understanding docker : how come my docker container content is dynamic? - docker

I want to make sure I understand correctly docker: when i build an image from the current directory I run:
docker build -t imgfile .
What happens when i change the content of a file in the directory AFTER the image is built? From what i've tried it seems it changes the content of the docker image also dynamically.
I thought the docker image was like a zip file that could only be changed with docker commands or logging into the image and running commands.
The dockerfile is :
FROM lambci/lambda:build-python3.8
WORKDIR /var/task
RUN echo 'export PS1="\[\e[36m\]zappashell>\[\e[m\] "' >> /root/.bashrc
CMD ["bash"]
And the docker run command is :
docker run -ti -p 8000:8000 -e AWS_PROFILE=zappa -v "$(pwd):/var/task" -v ~/.aws/:/root/.aws --rm zappa-docker-image
Thank you

Your docker run command isn't really running your image at all. The docker run -v $(pwd):/var/task syntax overwrites what was in /var/task in the image with a bind mount to the current directory on the host. So when you edit a file on your host, the container has the same host directory (and not the content from the image) and you see the changes inside the container as well.
You're right that the image is immutable. The image you show doesn't really contain anything, beyond a .bashrc file that won't usually be used. You can try running the image without the -v options to see:
docker run --rm zappa-docker-image ls -al
# just shows `.` and `..` directories
I'd recommend making sure you COPY your application into the image, setting its CMD to actually run the application, and removing the -v option that overwrites its main directory. If your goal is to run host code against host files with host supporting data like your AWS credentials, you're not really getting much benefit from introducing Docker in between your application and every single file it uses.


Apache/Nifi 1.12.1 Docker Image Issue

I have a Dockerfile based on apache/nifi:1.12.1 and want to expand it like this:
FROM apache/nifi:1.12.1
RUN mkdir -p /opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/flow
Thing is that the folder isn't created when I'm building the image from Linux distros like Ubuntu and CentOS. Build succeeds, I run it with docker run -it -d --rm --name nifi nifi-test but when I enter the container through docker exec there's no flow dir.
Strange thing is, that the flow dir is being created normally when I'm building the image through Windows and Docker Desktop. I can't understand why is this happening.
I've tried things such as USER nifi or RUN chown ... but still...
For your convenience, this is the base image:
Take a look at this as well:
This is what looks like at the CLI
Thanks in advance.
By taking a look at the dockerfile provided you can see the following volume definition
Then if you run
docker image inspect apache/nifi:1.12.1
As a result, when you execute the RUN command to create a folder under the conf directory it succeeds
BUT when you run the container the volumes are mounted and as a result they overwrite everything that is under the mountpoint /opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf
In your case the flow directory.
You can test this by editing your Dockerfile
FROM apache/nifi:1.12.1
# this will be overriden, by volumes
RUN mkdir -p /opt/nifi/nifi-current/conf/flow
# this will be available in the container environment
RUN mkdir -p /opt/nifi/nifi-current/flow
To tackle this you could
clone the Dockerfile of the image you use as base one (the one in
FROM) and remove the VOLUME directive manually. Then build it and
use in your FROM as base one.
You could try to avoid adding directories under the mount points specified in the Dockerfile

Copying a file from container to locally by using volume mounts

Trying to copy files from the container to the local first
So, I have a custom Dockerfile, RUN mkdir /test1 && touch /test1/1.txt and then I build my image and I have created an empty folder in local path /root/test1
and docker run -d --name container1 -v /root/test1:/test1 Image:1
I tried to copy files from containers to the local folder, and I wanted to use it later on. but it is taking my local folder as a preceding and making my container empty.
Could you please someone help me here?
For example, I have built my own custom Jenkins file, for the first time while launching it I need to copy all the configurations and changes locally from the container, and later if wanted to delete my container and launch it again don't need to configure from the scratch.
The relatively new --mount flag replaces the -v/--volume mount. It's easier to understand (syntactically) and is also more verbose (see https://docs.docker.com/storage/volumes/).
You can mount and copy with:
docker run -i \
--rm \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/root/test1,target=/test1 \
/bin/bash << COMMANDS
cp <files> /test1
where you need to adjust the cp command to your needs. I'm not sure if you need the "$(pwd)" part.
Off the top, without testing to confirm, i think it is
docker cp container1:/path/on/container/filename /path/on/hostmachine/
EDIT: Yes that should work. Also "container1" is used here because that was the container's name provided in the example
In general it works like this
container to host
docker cp containername:/containerpath/ /hostpath/
host to container
docker cp /hostpath/ containername:/containerpath/

