Issue with reading of Appointment Attendees with using Redemption - outlook-redemption

Using redemption library we are reading appointment.
While reading we encountered an exception:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8000FFFF): Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))
at Redemption.ISafeAppointmentItem.get_OptionalAttendees()
Can anyone advise what might be causing the issue?
Thank you!


VS2019 BC37225 Failure writing debug information: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program

Ran into the following issue. VS2019 V.16.11.13 VB .Net Solution.
The error appears as soon as you start DEBUG.
Appears to be a corrupted Solution or Project because it started working OK once I restored them from the source control. Please add anything else you may find that solves this issue as I could not find much regarding it on the web.

VS2015 Update model from database - unexpected exception

I have a solution with a lot of project.
Few of them are using EDMX.
It looks like I did something that crashed my EDMX files.
When I open EDMX and click option "Update Model from Database" I get a exception popup windows with message:
"An unexpected exception has occurred. The exception message is: 'Exception has been thrown by the target of invocation.'."
And interesting is it doesn't matter which project. Any EDMX in the solution give me this bug. I have VS 2015 with latest EF 6.1.3.
Please help me :)
not sure if any one else is still having this issue. But I found a possible solution.
Open View > Server Explorer. then open the 'data connections' node and delete any connections in there.
This seemed to have fixed it for me.
I ran windbg.exe as well and found it was throwing an exception in Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.WebSockets.WebSocketHandler
Hope this helps

HP Fortify: exitcode -12000

I'm using the latest version of HP Fortify Static Code Analyzer, 4.21. The batchfile "bin\fortifyclient.bat" with the argument uploadFPR, gives a "An unexpected error occurred" and the exitcode is -12000.
The uploadFPR has worked before (previous week) on the same computer with the same source.
So I don't know what is causing this error. I have tried to use a new AnalysisUploadToken, but that makes no difference.
I cannot find what this particular Fortify exit code -12000 means. Does anybody know what it means?
I hit this same error when I upgraded my SCA client.
I believe the error indicates that the FPR file was generated with a version higher than the installed Fortify SSC server.
After downgrading my client, and creating a new FPR file, it uploaded correctly.
Update: After more faults, it appears this error is more of a general processing fault of the FPR file. Your best bet is to look at the SSC server logs for processing exceptions that might reveal the reason the processing failed.
not sure if the SCA and fortify utility share the same error code. For the sourceanalyzer, error [12000]=ASP/VBScript Translation Fidelity: ; Indicates how much of the classic asp and VBScript was translated successfully. Fix parse errors to increase.

Exception thrown whilst attempting to open program.fs in a f# solution built with MonoDevelop

I have installed mono v2.4.2 on my Mac and added the f# language binding as an add-in from
MonoDevelop throws an exception whenever I try to open the Program.fs file, the exception it throws is "...An exception was thrown by the type initializer for Fsharp.MonoDevelop.LanguageService."
The file is the default file created when building the solution. How do I fix the problem???
Can you post the detailed information about the exception?
Anyway, it is currently recommended to use F# on Mono 2.8, which fixes several issues that were causing some F# programs not to work. I think this may be a reason for the error. You can also use Mono 2.10 (which comes with F# compiler), but then you need to do a few custom steps during the installation as explained here.
Probably there is a error with the addin for MonoDevelop and MonoDevelop cannot handle it. You should ask the author of the addin for help. BTW the URL you posted is not valid.

Getting IDE Fix Pack 2 to work

On Previous Question, someone recommended that I install Andy's IDE Fix Pack to get rid of an 'Undeclared Identfier' error in Error Insight with D2009. It worked.
However, I had to uninstall it (long story). When I re-installed, it no longer fixes the problem I was having. No matter how many times I uninstall, then re-install, I'm still getting the same problem with Error Insight that I had previously.
Any ideas on how I can fix this problem with Error Insight? Or get IDE Fix Pack working again?
The IDE fix pack does help with Error Insight problems, but also you can try closing the Delphi project, deleting any .identcache or .local files, and then re-opening the project. It seems to help when I get incorrect Error Insight, at least temporarily.
