Thymeleaf timezone - timezone

I want to get current time in GMT+6 but can not make it work. what is the correct format to pass the timezone?
I've tried the followings -
But, all give the time in EDT.

UPDATE November 2022
Thymeleaf version 3.1 now includes built-in support for java.time:
The thymeleaf-extras-java8time extras module has been integrated into the Thymeleaf core: the #temporals expression utility object is now always available.
You no longer need to add the extra JAR mentioned below, for Thyeleaf 3.1 onwards.
(Spring Boot 3.0 uses Thymeleaf 3.1, if you are using that.)
Thymeleaf 3.0 and earlier
I recommend you use the Thymeleaf "extras" library for handling Java 8's java.time classes, and avoid anything related to the old and flawed java.util.Date class.
The library:
Thymeleaf - Module for Java 8 Time API compatibility
If you are using Maven, you can add it to your project using the following dependency:
Otherwise you can download the JARs manually from here.
Once you have installed the new JAR, you can use this:
${#temporals.createNowForTimeZone(zoneId)} // return a instance of java.time.ZonedDateTime
For example, as follows:
<div th:text="${#temporals.createNowForTimeZone('Asia/Dhaka')}"></div>
Or, using the syntax in your question, as follows:
Example output:
That was generated for the target timezone, when my local datetime was Thu May 19 08:57:32 EDT 2022.
Note about zone IDs:
You can read about valid zone IDs here. In your case, you need to be careful to match the exact case of the ID text - so it has to be Asia/Dhaka - not ASIA/DHAKA.
See also Where is the official list of zone names for java.time?
Note about formatting
There is a chance that you are going to want to format the date string, in which case take a look at the various #temporals.format() functions listed here.
But you may also want to consider formatting the string in Java, to keep your Thymeleaf template less cluttered.


How can I check if my react-intl messages are consistent with my en-US locale?

I want to have some type of script that will check if all the formattedMessage I have in my React components are consistent with the data I have in my en-US.json locale.
I'm using react-intl, and in my React components I use both the FormattedMessage component, as well as the formatMessage function. The FormattedMessage component is imported from react-intl, and the formatMessage function is a function from the useIntl object, which is imported from react-intl.
What is a good way to proceed with this analysis and comparison? I want to ensure that all the keys and values that exist in these FormattedMessages, match the keys and values in my en-US.json locale. This script will be run as part of my Github Workflow.
I don't know how to get started on this.

Swagger identifies rare endpoints in REST API

Some days ago I started a REST API in JavaEE 7, I implemented a single class with three methods and implemented succesfully Swagger and Swagger-UI in the project, which showed the three endpoints I implemented succesfully in the generated JSON.
However, I migrated to JavaEE 8, and after this change Swagger detects several unknown endpoints, like the "default" ones (this capture shows only part of all of them):
Investigating a bit I discovered that these endpoints may belong to a JPA REST API in Eclipselink implementation, as described here and here
Despite they appear in the generated JSON, all of them contain variable paths, so I can't access them following the path given by Swagger, even inventing some parameters like "version" using the webs above examples.
The Swagger version I use is v3, aka OpenAPI version. I specify OpenAPI properties with #OpenAPIDefinition in the endpoint class, which also contains a #Tag annotation to group them and the three methods contain #Operation tag with their own #ApiResponse. There is no more Swagger/OpenAPI annotations/files/classes written by me.
The question is, how can I make Swagger ignoring these endpoints?
Finally I have found a solution. The case is that Swagger scanner engine scans the whole project, ignoring if the class and his methods have #Operation or not. If my hypothesis is true, some Eclipselink classes could have Swagger annotations (I'm not sure), so when Swagger scans, if finds them and add them to the JSON/YAML.
The solution is creating/adding to the existant openapi.yaml (it can have several names and can be in several locations, as enumerated here: this:
prettyPrint: true
cacheTTL: 0 
scannerClass: io.swagger.v3.jaxrs2.integration.JaxrsAnnotationScanner
readAllResources: false
Instead of resourceClasses it can be written resourcePackages, and then it should be specified the whole package and the class in the same style as used to specify the package. To be honest, this property does not affect to my problem.
The solution comes on setting readAllResources to false. The reason is here, in a note:
Note: swagger-jaxrs2 reader engine includes by default also methods of scanned resources which are not annotated with #Operation, as long as a jax-rs #Path is defined at class and/or method level, together with the http method annotation (#GET, #POST, etc).
I hope this solution serves for anyone if he/she has to face the same problem.