How to list files in a stopped Docker container

This question shows how to copy files out of a stopped container. This requires that I know the full path to the file including its file name. I know the directory I want to copy a file out of, but I do not know its file name since that is generated dynamically. How do I list the files in a directory in a stopped Docker container?
The following Docker command works great if the Docker container is running. But, it fails if the Docker container is stopped.
docker exec --privileged MyContainer ls -1 /var/log
Note: The files are not stored in a persistent volume.
This answer to another question shows how to start a stopped container with another command. Here are the commands to list files in a stopped container.
Commit the stopped container to a new image: test_image.
docker commit $CONTAINER_ID test_image
Run the new image in a new container with a shell.
docker run -ti --entrypoint=sh test_image
Run the list file command in the new container.
docker exec --privileged $NEW_CONTAINER_ID ls -1 /var/log
When starting the container is not an option, you can always export your image (a bit overkill but..) and list its contents:
docker export -o dump.tar <container id>
tar -tvf dump.tar
Reference: Baeldung - Exploring a Docker Container’s Filesystem
The command docker diff *CONTAINER* will list the files added, deleted and changed since the Container started.
If a file did not change since the container was started, then you would have to know the contents of the original image that started the container. So, this answer is not ideal but avoids creating an image and running it.
Unlike container-diff, this command does not require first creating a Docker image.
If you want to see a certain file content, I would suggest using docker container cp command. Here is the doc. It works on stopped container. Example:
docker container cp 02b1ef7de80a:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf ./
This way I got the config file that was generated by templating engine during start.
Try using container-diff with the --type=file option. This will compare two images and report the files added, deleted and modified.
If a file did not change since the container was started, then you would have to know the contents of the original image that started the container. So, this answer is not ideal but avoids creating an image and running it.
This tool requires that you first create an image of the stopped Docker container with docker commit.
Here is the command to install it:
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/container-diff/latest/container-diff-linux-amd64 \
&& chmod +x container-diff-linux-amd64 \
&& mkdir -p $HOME/bin \
&& export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin \
&& mv container-diff-linux-amd64 $HOME/bin/container-diff
Here is the command to use the utility:
container-diff analyze $IMAGE --type=file
docker container cp <STOPPED_CONTAINER_ID>:<PATH_TO_FILE> -
Notice the "-" at the end of the command.
It actually "copies" the specified file from the stopped container into "stdout". In other words, it just prints the file contents.
Thanks #azat-khadiev for your direction (I don't know why you got "-1 for that answer...)

Why the directory created after WORKDIR disappear

Currently, I have the following docker file
FROM ubuntu:14.04
ADD . /var/www/html/xxx
RUN mkdir -p /tmp/debug1
WORKDIR /var/www/html/xxx
RUN mkdir -p /var/www/html/xxx/debug2
After docker-compose up -d
I went inside the container by using the following command
docker exec -it xxx_xxx_1 bash
To my suprise
/tmp/debug1 is created
/var/www/html/xxx/debug2 is not created
However, if I went inside the container using
docker run -it xxx bash
What I realize is that
/tmp/debug1 is created
/var/www/html/xxx/debug2 is created
May I know why there is such behavior, after line WORKDIR?
This sounds like volumes being in play. Can you update your question with your compose file?
I assume that you have defined a volume in the compose file which mounts something to /var/www/html
If this is true, then this would explain what you see. When you run the container without compose, you see /var/www/html/xxx/debug2 because /var/www/html contains the content originally created at docker build time. If you run it with compose, docker mounts a host directory or a docker volume onto /var/www/html, in which case everything that was originally there get "invisible". If your volume/host-dir is empty, then /var/www/html is also empty.

Docker - how can I copy a file from an image to a host?

