In Jetpack Compose, most examples look something like this:
ScreenLevelContainer {
TopBar { ... }
ContentA { ... }
ContentB { ... }
// etc.
Contents of any given composable may be comprised of other deeply nested composables.
They talk about "state hoisting" such that application state should be stored at the high levels in the UI, or outside the UI entirely.
There seems to be a maintenance problem here though. Any state that TopBar, its children, or the other content relies on needs to be passed through ScreenLevelContainer, even though ScreenLevelContainer has no explicit interest in the inner workings of TopBar.
Moreover, if any of these children ever need to update the state that they take, one needs to go update any parents that include them, possibly in lots of places in a sufficiently complex application.
Pre-Compose, I would have used dependency inversion (and probably dependency injection) to solve this:
val topBar = TopBar(/* TopBar specific arguments */)
val contentA = ContentA(/* ContentA specific arguments */)
val contentB = ContentB(/* ContentB specific arguments */)
ScreenLevelContainer(topBar, contentA, contentB)
In the above code, any changes to TopBar or the other content can happen independently of ScreenLevelContainer. This becomes especially valuable when nested UI becomes complex. (Imagine TopBar having an interactive shopping cart in it.)
What is the correct approach here?
I don't understand how the Compose system "knows" that it needs to recompose certain composables when MutableStates that they're observing change value. For example, AIUI, I could write something like:
class StateHolder {
val theState by mutableStateOf("The state")
fun StateDisplay(stateHolder: StateHolder) {
Then, elsewhere in my code I can assign a new value to theState, and that will trigger a recomposition and the display will be updated to show the new value. (At the moment I'm not sure whether that means StateDisplay() gets run again, or just its Text child).
My question is, how on earth does a MutableState know what's observing it, and what it needs to do to update the observer? From the above code it looks like the MutableState can only know that something called its getter, but not know what called it, and the composables can only know that they called a getter, but not know when they need to call it again.
Similarly, I wondered if it was possible to observe a MutableState from elsewhere. It's probably not a conventional pattern in Android/Compose because all I could find on the subject was this answer about snapshotFlow. But again, how does the flow know when a new value needs to be emitted when it looks like the only relationship that's been established between the flow and state is that one called the other's getter?
To answer your question, Compose only recompose components that are actually consuming this data, as an example imagine you have a Parent component like
class MyViewModel : ViewModel(){
private val _myObservableStringInViewModel: MutableStateFlow<String> = MutableStateFlow("Hello World")
val myObservableStringInViewModel: StateFlow = _myObservableStringInViewModel.asStateFlow()
fun ParentComponent(viewModel: MyViewModel){
val myObservedString by viewModel.myObservableStringInViewModel.collectAsState()
MyChildComponent(data = myObservedString)
fun MyChildComponent(data: String){
Text(text = data)
In this case MyChildComponent it's the only one that is going to be affected by recomposition, because compose only recompose those components that are actually using the data, also works the same with Text() components, imagine you have 3 observables MutableStateFlow, and 3 Text() components being feed by those respective, if one of those change, only the Text() component that is being feeded by this particular MutableStateFlow is the only one that is going to be re-composed.
And according to your second question, this example shows the most used approach to implement StateFlow in Compose, also you must use an activity or fragment between your viewModel and the composable, but there are many approaches to do this, so I'll leave this to your particular research, also you can use Compose ViewModel direct injection but this is in beta for now.
Is there a way to set up bindings imperatively. An example use case:
var el2 = new MyElement();
el2.myProp = this.$.anotherElement.anotherProp
That won't setup a binding, it just assigns the value or object. I'd like to find a way to do something like:
Polymer 1.0 does not support this at the moment - as explained by #kevinpschaaf in Github
(comment by #kevinpschaaf)
No, we don't currently support this, outside of dom-bind, which is the
only template implementation that late-binds instance children. You
can document.createElement('template', 'dom-bind'), then you can
dynamically append children with binding annotations to its content,
and the bindings will only be evaluated once the dom-bind is attached
to the document. See tests here that show this usage of it:
Note that dom-bind does not currently allow binding to outer scope, so
it has limited use in custom element templates (it's main use case is
for binding between elements in the main document), and that's not
likely to change short-term.
We are achieving a lot of performance optimization by baking the
binding connections into the prototype at registration time for an
element (rather than at instance time), and we haven't built up enough
of the machinery to easily allow runtime addition/removal of bindings.
