Redirect to packaged HTML file - firefox-addon

When using browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest, I would like to return a redirect to an HTML file packaged in the extension.
I have the extension activated as a temporary extension.
Example of what I'm trying to accomplish:
let pattern = "*";
let targetUrl = "/src/index.html";
function redirect(requestDetails) {
return {
redirectUrl: targetUrl
{urls: [pattern]},
If I use an URL like, it works. I also tried to use tabs.update("/src/test.html") inside the redirect function, but no luck.
Do I need some permission for this?

Refer to this comment by wOxxOm for the solution.


Cypress unable to save current URL with `as`

My web app generates a UUIDv4 for every new 'post', and each post has its own URL like /posts/<uuid>. I'm not able to predict what uuid gets generated, and therefore I'm unable to go back to a specific post that was created earlier during testing.
According to the docs, cy.url() returns the URL as a string. I tried saving the URL using a .as(), but it didn't work:
// go somewhere else
// ends up visiting `localhost:3000/#postUrl`
I saw in another SO question that I should use .then on cy.url(), but that didn't work either:
cy.url().then(url => url).as('postUrl');
// go somewhere else
How do I save the current URL for use later?
Found the answer buried in later pages of a google search. In order to use the saved URL, use cy.get('#postUrl') and call a .then with a callback that visits that url.
// go somewhere else
cy.get('#postUrl').then(url => {
var currentUrl=''
cy.url().then(url => {
currentUrl = url;

Create URL with /#/ in path and open in safari

I use firebase dynamic links which contain an URL to our webapp.
If the dynamic link is opened, the deep link is fetched.
So far so good. As we use the /#/path pattern in our webapp to redirect a user to different sections, we have a problem now, creating such an url in our iOS application after we have to append a new parameter in the url
If this example URL is in our dynamic link
i get it and have to append a parameter for autologin mechanism in our webapp.
So here is the point where i fail at two different approaches.
Getting the string from the url and appending the token parameter and value.
This approach works fine until I have to parse the urlString back to an URL object. The /#/ inside causes an error when creating a new URL object.
I try to replace /#/ with /%23/ (encoded #), but this does not work on our ngnix / webapp infrastructure.
Appending the token parameter with new URLQueryItem in URLComponents.
This approach leads to a wrong URL resulting in (token is the added parameter)
I append the URL Query Item with this extension
extension URL {
func addQueryParams(newParams: [URLQueryItem]) -> URL? {
let urlComponents = NSURLComponents.init(url: self, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)
guard urlComponents != nil else { return nil; }
if (urlComponents?.queryItems == nil) {
urlComponents!.queryItems = []
urlComponents!.queryItems!.append(contentsOf: newParams)
return urlComponents?.url
does anybody has an idea how I could solve this problem? I personally prefer the second approach, if it is possible to append the parameters at the end
I figured it out how it has to be done with firebase and utm parameters (this link can be added as deep link in a dynamic link for firebase)
This way all utm parameters are applied and the path will be available in the web application too.
You can add new query params using the iOS SDK but be aware, they are added at the utm parameters location.
If you need to add them at the end, check if there already exists an ? in the path and write your own appending at the end of the url.

Zapier trigger that returns file: what is the format of the z.dehydrateFile call?

I am writing a Zapier trigger that will return a file. I understand that my trigger endpoint does not return the contents of the file, but rather a pointer to it.
All the example documentation shows the JavaScript example:
var Zap = {
your_trigger_post_poll: function(bundle) {
var records = z.JSON.parse(bundle.response.content);
return, function(record) {
// if you just do url, we'll include any standard authentication headers
record.file = z.dehydrateFile('' +;
return record;
I am not writing my trigger in JavaScript. I would like to return the data in the correct format, but I can't find any examples of what that should be.
What is the output of z.dehydrateFile? Can you provide a JSON example?
If you want to return a file form your trigger to Zapier, you need to return the URL where Zapier can access that file as a record named 'file'.
If you want your trigger to return "converted_csv_file.xlsx" which can be found on your web server, your trigger would return the following JSON:
"file": ""
Note that the URL matters. The last part of the URL will be used as the file name. This is normal when serving up static files. However, if your service generates files on the fly, make sure that you have the file name as part of the URL, even if the actual key used to access the file is somewhere else in your URL.
"file": ""
Suggestion to Zapier: Please look at the Content-Disposition header returned when reading the file, to see if it contains a filename.

