How to rename parent path in NextJS dynamic routing - url

I’m able to use NextJS dynamic routing to build pages. Currently I have the file structure as photo. The url /apps shows many apps, /apps/123 shows the app detail for a single app.
But I want to turn /apps/123 to /app/123, and keep everything else the same. How to achieve that in NextJS?
Photo of the file structure

You have to rename the folder apps as app. That will change the routes too.


ASP.NET MVC How to display Image from folder outside webroot

Individual Folder create for each user when they register on website outside the webroot folder.I am able to upload the image and store Image path in database.However,I am unable to display the Image. I am trying to get the path of Image from database using LINQ and display in VIEW but it does not work. I can view only one(from the list of Image)Image when FILESTREAM the image path and retrun using FILESTREAMRESULT
Can anyone please guide me how to achieve it? All I want to do is create folder for each respective user when they register in external folder. Upload Image and display.
Typically, I would keep files in a secure database or within the application's subfolders. But, here's what I would suggest if you really need to access a different folder on the server.
Create a folder on your server's file system ahead of time.
On the server, assign permissions to that folder so that the identity used by your application can access it.
In your code, write code to access the folder and file path.
Hope that helps!
p.s. here's another Q&A on StackOverflow (with some words of warning) in which the second part of the answer is similar to what I suggested.
ASP.NET - Reading and writing to the file-system, outside the application

How can I route my solution into different projects?

I'm looking for a solution to be able to store my websites in individual projects, while keeping one project as an entrypoint that can route into those projects.
The ideal setup would be something like the following:
- Main (entrypoint)
- Website1
- Website2
- Website3
I need this format to allow someone to access their website (ie. Website1) as a solution they can run and debug on their own, without having access to the entire application.
Basically, I want to be able to set up a new project, add the reference to the Main project, add an entry into my routes, and allow the new project to be built out and tested if it needs to be.
Is this possible?
I've looked at using areas and tried several plugins, but I can't seem to get this working properly. My biggest issue right now isn't routing into the project's controller, as I can get into that action perfectly, but once there, I can't reference any of the ASPX files properly. (I need to be able to reference them within the context of the project and the entire solution.)
If anyone could direct me towards other resources or questions I might have missed, I'd appreciate that as well. Thank you!
You should be able to doe this using a source control program of your choice. Put each website project in a separate folder and reference each website project file to a main master.sln file in a different folder called MasterSolution. Commit it all to source control. Then, for a user that opens Website one only, they just do open project, and go to the Website1 project folder and open the project file for Website1. Your MasterSolution is not opened but always gets the latest code as after the Website1 developer does a commit of his/her Website1 updates.

How to show only the link of an uploaded file, not its location

I have used paperclip to allow me to upload files to a rails application. Everything works and the file is uploaded, but instead of seeing a link to the actual file itself I see the location of it within the systems folder of the rails project.
I'm guessing its either a routing issue or I need to create a link to the file in question. However, I would like to hide the location of the file itself, and only see the link displayed.
I would be very grateful if someone could point me in the right direction here.
You want to hide the actual path of the file in the server, right?
You can achieve that using send_file ( in a normal controller.
You will still need to do something to protect the download using the real path.

Rails folder to put pre-generated html/css/images accessible to the user

in my application I have to periodically download reports from an external service. The basic structure is a few folders, each containing it's own index.html with css and images.
Where should I put those folders in order to my users be able to access it? I will provide the url, no need to list files.
Assuming you want to put that other content in your app, it goes in the public folder within your application.
If I have a file in my app like this:
Then end users should see it when they hit:
...without invoking any of your application's code.

iOS file browser example

Does anyone have some sample code demonstrating how to make a "file browser" view? I'd like to be able to navigate through directories and drill-down the sub-directories and see files located within the various folders. I want the user to be able to create new directories/files and even select an existing file. Is there sample code out there already available to do this?
I don't know about sample code, but this wouldn't be too complicated to achieve using NSFileManager and a UITableView.
You can obtain arrays of directory contents using the subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath:error and associated methods of a file manager. These arrays in turn can populate a UITableView. It would be fairly easy to put together a navigation controller that could display a series of table views showing a file hiearchy.
Bear in mind, however, that you'll only be able to access the directories inside your application sandbox, unless you're running on a jailbroken device.
The iOS programming guide says that
You should never present users with the list of files in this directory and ask them to decide what to do with those files. Instead, sort through the files programmatically and add files without prompting.
This is assuming you are trying to implement file browse feature for your documents directory.
I'm an author of FileExplorer which is a file browser for iOS and fulfills most of your requirements.
Here are some of the features of my control:
Possibility to choose files or/and directories if there is a need for that
Possiblity to remove files or/and directories if there is a need for that
Built-in search functionality
View Audio, Video, Image and PDF files.
Possibility to add support for any file type.
You can find my control here.
