Twilio unable to send recorded voicemail to SMS - twilio

I created a simple call screener using Twilio Studio Flows.
How it works:
Someone calls my Twilio number
A greeting is played
If they hang-up or record audio
Twilio sends a SMS text, with the audio recording URL, to my actual phone number
The Media URL value is {{widgets.RECORD_VM.RecordingUrl}} according to the docs
Most of the time, the Flow fails with ERROR - 11200
If I drill into one of the errors and replay the request, the audio recording is returned.
It feels like there needs to be a pause between the time the RECORD_VM step and SEND_SMS steps in the Flow.
Some pause to give Twilio time to write the audio recording to a database so it can be retrieved by the SEND_SMS step.
But it I don't see an option for this in Flow.
How should I troubleshoot and address this?

The fix ended up being:
Move {{widgets.RECORD_VM.RecordingUrl}} from the MEDIA URL field to the MESSAGE BODY field as shown.
(Thanks to Akash # Twilio Support!)


How to receiver audio file twilio whatsapp callback

In Twilio console WhatsApp setting I've config the A MESSAGE COMES IN callback for receiver message from WhatsApp user. If the user sends an image, the call back has a parameter is MediaUrl0 to get the image. But if a user sends an audio file, no param in the callback to get it.
Any way to get the audio file? Please help me. thank you.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
At this time, Twilio does not support incoming media in WhatsApp messages. This support is being worked on.

Video Twilio - Setting up a Ringtone for videocalls

We're using Twilio Programmable Video and we'd like to set up:
- A ringtone while a participant is waiting in the room.
- A "ringing" to notify the other side that a participant is waiting in the room.
All in all, a performance like a voice call.
We have checked API Reference, AudioTrack and Media section, without success. (
Any idea to configure this performance?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
There is no functionality in the Twilio API for providing a ring tone, however you could implement it yourself.
You would need to send an invite to the participant that hasn't entered the room yet. You could do that with a server sent event or websocket. Then you would play the ringtone (using an <audio> element or the web audio API) until the user entered the room themself, at which point you would stop playback of the ringtone.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Twilio: How do I always place a "All calles are being monitored message" for incoming calls?

For incoming calls:
1) I am new to twilio, but I always want a "All calls are being monitored or recorded" to play for all incoming calls. What is the best way to do this?
2) I would like to create two messages after the "monitoring" message is played. one message during open hours and a second message during closed hours.
What is the best way to do this? Any good documentation?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Welcome to using Twilio! I'll give you a quick overview of how incoming calls to Twilio work then point you to some useful parts of our documentation that will help you achieve what you are working towards.
When a Twilio phone number receives an incoming call, Twilio will send an HTTP request to your web application, asking for instructions on how to handle the call. Your web application will respond with an XML document containing TwiML. That TwiML contains the instruction that Twilio will follow to say some arbitrary text, play an MP3 file, make a recording and much more.
In your case you want to read messages to the caller, you could either do that by returning TwiML that uses <Say> to read out the messages using our text to speech engine. Or you could record yourself reading the message and play that to the caller using the <Play> TwiML.
To learn more:
Follow the Programmable Voice Quickstart
If you need more specific instruction on a particular Twilio feature, check out the Twilio Guides
If you need to see Twilio features as part of a complete application, check out the Twilio Tutorials which cover more specific use cases
Let me know if that helps at all.

Twilio Dynamic Text-To-Speech Conversation

I'm new to using the Twilio API and I essentially want someone to be able to send text and have it be read out in the phone call, but then keep the line open so that more text can be sent at a later time.
It seems like I should be using the Programmable Voice API along with TwilML, but the problem I am having is that once the TwilML instructions are completed the call ends. Is there anyway I can stop this from happening and have the call wait for a Rest API update to be sent to the phone call to have it say new text?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
There are a few ways you could deal with this, but I believe the best would be to use <Enqueue>. Once your TwiML is played out, you can <Enqueue> the call and then provide a waitUrl that points to an endpoint that returns more TwiML to play to the user while they wait. This will automatically loop while the user remains in the queue. You could use this to simply <Pause> indefinitely or <Play> background music. Then, once you have more text to read to the user you can redirect the call by updating it.
Let me know if that helps at all.

recording a twiml response via Twilio

I've looked at the docs and haven't found anything that is capable of what I'm trying to do. Basically I have the phone call user do a input via a GATHER, and is prompted with a twiml SAY response. Is there a way to record ONLY the response? Most of the recording options record either the user only, or the entire phone call
Gather response cannot be recorded. If you need to know what user had entered, just say entered digits in gather action.
Gather Documentation
