Build Postman collection fails in Jenkins - jenkins

Newman is installed on my machine and newman run "" command run the collection on my machine. But when i type the same command to run it in jenkins Build fails. In the console output displayed strange letters.
Console Output screenshots are attached.
Thanks for ready to help me!
enter image description here


how can i run a regression or smoke tag using a cypress/cucumber/allure build with jenkins? works locally

At this point i am trying to run tags specifing the kind of testing i want to run, #smoke , #regression , etc.. using Jenkins bach command.
Im using cypress + allure + cucumber build integrated with jenkins, then running batch command:
npx cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/cucumber/testss.feature --env tags=#regression,allure=true
The same command works locally but i cant find why it doesnt work with jenkins, everything works fine, only the "tags=#regression" part isnt running properly, resulting in all test cases beeing run and not beeing filtered by tag.
The setup is set on my repo, im using a local jenkins setup, using local folders.
I tryed the actuall --env part inverted : --env allure=true,tags=#regression , changing tag names, doing more than one build setup , clean install. Also tryed to find other ways to call allure #tags in the cli, but didnt find any.

Error "$ cmd /c call C:\Windows\TEMP\jenkins6446000872510816227.bat The syntax of the command is incorrect."

Error "$ cmd /c call C:\Windows\TEMP\jenkins6446000872510816227.bat The syntax of the command is incorrect." while executing job for running JMeter test in Jenkins
Going to TEMP folder there was no jenkins6446000872510816227.bat file error aswell. What could be teh issue and what is the solution for this?
Expecting my job build be SUCESS but it is a failure due to this error
Your question doesn't have sufficient amount of details so we cannot troubleshoot your issue.
It's possible to run JMeter script in command-line non-GUI mode like:
c:\apps\jmeter\bin\jmeter.bat -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl
It's possible to run Windows batch scripts in Jenkins
If it doesn't work for you first check that you can run JMeter test without issues in command-line non-GUI mode on the Jenkins build agent and then double check the syntax of your "Execute Windows batch command" section of the job.
More information: The Complete Guide to Continuous Integration With Jenkins

Build postman collection using newman in Jenkins - No Result in Console

I am getting the Build: SUCCESS message on jenkins Console output, but not the detailed result like Iterations, executed vs failed etc.
i am using "newman run" as 'Execute Windows Batch Command'.
am i missing any plug-ins? please help?
The collection link you have provided is not valid.
Please make sure you have the following configurations before you run newman:
npm and node installed globally on jenkins.
If not refer to Node Installation
newman installed globally on the jenkins.
If not $ npm install -g newman
please execute the command on shell (not on Windows Batch Command)
Mention the cli reporter and exitCode to let jenkins know incase of any falure in the command as $ newman run <your collection goes here> -r cli --exitCode 1
Recommended: Create a node app and run your tests for advanced reporting and easy maintenance. Ex: Sample Newman Node Application with Custom Reporters

Error in Jenkins Job Sloccount: command not found

One of the steps in my Jenkins job is to run the "sloccount command".
I get an error "sloccount: command not found" but when I tried to run it form the command line it works.
It seems that sloccount isn't installed on the machine where the job is executed.
If you have master/slave constellation sloccount has to be installed on the slave.

postbuild UIAutomation script not running in jenkins

I am trying to do End-to-End automation for an iOS project. My aim is to automate the continuous integration process with attaching UIAutomation scripts as post build action.
So from the time when a user do check his code in SVN and till we get test result of automation, everything will be automated.
Jenkins is installed on my local machine and running on localhost.
Now I have automated build process through jenkins and at other end I have my shell script ready which will run UIAutomation java scripts on build output.
When I use my shell script as post build action then I get error in running instrument command(written inside shell script) but if I run this script manually through terminal then it works fine.
instruments[64703:60f] -[NSAlert alertWithError:] called with nil NSError. A generic error message will be displayed, but the user deserves better.
_RegisterApplication(), FAILED TO establish the default connection to the WindowServer, _CGSDefaultConnection() is NULL. Mon Feb 6 13:15:20 inpunml310743 instruments[64703] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint # CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged. 2012-02-06 13:15:20.179 instruments[64703:60f] Recording cancelled : At least one target failed to launch; aborting run Instruments Trace Error : Failed to start trace. Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure Finished: FAILURE
then i tried this command with sudo then I got following error
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Please let me know how can I run these commands successful, only this step is left in my task.
Jenkins by default installs as a LaunchDaemon, which means it has insufficient permissions to launch WindowsServer.
You’ll need to configure it as a LaunchAgent:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist
sudo mv /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.jenkins-ci.plist /Library/LaunchAgents/org.jenkins-ci.plist
Then login as Jenkins and keep a session open.
If you don't know the Jenkins password you can change it with:
sudo passwd jenkins
Jenkins is running as a daemon and is therefore not allowed to connect to the window server. More info here
Sorry - not got time to put a complete answer now, will update later....
This is possible if you run jenkins as a user app rather than as a deamon -- this might come in handy ( I haven't tried it but looks like it should work -- I went down another route setting up an always logged in user, that ran jenkins from a login script, it did mean I had to re-install jenkins but managed to get it up and running... word of warning from someone thats been through it, are you using instruments for automated testing? If so, you'll need to do some transformation on the output so it displays in Jenkins.
We have a Jenkins Linux instance that builds to a Mac slave over SSH. One interesting requirement that we noticed with this error is that the build user on the slave must be logged into the console in order for everything to work correctly.
In addition, we had to make the build user an Admin, developer permissions were insufficient.
See more info here:
UIAutomation : Failed to authorize rights with status: -60007
