMapi data of SingleValueExtendedProperty
Then I collected data from MFCMapi and prepared the below url to filter calendar items that are having singleValueExtendedProperty set in above step.$filter=SingleValueExtendedProperties%2FAny(ep%3A%20ep%2FPropertyId%20eq%20'String%20{6666AA44-4659-4830-9070-00047EC6AC6E}%20Name%20RestApiSingleValueExtendedProperty'%20and%20ep%2FValue%20eq%20'Set this property using REST API')
And below is the response from postman when I make the get call using above url.
As you can see, I can successfully filter the calendar items using singleValueExtendedProperty. But my requirement is filter calendar items that are having specific custom property set by my outlook web add-in.
Any suggestion/answers would be more than welcome.
Custom properties set by an add-in (using the CustomProperties interface) are not equivalent to normal MAPI named properties. Essentially what the add-in APIs do is take all of your "custom properties", serialize them as a JSON payload, then save it in a single MAPI named property, which will have the name cecp-{some guid}, and the property set GUID PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}. The {some-guid} part of the name is equal to the Id of your add-in. This is all specified in MS-OXCEXT section 2.2.5.
So the end result here is that you cannot use $filter on the values you set in the CustomProperties interface, because there is no SingleValueExtendedProperty with that name and value. Instead, there is a single SingleValueExtendedProperty with the name cecp-{some guid}, with a string value that's the JSON serialization of ALL the custom props you set via the CustomProperties interface.
So how can you do what you want? Well, going back to your original URL, you can get all messages that have ANY properties set by your add-in by doing
(ep: ep/PropertyId eq 'String {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Name cecp-7e248e5e-204e-4e2b-aa0f-788af20fc21c' and ep/Value ne null)
Replacing the GUID after the cecp- with the GUID ID for your add-in.
But of course you want to find just the ones that have a specific property (meetingsetby) set to a specific value (webex). Unfortunately our API won't support substring searches when filtering the SingleValueExtendedProperties. So what you'd need to do is get all messages with any properties set by your add-in, then do your own filtering logic to find just the ones you want. So basically you would load them in memory, then check the value of that property yourself to find the ones you want.
You can make sure that the value of the property is included in the response by using an $expand clause. Something like this:
(ep: ep/PropertyId eq 'String {00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Name cecp-7e248e5e-204e-4e2b-aa0f-788af20fc21c' and ep/Value ne null)
&$expand=SingleValueExtendedProperties($filter=PropertyId eq 'String
{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Name cecp-7e248e5e-204e-4e2b-aa0f-788af20fc21c')

How do you get the value of a data attribute within an event-based rule in Adobe Dynamic Tag Manager (DTM)?

I have an event-based rule configured to fire on click of an element with a specific class. On click, I would like to capture the value of a data attribute that exists. The DTM documentation says you can capture attribute values using this syntax:
Example HTML:
On click of links with the class "test", I would like to store the value of "event name" within an eVar. When I used the above syntax however, the syntax is converted to a string and in the Adobe server call as:
What is the best way to dynamically grab the value of an attribute of an HTML element on click within DTM?
DTM documentation says you can do that, but in practice I too have found that it doesn't seem to work as advertised most of the time, and will instead populate it with a literal (un-eval'd) string like that.
So what I do instead is under Conditions > Rule Conditions I create a Custom condition. In the Custom condition, I add the following:
// example to get id
// example to get href
return true;
Basically I create on-the-fly data elements using javascript, and then return true (so the condition doesn't affect the rule from triggering).
Then I use %this_id%, %this_href%, etc. syntax from the data element I created, in the Adobe Analytics section variable fields.
The easist way to capture the values of a data attribute against an eVar or prop on the element clicked using DTM is to set the input as the following:
For example, if there was a data attribute on an element of data-social-share-destination='facebook' simply input %this.getAttribute(data-social-share-destination)%. This will then capture the value of 'facebook'
More detail on data attributes can be found at
I found a solution. The best way to grab the value of an attribute on click is to use this syntax:
The key is to not use quotes around the attribute name AND ensure the attribute has a value.
If the attribute is missing, the expression is not replaced by an empty string as one would normally expect from experience in other platforms, but instead will display the raw un-interpolated code.

How to fetch value of Dataslots in custom Jsp in Savvion BPM?

I am using Progress Savvion BPM Studio 8.0.
I want to use value of "Dataslot" (variable) in custom jsp page with Scriptlet.
I am getting value of some "Dataslot" from previous activity and now I want to perform some action on that "Dataslot" and display it in table. But I don't know how to get/use value of "Dataslot" inside scriptlet.
I should use request.getParameter() or jst.getDataSlotValue().
I tried both of them but I am not getting any error or output.
You need to get it from bean.getProp(String,Object,Boolean) based on the type of the dataslot in the JSP. You also need to add the dataslot as input to the BizSolo or Custom JSP you have added in the bizlogic process.
Also you need to define bean with com.savvion.BizSolo.beans.Bean and with scope as Session.

Umbraco - Automatically sync the Content Node Name with a doc type property

Am using Umbraco 4.11.10
Is there a standard way to create a document type property which when updated, automatically syncs with the content node name?
I know this can be done in the Properties section in the Name field but that field cannot be moved from the properties tab and it is a little out of the way - users get confused.
How is this usually done?
There are some special use umbraco field aliases. One is umbracoUrlName which will override the page url - just add it to your doctype and put it in whichever tab you want to change the url from.
Another option would be to create a custom data type and use it to create a field that overwrites the node name. Add a text field as the UI of the custom data type; add an event that is fired whrn the textbox changes and update the name.
// Get the document by its ID
Document doc = new Document(node.Id);
// Get the properties you wish to modify by it's alias and set their value
// the value is saved in the database instantly!
doc.getProperty("name").Value = <input textbox value?;
// After modifying the document, prepare it for publishing
User author = User.GetUser(0);
// Tell umbraco to publish the document so the updated properties are visible on website
