Amazon Kendra and Botpress - amazon-kendra

I am trying to integrate my Botpress (Chatbot) with Kendra. So that when a user types a query it will trigger the Kendra and give the results. I have created the s3, Index & Experience. I am getting the response on Kendra experience. But I want to connect my Kendra with a chatbot whose backend is Node.js. In my bot I have to make connections and in the Kendra documentation there is nothing I found to make a connection to my Kendra.

Amazon LEX has a native offering for integrating with Kendra -
For other chatbots, you need to build the integration using AWS SDKs.


Has anyone tried connecting to Dialogflow V2 via iOS/Swift with a node.js server?

Since migrating my Dialogflow agent to V2 from V1 (and subsequently, no longer using on the swift side), I am confused on how to move forward. Currently, I have a node.js server serving as my fulfillment web hook. Since transitioning to the new version, how am I suppose to send requests from my iOS Client -> to server -> to Dialogflow (I am aware of this stackoverflow answer)?
Also, what about the response from Dialogflow from the correct fulfillment? How do I send the response from Dialogflow agent -> to server -> to formatted for iOS? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
P.S. I have looked into cloud functions with google but don't know how to integrate that with iOS. I'm looking for the iOS Client to send requests and receive responses with the fulfillment acting as the middleman between the two (also seeing that it would be handling authentication).

AWS Chime: Serverless Endpoint Security

I am trying to setup AWS Chime for iOS application using iOS SDK using this as a reference. One of the steps is to setup a serverless meeting in AWS. All the above steps are successful. But upon creating the serverless meeting in AWS< the endpoint that I received looks like below:
The issue that I am facing is that the endpoint is publicily accessible and anyone can start a meeting with this link. How do I control the host access in this endpoint?

Can we use Alexa skill from custom iOS app?

Can I use Alexa skill from my iOS application (just like we do it from the Echo dot etc)?
I checked a few old links which are working as follows, and I think it can be done using AVS:
record the message
upload it and get Alexa's response
Play it using some player
For that, it needs token (which can be obtained if a user logs in).
I checked a few SO links (link1, link2) as well but didn't get the answer.
Is there any SDK or API to do it? I didn't get enough info from AWS documentation.
Is it even possible? How to use AVS in my iOS app?
I believe you need to explore AWS LEX. It is the same service that powers Alexa. It allows you to create conversational bots, that can consume voice or text input and can give back voice or text output. You can integrate lex in any application whether it is mobile, web or voice application.
Here is a useful link that you can follow to understand how you can utilize LEX for your iOS app.
Deploying an Amazon Lex Bot in Mobile Applications

How to make cloud REST API call in Jira atlas connect app

I'm new to jira development.
I created an app in atlas connect cloud app. I want to use REST api calls in this app to access jira core features.
When user installed my app I want to get his projects and other details using rest calls.
How can I authenticate user and use rest api calls.
Depending on the setup of your JIRA instance, you can use the following ways to authenticate users:
Basic authentication
Cookie-based authentication
For getting a list of projects and other details, you can use this resource to find out what is possible.
An introduction to the JIRA API can be found here.

AWS Mobile without the SDK

Is it possible to use the AWS mobile services (Cognito, Analytics, etc) without linking all the SDK in an Xcode project?
* While I am not new to AWS nor mobile programming, the following case is challenging:
We are shipping a mobile "framework" (not app) that uses our AWS for some parts (Authentication, logs).
And, as the AWS SDK has to be linked in the app project itself, this will require us asking all the clients (developers) to download and link it in their own projects.
What is used in the framework is just one request for authentication and one for logging (success/failure, disconnection), so no need for all the SDK.
I wonder if there is a possibility to request AWS services without linking against the SDK?
I know it's possible to put then under an umbrella SDK, or do some cherry picking from their git repository, but both of these seem like overkill.
As the request itself is a simple URL with Get/Post, is there a possibility (or tutorial) on constructing the request manually via NSURLConnexion/NSURLSession, etc?
Thank you
Talking to the AWS APIs is actually not that hard. The main difficulty is signing your http requests, and that's not nearly as bad as it sounds. Which leaves xml parsing accounting for most of the unpleasantness.
I've done it in go. The most informative part is probably the signing tests.
Indeed, it is possible. You will have to code calls to AWS at the REST level. Everything you need is in the documentation of AWS.
For instance, if you needed to execute actions on EC2, here's what you'd have to code:
You can call the HTTP APIs directly. Since the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS and Android are open source, you can look at them directly. Find the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS Source on Github, and the AWS Mobile SDK for Android on Github. Since you mentioned you need authentication request on iOS I am guessing you're looking for the Cognito Identity in AWSCore source.
