Cant take to build in iOS after zebrautility: ^0.0.38 added - ios

I'm new to Xcode in a flutter, when I integrated zebrautility plugin in the flutter project, the android module worked fine, and print works.
When I try to run on iPhone, it always throws an error
Could not build the precompiled application for the device.
Error (Xcode): Library not found for -lZSDK_API
Error launching application on Kirubha's iPhone.

Found the issue in plugin.
Need to add '.a' extension as like ( s.vendored_libraries = 'libZSDK_API.a' )
in zebrautility.podspec


Parse Issue (Xcode): Module 'fluttertoast' not found

i have flutter code which is used to build ios and android app, when code run in xcode using simulator, it runs fine, but when run in android studio or in visual studio code using
flutter run --flavor stg
get the following error :
Parse Issue (Xcode): Module 'fluttertoast' not found
GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:131:8 Could not build the application for
the simulator. Error launching application on iPhone 13.
Please help :(
It's lookes likes you are opening incorrect file. you should open
open runner.xcworkspace ,it worked!
also run pod install in IOS directory.

Why do I get "Module 'x' not found", when building iOS App in Xcode?

My Flutter App builds perfectly fine in VS Code, but when I try to build the app in Xcode to publish it to the AppStore, it gives me the Error:
Module 'connectivity' not found
I'm not familiar with native iOS development, Cocoapods and Xcode. Has someone an Idea what the problem could be?
Thank you for your answer/input
Here is a screenshot of my Xcode:

Why does xCode cannot build my flutter app with 'sqflite' not found error

I'm trying to build my Flutter app for iOS using xCode and got error:
.../ios/Runner/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.m:10:9: Module 'sqflite' not found
When I'm trying to build application with flutter with command
flutter build ios
I don't have any problem. Application build successfully.
I tried to delete Pod directory in ios folder and then install pods from scratch
flutter pub get
pod install
How to fix this problem with xCode?
XCode gives this type of Error like Module 'something' not found, when sometimes the problem is somewhere else.
So, what I did is after running flutter build ios command, I didn't try to run it in XCode. Because it was giving these errors.
So, I archived the app and tried to publish in App Store Connect. Then I found the real issue/bug on my code.
App store doesn't support transparent logo or app icon. This was the bug in my case.
So you can try to archive and publish to app store connect. It may show you the real reason.
Change your target Destination to > Any iOS Device
This work for me
"I found the solution,
In the existing project, once you guys add sqflite dependencies
Profile file in IOS folder will not generate code
we need to remove Podfile in ios
rm ios/Podfile
and run the project again, it works for me."
Credit:thanks to viroth-geek

Module 'flutter_local_notifications' not found in Xcode

In my app I am using flutter local notifications to push the notifications locally and the version of the package is: flutter_local_notifications: ^1.4.4+4. It is working perfectly fine on android. But it is throwing an error on Xcode saying "Module flutter_local_notifications is not found". Not sure what is causing this issue any help is appreciated.
This is my error:
fatal error: module 'flutter_local_notifications' not found
#import flutter_local_notifications;
1 error generated.
note: Using new build system
note: Building targets in parallel
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description
Could not build the application for the simulator.
Error launching application on iPhone 11 Pro Max.
Make your iOS version in pod file same as Xcode deployment info in Xcode refer to below images
Xcode deployment info

Cordova ios angularjs not finding template

I have a problem when i try to use a cordova ios app i built in xcode. Its starts and then i get a error that angularjs failed to load template. The same app works fine on browser and android.
The steps i do to build it
cordova build ios in terminal.
Then i open the .xcworkspace file to open it in xcode. Then i build it to a connected iphone. I get a splashscreen and i see that my init promisechain runs but then it stops.
templateUrl: 'js/modules/header/html/header.html',
Filestructure is www -> js -> modules -> header -> html -> header.html
The error i get is :
020-05-13 15:59:05.496068+0200 [3439:2658415] ERROR: [$templateRequest:tpload]$templateRequest/tpload?p0=.%2Fjs%2Fmodules%2Fheader%2Fhtml%2Fheader.html&p1=-1&p2=
Anyone have an idea how to solve it ?
So the problem was CORS.
After installing the plugin it works as intended. I think they will solve it in cordova-plugin-wkwebview but for now the xhr plugin is necessary.
As iOS requires web view to run the Cordova application.
I needed to install the following plugin. Mine issue was resolved after plugin installation and rebuilding the app.
