Dart 2.17.0: how do I enable "enhanced-enums"? - dart

Code example:
enum ShareType {
final String key;
const ShareType(String keyToSet) {this.key = keyToSet;}
gives error:
This requires the 'enhanced-enums' language feature to be enabled.
How do I enable this feature?
Where must this be set?

Go into your pubspec.yaml file in your project and make sure that the minimum version for the sdk are 2.17.0 like:
sdk: ">=2.17.0 <3.0.0"
The reason for this is that Dart keeps track of when features are introduced and makes sure your project does not make use of features that would not be compatible for the range of versions your project have specified as required.


What are the options to fix/work-around a bazel package conflict?

I'm seeing the following error:
link: package conflict error: google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations: multiple copies of package passed to linker:
Set "importmap" to different paths or use 'bazel cquery' to ensure only one
package with this path is linked.
#org_golang_google_genproto//googleapis/api/annotations:annotations is being brought in through:
Can #org_golang_google_genproto//googleapis/api/annotations:annotations be disabled or shadowed by #go_googleapis//google/api:annotations_go_proto? If so, how?
Option I went with:
Change what uses #org_golang_google_genproto//googleapis/api/annotations to use #go_googleapis//google/api:annotations_go_proto instead by using appropriate gazelle:resolve directives in the repositories.bzl file:
name = "com_google_cloud_go",
build_directives = [
# #go_googleapis is the modern version of #org_golang_google_genproto
# use #go_googleapis to avoid dependency conflicts between the two
"gazelle:resolve go google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/v1 #go_googleapis//google/iam/v1:iam_go_proto", # keep
name = "com_google_cloud_go_storage",
build_directives = [
# #go_googleapis is the modern version of #org_golang_google_genproto
# use #go_googleapis to avoid dependency conflicts between the two
"gazelle:resolve go google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/v1 #go_googleapis//google/iam/v1:iam_go_proto", # keep
"gazelle:resolve go google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/expr #go_googleapis//google/type:expr_go_proto", # keep
"gazelle:resolve go google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations #go_googleapis//google/api:annotations_go_proto", # keep
The following also works but I preferred the above since it uses the newer library:
Change what uses #go_googleapis//google/api:annotations_go_proto to use #org_golang_google_genproto//googleapis/api/annotations instead by using appropriate gazelle:resolve directives in the root BUILD file:
# gazelle:resolve go google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations #org_golang_google_genproto//googleapis/api/annotations
Other options considered and reasons I didn't go with them:
Upgrade to the latest #com_google_cloud_go_storage. Didn't go with this option because the latest version (v1.24.0 at the time of this post) still uses #org_golang_google_genproto.
Upgrade #com_google_cloud_go_storage to use #go_googleapis. Didn't go with this option because it looked too difficult to get merged.
repo_mapping = {"#org_golang_google_genproto" : "#go_googleapis"} for com_google_cloud_go_storage. Didn't go with this option because #go_googleapis isn't a drop-in replacement for #org_golang_google_genproto (#go_googleapis uses the prefix google while #org_golang_google_genproto uses the prefix googleapis).
"gazelle:exclude **/common/archiver/gcloud/**" for com_github_uber_cadence. Didn't go with this option because common/archiver/provider depends on common/archiver/gcloud.
Set prefix for go_googleapis from google to googleapis. Didn't go with this option because it breaks expectations for those familiar with go_googleapis standard practice.

Why there is a ^ Cap symbol in `pubspec.yaml` file under dependencies

I not sure why there is a cap symbol in pubspec.yaml file under dependencies. See below image.
The project is working even without the cap symbol.
This is called caret syntax:
Caret syntax provides a more compact way of expressing the most common sort of version constraint. ^version means "the range of all versions guaranteed to be backwards compatible with the specified version", and follows pub’s convention for semantic versioning.
So in your example, you've got:
meta: ^1.1.6 - equivalent to >=1.1.6 <2.0
equatable: ^0.2.3 - equivalent to >=0.2.3 <0.3.0
cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2 - equivalent to >=0.1.2 <0.2.0

Read pubspec.yaml from dart code in Flutter?