Broken relative Url in jQuery getJSON Ajax Method

The Url for my development environment is:
I am using jQuery & getJSON to perform some ajax actions on my site, which work fine all the time I specify the url as:
..but this is not ideal as I don't want to hardcode my development url into my seperate jQuery include files.
When the site goes live, it'll be fine to have controller/action or /controller/action as the url as that will resolve ok, but for the development site, it's no go.
I've tried:
..but this returns a 404, which suprised me as I thought the lack of / at the front of the url would prevent from looking at the website root.
There must be a neat solution to this?
I would do this by inserting a global constant in my HTML header:
<script type="text/javascript">
var BASE_URL = '/mysite/';
That would be inserted from your server so it can be dynamically changed.
Later in your script, you'll be able to make AJAX requests with (jQuery style here):
$.ajax( BASE_URL + '/controller/action', ...);
If you're in
then the correct relative path to
You can use this code to get the current path of the .js script and use it for calculate your relative path.
var url;
$("script").each(function () {
if ($(this).attr("src").indexOf("[YOUR_SCRIPT_NAME.JS]") > 0) {
url = $(this).attr("src");
url = url.substr(0, url.lastIndexOf("/"));
return false;
var final_url = url + "/your_target_script.js"
Replace YOUR_SCRIPT_NAME with the unique name of your script.

Modify URL before loading page in firefox

I want to prefix URLs which match my patterns. When I open a new tab in Firefox and enter a matching URL the page should not be loaded normally, the URL should first be modified and then loading the page should start.
Is it possible to modify an URL through a Mozilla Firefox Addon before the page starts loading?
Browsing the HTTPS Everywhere add-on suggests the following steps:
Register an observer for the "http-on-modify-request" observer topic with nsIObserverService
Proceed if the subject of your observer notification is an instance of nsIHttpChannel and subject.URI.spec (the URL) matches your criteria
Create a new nsIStandardURL
Create a new nsIHttpChannel
Replace the old channel with the new. The code for doing this in HTTPS Everywhere is quite dense and probably much more than you need. I'd suggest starting with chrome/content/IOUtils.js.
Note that you should register a single "http-on-modify-request" observer for your entire application, which means you should put it in an XPCOM component (see HTTPS Everywhere for an example).
The following articles do not solve your problem directly, but they do contain a lot of sample code that you might find helpful:
Thanks to Iwburk, I have been able to do this.
We can do this my overriding the nsiHttpChannel with a new one, doing this is slightly complicated but luckily the add-on https-everywhere implements this to force a https connection.
https-everywhere's source code is available here
Most of the code needed for this is in the files
IO Util.js
We can work with the above files alone provided we have the basic variables like Cc,Ci set up and the function xpcom_generateQI defined.
var httpRequestObserver =
observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
if (topic == "http-on-modify-request") {
var httpChannel = subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel);
var requestURL = subject.URI.spec;
if(isToBeReplaced(requestURL)) {
var newURL = getURL(requestURL);
ChannelReplacement.runWhenPending(subject, function() {
var cr = new ChannelReplacement(subject, ch);
get observerService() {
return Components.classes[";1"]
register: function() {
this.observerService.addObserver(this, "http-on-modify-request", false);
unregister: function() {
this.observerService.removeObserver(this, "http-on-modify-request");
The code will replace the request not redirect.
While I have tested the above code well enough, I am not sure about its implementation. As far I can make out, it copies all the attributes of the requested channel and sets them to the channel to be overridden. After which somehow the output requested by original request is supplied using the new channel.
P.S. I had seen a SO post in which this approach was suggested.
You could listen for the page load event or maybe the DOMContentLoaded event instead. Or you can make an nsIURIContentListener but that's probably more complicated.
Is it possible to modify an URL through a Mozilla Firefox Addon before the page starts loading?
YES it is possible.
Use page-mod of the Addon-SDK by setting contentScriptWhen: "start"
Then after completely preventing the document from getting parsed you can either
fetch a different document from the same domain and inject it in the page.
after some document.URL processing do a location.replace() call
Here is an example of doing 1.