I have an Polymer.dart element with multiple attributes, e.g.
<code-mirror lines="{{lines}}" widgets="{{widgets}}">
on some occasions lines and widgets change simultaneously sometimes only widgets changes.
I would like to rerender component once independently on how many properties change in the same turn of event loop.
Is there a way a good built-in way to achieve that?
Additional trouble here is that interpretation of widgets depends on content of lines and ordering in which linesChanged and widgetsChanged callbacks arrive is browser dependent, e.g. on Firefox widgetsChanged arrives first before linesChanged and component enters inconsistent state if I do any state management in the linesChanged callback.
Right now I use an auxiliary class like this:
class Task {
final _callback;
var _task;
schedule() {
if (_task == null) {
_task = new async.Timer(const Duration(milliseconds: 50), () {
_task = null;
final renderTask = new Task(this._render);
linesChanged() => renderTask.schedule();
widgetsChanged() => renderTask.schedule();
but this looks pretty broken. Maybe my Polymer element is architectured incorrectly (i.e. I have two attributes with widgets depending on lines)?
*Changed methods are definitely the right way to approach the problem. However, you're trying to force synchronicity in an async delivery system. Generally we encourage folks to observe property changes and react to them and not rely on methods being called in a specific order.
One thing you could use is an observe block. In that way, you could define a single callback for the two properties and react accordingly:
Polymer's data binding system does the least amount of work possible to rerender DOM. With the addition of Object.observe(), it's even faster. I'd have to see more about your element to understand what needs rendering but you might be creating a premature optimization.
I think there are three possible solutions:
See this:
Use an observe block with one callback for multiple attributes (the callback will only be called once)
Create an additional attribute (i.e. isRender) that is set by the other two attributes (lines and widgets). Add a ChangeWatcher (i.e. isRenderChanged() in which you call your expensive render method)
Specify a flag (i.e. autoUpdate) that can be set to true or false. When autoUpdate = false you have to call the render method manually. If it is set to true then render() will be called automatically.
The disadvantage of solution 1 is that you can only have one behavior for all observed attributes. Sometimes you want to do different things when you set a specific attribute (i.e. size) before you call render. That's not possible with solution 1.
I don't think there is a better way. You may omit the 50ms delay (just {...});) as the job gets scheduled behind the ongoing property changes anyway (my experience, not 100% sure though)
In the bad old days in my codebase we relied quite heavily on event requeuing, which I suspect worked due to implementation details in ICEfaces or MyFaces rather than standard-specified behavior. One thing we used to do frequently was this kind of thing:
<ice:inputText value="#{bb.frequency}" valueChangeListener="#{bb.valueChanged}"/>
The goal is to arrange for retune to be called after setFrequency whenever the frequency changes.
Then we had some fairly disgusting code in the backing bean which would requeue the event. It usually looked something like this:
class BB {
// this happens first, thanks to UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES
public void setFrequency(Frequency f) {
this.model.f = f;
public void valueChanged(ValueChangeEvent event) {
if (event.getOldValue().equals(event.getNewValue())
return; // nothing changed, so leave
if (FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPhaseId() != INVOKE_APPLICATION) {
OurMagicEventUtils.requeueEvent(event, INVOKE_APPLICATION);
else {
// do the post-setter work here (the setter happened recently during
// UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES so we're up-to-date by here
This isn't a good way to live. I haven't found a reliable way to requeue events for later phases and it clearly isn't the kind of thing people do. I see two solutions:
Move the retune intelligence to the BB#setFrequency method.
I can't get away with this in many cases because I'm directly addressing a lower-level model class and I don't want to disturb its behavior for other clients.
Create a custom component and move the logic into the setFoo method there.
I don't love this because there are a lot of issues with Mojarra and custom components when embedded in other containers. It also seems like overkill for what I need to do—I literally just need to call retune after setting some properties.
Create backing beans for everything. Delegate most methods directly to the inner thing, but catch setFoo and perform the retune there. This is very similar to what we used to do, and it means a lot of boilerplate, wrappers, and glue code, so I don't love it.
In my mind I imagine something like this:
<ice:inputText value="#{bb.frequency}" afterChange=#{bb.retune}"/>
but that obviously doesn't work, nor would attaching an <f:actionListener> since that requires a class name but has no association to whatever you're currently doing, and besides it can only be set on UICommands which UIInputs are not.
