Solana NFT Trade Transaction Identification - token

I am trying to identify which Solana transactions are actually NFT sales. I am using Solana JSON RPC to get the information about the individual transactions but I cannot figure out from the data what is an actual sale.
For example this NFT token is marked as 3 Trades:
But has numerous transactions associated with it:
All of them are marked as SPL Token transfer.
So how do you know which one is an actual NFT sale? Is that via message logs in the transaction, via the account information? Looking at the Post and Pre Token balances it is also not clear even if the owners and account indexes are different sometimes transaction is also not considered a sale.
Any hints?
Many thanks for help in advance.


How to get a healthcare organization from a Clinical Health Record instance?

I'm developing an app that works with Clinical Health Records. The idea is to fetch FHIR resources and process them in a certain way. Although getting the FHIR data is easy, I cannot find out what account or organization the record belongs to.
Neither HKClinicalRecord nor HKFHIRResource classes have methods or fields that might lead to account or healthcare organization.
At the same time, the standard Apple Health application does know the account for each record. It even allows to open it and see the patient's data (see screenshots). Apple's app can filter records by their organizations. That exactly what I'm looking for in my app. Can anybody give me a clue about how to get that information in my code?
The screenshots:
a single health record
account info
Look at HKClinicalRecord.sourceRevision.source, it tells you where the FHIR data is from. It is an HKSource instance that has a name.

How to provide seller with order details Stripe

I am creating a very basic online store that allows users to buy and customize certain products. I have gotten the payment system working using Stripe, and all that is left to do is provide the seller with a place to view the completed orders (which should contain Shipping Address, order configuration, etc).
I expect that this app will receive very, very low traffic (it's more for fun than anything), so I do not need a super robust admin system. I thought it would actually be sufficient to pass order information to stripe as metadata, and have the seller view the order information on stripe. However, a potential problem I see is that there might be more data than the metadata limit (20 key/value pairs, 500 val limits). Would it be better to create an admin system on my side (using webhooks to notify the application when the payment has been processed)? Thanks!
Stripe is really only meant to handle the payments part of the equation. The order part is normally handled on top of Stripe (either in your own system or some third party), with that system linking order ids to charge ids.
Having your own order admin page would normally make more sense in the Stripe model, since Stripe only stores the amount charged and not much more.
Also unless you're doing subscriptions, no need to wait for a webhook. The Create Charge API is synchronous so you'll know when the payment was processed instantly.

QBSDK: Access all transactions of all clients (date period)

I need to look at the "audit" log for quickbooks using the SDK. I am basically looking to sync quickbooks transactions to a 3rd party platform (for reference purposes)
I cant find a reference to the audit log in the OSR, but I do see "TransactionsQuery". What is not clear to me is if this will be "all" transactions, or if you need to specify a specific customer?
Any ideas?
As William indicated in his answer, the audit log is accessible via a GeneralDetailReport.
As far as actual transactions goes, TransactionQuery will get you all transactions. You do not need to specify a customer.
However, it will only get you summary details of all transactions (e.g. no line items on the invoices, etc.) so if you need detailed information for each transaction, it won't work for you.
If you need details for each transaction, you have to do individual queries for each transaction type (e.g. InvoiceQuery, ReceivePaymentQuery, BillQuery, etc. etc. etc.) so that you get back the details/lines for each.
Look at the GeneralDetailReport, with the GeneralDetailReportType set to AuditTrail.

Calculate customer's balance by it's transactions

We have two .NET apps used to import customers and transactions into our db.
One is "client" app running on QB user's side another one is a small web service to interact with web connector.
We save all custmers and their "base class" transactions / changes in our DB and display on a web site. Users can see their transaction information there. Problem is that customer's balance does not always get equal to Sum(Amount) for their transactions. We already know that a customer can have a job (sub level customer) and count those transactions too. Still it appeared that a customer can get payment discounts and we needed to count that too.
What is a reliable way of counting customer's balance which always coinside with to their balance ?
I read a post about using Balance Detail Reports but I'd like not use it.
It's hard to give a exact answer as there's a lot of little pieces that you may be missing, we don't know how you are calculating your totals so it's just guess work here. Here's a list of the transactions that I know of that effect a customer's balance, along with some things to look for.
Invoices can have a subtotal and sales tax which should both increase the balance.
Receive Payments can have discounts which should also reduce the balance along with the payment amount.
Journal Entries against Accounts Receivable for the Customer will either increase or decrease the balance depending on if it's a debit or credit to the AR account.
Credit Memos should reduce the balance.
Keep in mind there may be more than one Accounts Receivable account, so you need to make sure you don't filter for all A/R accounts on Journal Entries.
Your best bet to figure out what you are missing is to find a customer who has a different balance than what you calculated and review your detailed transactions vs. the detailed transaction for the customer in QuickBooks.

Getting a list of all packages from shipping carriers

I've been looking at the APIs for UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc, and I can't seem to find any method of pulling all tracking info for a given user. I only see methods that pull info via a tracking number. Has anyone been able to find a way to get at this data? Seems silly to me that these huge carriers wouldn't supply this info in an easy method.
I'm trying to accomplish this in Rails.
We were able to integrate with UPS Quantum View and even with FedEx Insight. These services will give you a list of all inbound and outbound shipments that are billed to your UPS/FedEx account. You can get info on every piece of each shipment: tracking numbers, weight, shipper and recipient info (Company name, city, state, country).
To pull information from UPS Quantum View using their API you will need to obtain a so-called Access Key, and you'll need to create Subscriptions: one for inbound shipments, one for outbound ones. This can be done on if you already have a UPS shipping account. You don't have to wait, it's provided instantly. We have a video of how to get the key and set up the subscriptions. It's on in the Help section. The video title is Obtaining a UPS Access Key.
When creating API requests to UPS, you'll need to include a key and a subscription name.
UPS has a Quantum View API. Quantum View is their service that allows tracking, etc by account, not just individual tracking number. I assume that will get you what you need. I don't have an account so I can't see their detailed API documentation, so I'm just guessing.
