jenkins question - Adding post section to script based & difference between methods - jenkins

I have 2 questions regarding jenkins
1. What is the difference between the 2 methods?
Method 1
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
echo 'Hello World'
Method 2
node ("jenkins-nodes") {
stage("git clone"){
echo 'Hello World' }
As I understand in the first method I can add Post section that will be running regardless of the result of the job. I wish to add the same post section for the second method, but it is not working. Any ideas?

What is the difference between the 2 methods?
As Noam Helmer wrote, pipeline{} is declarative syntax and and node{} is scripted syntax.
In general I recommend to always use pipeline{} as it makes common tasks easier to write and visualization using Blue Ocean plugin works best with declarative pipeline.
When declarative pipeline becomes too unflexible, you can insert scripted blocks using the script{} step in a declarative pipeline:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
script {
echo 'Hello World'
A cleaner approach is to define a function, which is scripted by definition and use that as a custom step in declarative pipeline. Note this works even without script{}!
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Example') {
steps {
myStep 42
void myStep( def x ) {
echo "Hello World $x" // prints "Hello World 42"
In complex pipelines that use lots of custom code, I usually have one function per stage. This keeps the pipeline{} clean and makes it easy to see the overall structure of the pipeline, without script{} clutter all over the place.
As I understand in the first method I can add Post section that will
be running regardless of the result of the job. I wish to add the same
post section for the second method, but it is not working. Any ideas?
post{} is only available in declarative pipeline, but not within a scripted pipeline or a scripted section of a declarative pipeline. You can use try{} catch{} finally{} instead. catch{} runs only when an error occurs, finally{} always runs. You can use both or either of catch{} and finally{}.
node ("jenkins-nodes") {
stage("git clone"){
echo 'Hello World'
try {
// some steps that may fail
catch( Exception e ) {
echo "An error happened: $e"
// Rethrow exception, to let the build fail.
// If you remove "throw", the error would be ignored by Jenkins.
finally {
echo "Cleaning up some stuff"


"Ambiguous expression could be either a parameterless closure expression or an isolated open code block in jenkins parallel execution throws error

following code is throwing below error.
WorkflowScript: : Groovy compilation error(s) in script. Error(s): "Ambiguous expression could be either a parameterless closure expression or an isolated open code block;
solution: Add an explicit closure parameter list,
script {
2 errors
def SkipLanguageComponentTests = false;
pipeline {
parameters {
booleanParam(name: 'SkipLanguageComponentTests', defaultValue: false, description: 'XYZ')
stages {
stage('Checkout Source') {
steps {
checkout scm
stage("Component & Language Tests"){
parallel (
//component test start
sh script: "docker-compose -f blah blah\""
// some xyz step here
//component test ends here
// language test script starts
//run lang test and publish report
} else {
echo "Skip Language Component Tests"
// language test script ends
I have tried as per the documentation
I have tried this based on the answer mentioned in : Running stages in parallel with Jenkins workflow / pipeline
stage("Parallel") { steps { parallel ( "firstTask" : { //do some stuff }, "secondTask" : { // Do some other stuff in parallel } ) } }
Can someone help me to resolve this ?
Ok, here is the working version of your pipeline - with proper IF inside:
parameters {
booleanParam(name: 'SkipLanguageComponentTests', defaultValue: false, description: '')
agent { label 'master' }
stages {
stage("Component & Language Tests") {
parallel {
stage("componentTestsTask") {
steps {
//component test start
echo "docker"
// some xyz step here
//component test ends here
stage("integrationTestTasks") {
steps {
script {
// language test script starts
if (!params.SkipLanguageComponentTests) {
echo "not skipped"
//run lang test and publish report
} else {
echo "Skip Language Component Tests"
// language test script ends
This pipeline is not optimal, use below information to improve it.
you are using declarative pipeline so I think it is better to stay with parallel section expressed in declarative way
help is here: Jenkins doc about parallel
there is scripted pipeline as well Jenkins doc about scripted pipeline
as I stated in original answer, you have to use params to refer to input parameter properly
if you are using code you have to enclose it in script section - this is like putting scripted pipeline inside declarative one
IF statement can also be done declaratively: Jenkins doc about WHEN
I recommend not to mix these 2 styles: so if you are using both for some good reason they should be separated from one another as much as possible for example by using function or library inside declarative pipeline - the goal is to have pipeline as clear and readable as possible
You are using input variable, so try to refer as it should be done for input in Jenkins:

Retrieving an injected build parameter in Pipeline

I'm specifically working on the example below, but I'm guessing the question is a bit more general.
States the following build parameters, are injected into the job
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
echo env.pmt_content
echo ${pmt_content}
The above methods don't seem to work for me:
How is it possible to retrieve an injected build parameter in a pipeline job?
As explained in the pipeline-plugin tutorial, you can use params to access the job's build parameters.
print params.pmt_content
print "Content is ${params.pmt_content}"

Jenkinsfile declarative syntax for conditional post-build step

I have a Jenkinsfile for a multibranch pipeline like this:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
// ...
post {
failure {
mail to: '',
subject: "Failed Pipeline: ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}",
body: "Something is wrong with ${env.BUILD_URL}"
I want to only send email for failures on the master branch. Is there a way to make the mail step conditional? Based on the documentation a when directive may only be used inside a stage.
like you've noted when only works inside a stage. And only valid steps can be used inside the post conditions.
You can still use scripted syntax inside of a script block, and script blocks are a valid step. So you should be able to use if inside a script block to get the desired behavior.
post {
failure {
script {
if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
... # your code here
see JENKINS-52689

Creating a sequential step in a jenkins declarative pipeline preceding a parallel stage

I would like to setup parallel stages as described in the image
In this instance, the setup is pretty heavy so has to be done once before the parallel group starts of G1, G2 and G3. At the same time, the stage : Initial Checks has 2 items that I would like to run in parallel.
Is this possible in the Declarative Pipeline or do I have to resort to a script?
I couldnt see in the documentation the ability for this to work
Stages {
stage ('P1') {
stage ('P2 Setup') {}
stage ('P2') {
//Here it can contain either Steps or Parallel. I can only do
parallel {
stage ('g1') {} //Parallel tests
stage ('g2') {}
stage ('g3') {}
stage ('P2 Cleanup') {}
Have you encountered similar situations and what have your solutions been like?
Ofcourse 1 solution is to make Setup and Cleanup as part of every group, but like I said, its pretty intensive and I would only take it on if what the diagram indicates isn't possible.
Solution 2
stage ('p2') {
script {
//Some scripting here to get the result?
This is not supported by a DSL or declarative pipeline yet. You are essentially looking for nested parallel stages as mentioned here
Issue is still open with Jenkins community which you can watch here
In your given case, you can launch stage P1 and stage setup in parallel. However, it is important to start P1 as a background process because from your graph it appears that P1 is a time-intensive operation. Once group stage completes, you can collect the status of P1 and proceed to S2.
echo "Build"
stage('P1'){steps{ echo "launch p1 in background"}}
stage('setup'){steps{echo "setup"}}
stage('P1'){steps{echo "p1"}}
stage('P2'){steps{echo "p2"}}
stage('P3'){steps{echo "p3"}}
echo "cleanup"
stage('Check P1 status'){
echo "Check"
echo "S2"
I think you are looking for this
node {
stage("p2") {}
stage("p3") {
parallel (
"firstTask" : {
"secondTask" : {

Jenkins Pipeline Execute a closure (like in "parallel" step)

I have a very long and complex pipeline that I'm rewriting after a major jenkins upgrade.
What I'd like to to is declaring my stages as variables,then execute them in the main node body: I can do this easily for the parallel stages, but I want to have the same style also for the sequential ones.
After a lot of tests, the only way I found to make this work was using "fake" parallel calls around all single sequential stages (ugly), I'm sure there is a better solution but seems like I can't find the proper step...shame on me.
Here's my example:
stage1 = { stage("one") {
println "stage one"
} }
stage2 = { stage("two") {
println "stage two"
} }
stage3 = { stage("three") {
println "stage three"
} }
node {
parallel (
"one" : stage1 ,
"two" : stage2
HERE I WANT TO CALL stage3 Closure, possibly giving a map like in the parallel above
You should be able to do this with the run method.
I do not know if this is safe to use.