My question is related to this question on copying files from containers to hosts; I have a Dockerfile that fetches dependencies, compiles a build artifact from source, and runs an executable. I also want to copy the build artifact (in my case it's a .zip produced by sbt dist in '../target/`, but I think this question also applies to jars, binaries, etc.
docker cp works on containers, not images; do I need to start a container just to get a file out of it? In a script, I tried running /bin/bash in interactive mode in the background, copying the file out, and then killing the container, but this seems kludgey. Is there a better way?
On the other hand, I would like to avoid unpacking a .tar file after running docker save $IMAGENAME just to get one file out (but that seems like the simplest, if slowest, option right now).
I would use docker volumes, e.g.:
docker run -v hostdir:out $IMAGENAME /bin/cp/../blah.zip /out
but I'm running boot2docker in OSX and I don't know how to directly write to my mac host filesystem (read-write volumes are mounting inside my boot2docker VM, which means I can't easily share a script to extract blah.zip from an image with others. Thoughts?
To copy a file from an image, create a temporary container, copy the file from it and then delete it:
id=$(docker create image-name)
docker cp $id:path - > local-tar-file
docker rm -v $id
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to copy files directly from Docker images. You need to create a container first and then copy the file from the container.
However, if your image contains a cat command (and it will do in many cases), you can do it with a single command:
docker run --rm --entrypoint cat yourimage /path/to/file > path/to/destination
If your image doesn't contain cat, simply create a container and use the docker cp command as suggested in Igor's answer.
docker cp $(docker create --name tc registry.example.com/ansible-base:latest):/home/ansible/.ssh/id_rsa ./hacked_ssh_key && docker rm tc
wanted to supply a one line solution based on pure docker functionality (no bash needed)
edit: container does not even has to be run in this solution
edit2: thanks to #Jonathan Dumaine for --rm so the container will be removed after, i just never tried, because it sounded illogical to copy something from somewhere which has been already removed by the previous command, but i tried it and it works
edit3: due the comments we found out --rm is not working as expected, it does not remove the container because it never runs, so I added functionality to delete the created container afterwards(--name tc=temporary-container)
edit 4: this error appeared, seems like a bug in docker, because t is in a-z and this did not happen a few months before.
Error response from daemon: Invalid container name (t), only [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-] are allowed
A much faster option is to copy the file from running container to a mounted volume:
docker run -v $PWD:/opt/mount --rm --entrypoint cp image:version /data/libraries.tgz /opt/mount/libraries.tgz
real 0m0.446s
** VS **
docker run --rm --entrypoint cat image:version /data/libraries.tgz > libraries.tgz
real 0m9.014s
Parent comment already showed how to use cat. You could also use tar in a similar fashion:
docker run yourimage tar -c -C /my/directory subfolder | tar x
Another (short) answer to this problem:
docker run -v $PWD:/opt/mount --rm -ti image:version bash -c "cp /source/file /opt/mount/"
Update - as noted by #Elytscha Smith this only works if your image has bash built in
Not a direct answer to the question details, but in general, once you pulled an image, the image is stored on your system and so are all its files. Depending on the storage driver of the local Docker installation, these files can usually be found in /var/lib/docker/overlay2 (requires root access). overlay2 should be the most common storage driver nowadays, but the path may differ.
The layers associated with an image can be found using $ docker inspect image IMAGE_NAME:TAG, look for a GraphDriver attribute.
At least in my local environment, the following also works to quickly see all layers associated with an image:
docker inspect image IMAGE_NAME:TAG | jq ".[0].GraphDriver.Data"
In one of these diff directories, the wanted file can be found.
So in theory, there's no need to create a temporary container. Ofc this solution is pretty inconvenient.
First pull docker image using docker pull
docker pull <IMG>:<TAG>
Then, create a container using docker create command and store the container id is a variable
img_id=$(docker create <IMG>:<TAG>)
Now, run the docker cp command to copy folders and files from docker container to host
docker cp $img_id:/path/in/container /path/in/host
Once the files/folders are moved, delete the container using docker rm
docker rm -v $img_id
You essentially had the best solution already. Have the container copy out the files for you, and then remove itself when it's complete.
This will copy the files from /inside/container/ to your machine at /path/to/hostdir/.
docker run --rm -v /path/to/hostdir:/mnt/out "$IMAGENAME" /bin/cp -r /inside/container/ /mnt/out/
Update - here's a better version without the tar file:
$id = & docker create image-name
docker cp ${id}:path .
docker rm -v $id
Old answer
PowerShell variant of Igor Bukanov's answer:
$id = & docker create image-name
docker cp ${id}:path - > local-file.tar
docker rm -v $id
I am using boot2docker on MacOS. I can assure you that scripts based on "docker cp" are portable. Because any command is relayed inside boot2docker but then the binary stream is relayed back to the docker command line client running on your mac. So write operations from the docker client are executed inside the server and written back to the executing client instance!
I am sharing a backup script for docker volumes with any docker container I provide and my backup scripts are tested both on linux and MacOS with boot2docker. The backups can be easily exchanged between platforms. Basically I am executing the following command inside my script:
docker run --name=bckp_for_volume --rm --volumes-from jenkins_jenkins_1 -v /Users/github/jenkins/backups:/backup busybox tar cf /backup/JenkinsBackup-2015-07-09-14-26-15.tar /jenkins
Runs a new busybox container and mounts the volume of my jenkins container with the name jenkins_jenkins_1. The whole volume is written to the file backups/JenkinsBackup-2015-07-09-14-26-15.tar
I have already moved archives between the linux container and my mac container without any adjustments to the backup or restore script. If this is what you want you find the whole script an tutorial here: blacklabelops/jenkins
You could bind a local path on the host to a path on the container, and then cp the desired file(s) to that path at the end of your script.
$ docker run -d \
-it \
--name devtest \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target,target=/app \
Then there is no need to copy afterwards.
