Activate VLC module "jack" on Windows? - vlc

Is it possible to activate the "jack" module for the Windows variant of VLC?


Write script to "Send file to device" in bluetooth

I'm relatively new to scripting and using application such as Automator. I would like to try create a script which detects when new images are added to a folder, prints them twice to a device (HP Sprocket) by using the "send file to device" option in Bluetooth, and then moves that image to another folder once the print has been sent (in queue) or completed.
I have used automator to create the transfer of the file, however I have no idea how to go about doing the printing aspect of this. Should I be using applescripts in automator? or another program?
Just for clarification regarding this, this is where the option sits when doing it manually.
The reason I am doing it this way and not just through a standard print is because the HP Sprocket doesn't work as a printer on any devices other than mobile, however you are able to send a file to the device this way with it still printing.
Here are some bits of help:
To detect when files arrive in a folder, you need to Google "Applescript folder actions".
I did something similar to what you are trying and used a folder in Dropbox which allows me to print from a smartphone by dropping files into Dropbox.... neat!
I used a POGO printer in my case, here is the bash code with embedded Applescript at the end:
# POGOprint
# Send image supplied as parameter to Polaroid POGO printer using Bluetooth
# File Exchange
# Mark Setchell
# User editable parameters - get address by clicking Bluetooth icon at top-right
# of the Mac screen and looking for the POGO
# Install ImageMagick using "homebrew", with:
# brew install imagemagick
# Get width and height of image using ImageMagick
read w h < <(convert "$1" -format "%w %h" info: )
if [ $w -gt $h ]; then
# Landscape format - wider than tall
convert "$1" -resize 900x600 $tmp
# Portrait format - taller than wide
convert "$1" -resize 600x900 $tmp
with timeout of 60 seconds
tell application "Bluetooth File Exchange"
send file "$tmp" as string to device "$pogo_address"
end tell
end timeout

Dustjs OR helper

How to write below statement using dust helper?
{#eq key="device" value="windows || Linux"}
Your system is Windows or Linux based.
Your system is MAC based.
You can use the #any helper with the Select Helper to achieve this:
{#select key=device}
{#eq value="windows"/}
{#eq value="Linux"/}
{#any}Your system is Windows or Linux based.{/any}
{#none}Your system is MAC based.{/none}

Should it be possible to put the #load directive inside #if directive in F# fsx file?

I have a fsx file where I try to do this
#if DEV
#load "MyFile.fs"
// Later in the file
#if DEV
The callSomethingFromMyFile() works if I remove the #if DEV ... #endif around the #load directive.
I realize that this might be a weird thing, but it is because I'm using fable to compile to F# to js, and if I want to exclude a file when production "build" to reduce js file size.
In regular F# scripts it is possible, it seems like fable doesn't handle it.
To verify that it works in regular F# I created the following to files:
module MyModule
type A = {b: string}
#if DEV
#load "./MyModule.fs"
#if DEV
open MyModule
printfn "Hello A: %A" {b = "yolo"}
printfn "Done"
running fsharpi --define:DEV --exec script.fsx works as expected. I expect fsi on Windows to work as well.
Ive fixed this in the following PR:
You can currently pass defines to the interactive checker its just that for fsx files this was not currently being done.
Some directives are available when you are executing scripts in F# Interactive that are not available when you are executing the compiler. The following table summarizes directives that are available when you are using F# Interactive.
The table then lists #load amongst others. Not entirely clear that text (compiler vs. preprocessor), but it also kind of makes sense...

How can I have voice in QtAv with PortAudio

I have compiled QtAv and PortAudio src code, but I run QtAv's examples (such as vo-qt), It only has video, I check the src code, to here AVPlayer.cpp:
include "QtAV/AOPortAudio.h"
and here
_audio = new QtAV::AOPortAudio();
so I think PortAudio hasn't included , I don't know where defined the HAVE_PORTAUDIO and how I can include the portaudio?
if your compiler can find portaudio's header and library, then it will be enabled when running qmake.

PyQt4: QFileDialog and QFontDialog localization

Subj: is it possible? For example, can I translate QtGui.QFileDialog().getSaveFileName() button "Save" to "Conservare", and "Cancel" to "Ignorare"? Is it possible to create my class based on QFileDialog/QFontDialog without inventing a velocity?
Someone said that these functions will be always translated, depending os system locale. Don't believe, my Russian version of OpenSUSE says that it is a lie. :-) And Russian Windows 7 has a such behaviour. All strings which I see on my systems are English. I'm not a nationalist, but I want to use strings in other languages. :-) Thanks!
A standard Qt installation should include 20 or so translation files for the Qt library itself.
An explanantion of how to use them can be found in this section of the Qt i18n docs.
Here's a basic PyQt4 example:
from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore
class Window(QtGui.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
self.buttons = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(self)
button = self.buttons.addButton(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Open)
button = self.buttons.addButton(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Close)
layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
def handleOpen(self):
dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog()
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
translator = QtCore.QTranslator()
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
locale = sys.argv[1]
locale = QtCore.QLocale.system().name()
translator.load('qt_%s' % locale,
window = Window()
I've already found a solution: qm files. You can get them from ts files, using lrelease.