What's the elegant/correct way to solve this dilemma?
As you're using JSF2 already, just use <f:ajax>.
<ice:inputText value="#{bb.frequency}">
<f:ajax listener="#{bb.retune}"/>
public void retune(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) { // Note: the argument is optional.
// ...
This will be invoked during invoke action phase when the HTML DOM change event has occured.
I believe I understand the basic concepts of DI / IoC containers having written a couple of applications using them and reading a lot of stack overflow answers as well as Mark Seeman's book. There are still some cases that I have trouble with, especially when it comes to integrating DI container to a large existing architecture where DI principle hasn't been really used (think big ball of mud).
I know the ideal scenario is to have a single composition root / object graph per operation but in a legacy system this might not be possible without major refactoring (only the new and some select refactored old parts of the code could have dependencies injected through constructor and the rest of the system using the container as a service locator to interact with the new parts). This effectively means that a stack trace deep within an operation might include several object graphs with calls being made back and forth between new subsystems (single object graph until exiting into an old segment) and traditional subsystems (service locator call at some point to code under DI container).
With the (potentially faulty, I might be overthinking this or be completely wrong in assuming this kind of hybrid architecture is a good idea) assumptions out of the way, here's the actual problem:
Let's say we have a thread pool executing scheduled jobs of various types defined in database (or any external place). Each separate type of scheduled job is implemented as a class inheriting a common base class. When the job is started, it gets fed the information about which targets it should write its log messages to and the configuration it should use. The configuration could probably be handled by just passing the values as method parameters to whatever class needs them but if the job implementation gets larger than say 10-20 classes, it doesn't seem very handy.
Logging is the larger problem. Subsystems the job calls probably also need to write things to the log and usually in examples this is done by just requesting instance of ILog in the constructor. But how does that work in this case when we don't know the details / implementation until runtime? Since:
Due to (non DI container controlled) legacy system segments in the call chain (-> there potentially being multiple separate object graphs), child container cannot be used to inject the custom logger for specific sub-scope
Manual property injection would basically require the complete call chain (including all legacy subsystems) to be updated
A simplified example to help better perceive the problem:
Class JobXImplementation : JobBase {
// through constructor injection
ILoggerFactory _loggerFactory;
JobXExtraLogic _jobXExtras;
public void Run(JobConfig configurationFromDatabase)
ILog log = _loggerFactory.Create(configurationFromDatabase.targets);
// if there were no legacy parts in the call chain, I would register log as instance to a child container and Resolve next part of the call chain and everyone requesting ILog would get the correct logging targets
// do stuff
_jobXExtras.DoStuff(configurationFromDatabase, log);
Class JobXExtraLogic {
public void DoStuff(JobConfig configurationFromDatabase, ILog log) {
// call to legacy sub-system
var old = new OldClass(log, configurationFromDatabase.SomeRandomSetting);
Class OldClass {
public void DoOldStuff() {
// moar stuff
var old = new AnotherOldClass();
Class AnotherOldClass {
public void DoMoreOldStuff() {
// call to a new subsystem
var newSystemEntryPoint = DIContainerAsServiceLocator.Resolve<INewSubsystemEntryPoint>();
Class NewSubsystemEntryPoint : INewSubsystemEntryPoint {
public void DoNewStuff() {
// want to log something...
I'm sure you get the picture by this point.
Instantiating old classes through DI is a non-starter since many of them use (often multiple) constructors to inject values instead of dependencies and would have to be refactored one by one. The caller basically implicitly controls the lifetime of the object and this is assumed in the implementations (the way they handle internal object state).
What are my options? What other kinds of problems could you possibly see in a situation like this? Is trying to only use constructor injection in this kind of environment even feasible?
Great question. In general, I would say that an IoC container loses a lot of its effectiveness when only a portion of the code is DI-friendly.
Books like Working Effectively with Legacy Code and Dependency Injection in .NET both talk about ways to tease apart objects and classes to make DI viable in code bases like the one you described.
Getting the system under test would be my first priority. I'd pick a functional area to start with, one with few dependencies on other functional areas.
I don't see a problem with moving beyond constructor injection to setter injection where it makes sense, and it might offer you a stepping stone to constructor injection. Adding a property is usually less invasive than changing an object's constructor.