How does sightly HTML files access global implicit objects in AEM 6

Unlike inclusion of global.jsp with every component jsp in CQ5, sightly does not include any such dependency. How does it actually access all the global objects. What is the backend process of it. And how sightly code compiles to java??
how sightly code compiles to java?
Sling sightly API has two bundles to support this, the first step is to compile sightly into Abstract Syntax Tree (The Abstract Syntax Tree maps plain Java source code in a tree form. This tree is more convenient and reliable to analyse and modify programmatically than text-based source.) This is done by Apache Sling Scripting Sightly Compiler
Next is to convert (transpile) the Abstract Syntax Tree into java source code. This is achieved in bundle Java Compiler
How does it actually access all the global objects.
To understand this you need to understand how script resolution occurs in Sling and how are resource resolved to scripts which is core to Sling Scripting engine. To understand basics of ScriptEngine look at java docs here, implementation of this is SightlyScriptEngine
The way script resolution works is that the resource is adapted to DefaultSlingScript , this is done by SlingScriptAdapterFactory.
SlingScriptAdapterFactory has references to BindingsValuesProvider which is passed to the DefaultSlingScript. One of the implementation of BindingsValuesProvider is AEMSightlyBindingsValuesProvider (you can see this as a service in /system/console/services) which provides the default objects.
The DefaultSlingScript then responsible for invoking SightlyScriptEngine and calling its method eval which populates the default objects in binding and then setting this binding as request attribute.

Neo4J and timestamps

I need information about node's creation & last modification dates...
Is there a way to automatically handle created and updated properties for a node?
Hibernate offers #Version for updated field. Is there something similar with Node4J.
I found but it seems to be only available for Ruby.
You can use annotations form the spring-data-commons library. Use #CreatedDate and #LastModifiedDate on properties of type Long. Make sure you're using the simple mapping mode. For now, advanced mapping mode does not support this, see DATAGRAPH-335.

how to get locale information on a GWT application

In GWT I have to specify what locales are supported in my application. The code get compiled in various files, one for each locale (beside other versions), but I have to give my clients one only URL. This URL is supposed to be a page that should be displayed according to the locale preferred by the browser.
I dont't want to have an HTTP parameter for the locale since I want to forse the locale preferred by the browser.
How can this be coded in GWT?
Should I try to to this using apache rewrite rules? I thied it, but I think I cannot access such parameter easely in a rewrite rule.
Thanks a lot,
I had the same problem as you, but as I really need to know the current locale (I'm requesting a second server for data that I want to be localizable) I found this class: That should give you what GWT uses currently.
GWT has good support for internationalization. See this link. The i18nCreator command can help you to set up the internationalization infrastructure for similar to the way projectCreator and applicationCreator set up the GWT application.
If you have static strings (i.e. Invalid Entry!) that need to be internationalized, you don't need any additional flag to i18nCreator command to create the properties files and infrastructure.
If you have strings that need to accept parameters (i.e. Hello {0}), you need to pass the -createMessages flag to i18nCreator command to create the properties files and infrastructure.
Now your module needs to include the i18n module in your MyApplication.gwt.xml:
<inherits name=""/>
Define a Java interface in the same package as your property files that extends Constants or Messages and defines methods (name matches the property entries) that all return string. contains:
errorMessage=Invalid Entry! contains:
public interface myConstants extends Constants {
String errorMessage();
Now to access these internationalized Strings from you application:
public class MyApplication implements EntryPoint {
private static final MyConstants constants = (MyConstants)GWT.create(MyConstants.class);
public void onModuleLoad() {
final Label errorMessage = new Label(constants.errorMessage);
GWT implements the interface for you automagically.
You can get messages in a similar way.
Hopefully this can help you get started.
Unless I am reading the documentation incorrectly I don't think you have to do anything.
GWT and Locale
By making locale a client property, the standard startup process in gwt.js chooses the appropriate localized version of an application, providing ease of use (it's easier than it might sound!), optimized performance, and minimum script size.
The way I read it, as long as your module has added all the locale choices to it, it should be automatic?
Check this
<inherits name=""/>
<!-- Use browser-specified locale for i18n -->
<set-configuration-property name="locale.useragent" value="Y"/>
<!-- Specify locales your application support -->
<extend-property name="locale" values="en"/>
<extend-property name="locale" values="de_DE"/>
<extend-property name="locale" values="ru_RU"/>