I want to get access to the pubspec.yaml and read its properties from dart code in my Flutter application, while the application is running. How can I do so?
PS: I want to read the name, description and version properties from the pubspec during the application runtime!
Since you just need to fetch the name, description, and version of the app from the pubspec.yaml, you can use package_info_plus plugin to query these properties.
PackageInfo packageInfo = await PackageInfo.fromPlatform();
String appName = packageInfo.appName;
String version = packageInfo.version;

iOS CommonJS module returns "undefined is not a constructor" error

I'm trying to create an iOS Titanium Module using a pre-compiled CommonJS module. As the README file says:
All JavaScript files in the assets directory are IGNORED except if you create a
file named "com.moduletest.js" in this directory in which case it will be
wrapped by native code, compiled, and used as your module. This allows you to
run pure JavaScript modules that are pre-compiled.
I've created the file like this:
function ModuleTest(url){
return url;
exports.ModuleTest = ModuleTest;
I'm using the 5.1.2.GA SDK (also tried with 5.3.0.GA) and I can build the module successfully either with python build.py or titanium build --platform iOS --build-only.
Then, in my test app doing:
var test = require('com.moduletest');
var url = new test.ModuleTest('http://url');
Gives me this error:
undefined is not a constructor.
I've been trying a lot of alternatives but nothing seems to work and I didn't find any help on documentation about pre-compiled JS modules for iOS. Actually, the same process works great for Android!
Do you have some idea why?
My environment:
XCode 7.3.1
Operating System
Name - Mac OS X
Version - 10.11.5
Architecture - 64bit
# CPUs - 8
Memory - 16.0GB
Node.js Version - 0.12.7
npm Version - 2.11.3
Appcelerator CLI
Installer - 4.2.6
Core Package - 5.3.0
Titanium CLI
CLI Version - 5.0.9
node-appc Version - 0.2.31
Maybe this is something related to my Node version or appc CLI, not sure =/
Thank you!
There are 2 solutions.
1) Don't put it in assets, but in the /app/lib folder as others have mentioned.
2) wrap it as an actual commonjs module, like the module I wrote
In both cases, you can just use require('modulename'). In case 2 you will need to add it to the tiapp.xml file just like any other module.
The path of your file will come in /modules/commonjs/modulename/version/module.js or something similar. My linked module will show you the requirements and paths needed.
I use a slightly different pattern that works excellent:
First a small snippet from my "module":
Stopwatch = function(listener) {
this.totalElapsed = 0; // * elapsed number of ms in total
this.listener = (listener != undefined ? listener : null); // * function to receive onTick events
Stopwatch.prototype.getElapsed = function() {
return this.totalElapsed;
module.exports = Stopwatch;
And then this is the way I use it:
var StopWatch = require('utils/StopWatch');
var stopWatch = new StopWatch(listenerFunction);
console.log('elapsed: ' + stopWatch.getElapsed());

dart pub build: exclude a file or directory

I am trying to exclude a list of files or directories when building a web application with dart's pub build.
Using this, as suggested by the documentation:
- simple_transformer:
$exclude: "**/CVS"
does not work:
Error on line 10, column 3 of pubspec.yaml: "simple_transformer" is not a dependency.
- simple_transformer:
Is there a way to do it (using SDK 1.10.0) ?
Sadly there is currently no support to mark files as ignored by pub build as Günter already mentioned. The .gitignore feature was removed as it was undocumented and caused more trouble than it solved.
But you can execlude files from the build output. This means that the files are still processed (and still take time to process =/ ) but aren't present in the output directiory. This is useful for generating a deployable copy of your application in one go.
In our application we use a simple ConsumeTransformer to mark assets as consumed so that they are not written to the output folder:
library consume_transformer;
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
class ConsumeTransformer extends Transformer implements LazyTransformer {
final List<RegExp> patterns = <RegExp>[];
ConsumeTransformer.asPlugin(BarbackSettings settings) {
if (settings.configuration['patterns'] != null) {
for (var pattern in settings.configuration['patterns']) {
patterns.add(new RegExp(pattern));
bool isPrimary(AssetId inputId) =>
patterns.any((p) => p.hasMatch(inputId.path));
void declareOutputs(DeclaringTransform transform) {}
void apply(Transform transform) => transform.consumePrimary();
The consumer requires a list of regex patterns as an argument an consumes the matched files. You need to add the transformer to you pubspec.yaml file as the last transformer:
- ... # Your other transformers
- packagename/consume_transformer:
patterns: ["\\.psd$"]
The example configuration ignores all files that have the psd extension, but you can add pattern as you need them.
I created a pub package that contains the transformer, take a look here.
simple_transformer is the name of the transformer you want to inform to exclude the files. If you want to apply this to dart2js you need to use the name $dart2js instead of simple_transformer.
For more details about configuring $dart2js see https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/dart2js-transformer.html
