Firebase Realtime Database Web Interface Visual Bug - firebase-realtime-database

So today I encountered something strange while looking at the new Realtime Database interface. While I was testing something which involved the deletion of some data I noticed this:
Basically the node bRqT3dAc5JhNWv0616lawe6w9Ln1 gets deleted by a cloud function with a simple remove() call on its reference. But as you can see in the video while it is getting deleted a few duplicates appear and get deleted immediately. I tested it for a while but the behavior seems to be random. It also sometimes happens when I try to delete some other node in the database but from the client.
This is why I think this is a visual bug and not a bug in my code:
The code is more than a year and half old and thus I have tested it countless times before and I have never seen this happen before.
There aren't any unexpected results from the code execution. This means that the database looks exactly as it should at the end of the code execution.
Since the only thing that has changed recently is the web interface for the database I think that this must be a visual bug, but I am still not 100% certain. Can someone else please confirm if this indeed is just a visual bug?

firebaser here
That indeed looks like a visual glitch that was introduced in a major update to our data viewer that was released a couple of weeks ago. As you said, it doesn't impact the data that is stored or even read, but it is definitely a bug.
From what I heard, our QA team just caught this one late last week too, but just to be certain: can you file a bug report with our support team for it, so they can track it too?


Suddenly getting No Current Record error on database that has been working for years

I have a custom database application using Access 2016 (MS365 account) with backend data on a file server and a local front end with many VBA-driven forms. All has been working sweetly for several years, until this morning when myself and the all other users started to receive "No Current Record" errors on certain forms (not all).
I assumed it was a rogue record or corrupt DB so I went back to the previous day's backup data but the same problem occurred. No front-end code changes have been done recently, and in any case different users are using slightly different versions of the FE system, yet all suffer the problem, so it's not specific to particular VBA.
I went back many weeks of full data backups - all throw the same error now, although had worked fine at the time of course.
I've repaired and compacted, uncompiled and so on, but it won't clear the error.
I have a strange hunch it might relate to an Office update, as I believe the problem was not present on a machine that happened to be disconnected from the internet, but this is only 80% certain.
Has anyone ever had problems arising after updates? I cannot think of anything that has changed in the data or the front end so I'm struggling to understand what else it can be.
There have been multiple reports now that this may be a bug caused by Patch Tuesday updates. Refer to

CloudKit 'Unexpected Server Error' Anytime Manual Operations Performed in Dashboard

I have been developing an iOS app that utilizes the CloudKit feature available for Apple Developers. I've found it to be a wonderful resource, especially since the very day I started designing my backend, the service I was intending to use (Parse) announced it was shutting down. It's very appealing due to it's small learning curve, but I'm starting to notice some annoying little issues here and there so I'm seeking out some experts for advice and help. I posted another CloudKit question a couple days ago, which is still occurring: CloudKit Delete Self Option Not Working. But I want to limit this to a different issue that may be related.
Problem ~ Ever since I started using CloudKit I have noticed that whenever I manually try to edit (delete an entry, remove or add part of a list, even add a DeleteSelf option to a CKReference after creation), and then try to save the change, I get an error message and cannot proceed. Here is a screenshot of the error window that appears:
It's frustrating because anytime I want to manipulate a record to perform some sort of test, I either have to go do it through my app, or just delete the record entirely and create a new one (that I am able to do without issue). I have been just working around this issue for over a month now because it wasn't fatal to my progress. However, I am starting to think that this could be related to my other CloudKit issues, and maybe if I could get some advice on how to fix it I could also solve my other problems. I have file numerous bug reports with Apple, but haven't received a response or seen any changes.
I'd also like to mention that for a very long time now (at least a few days), I've noticed down in the bottom left hand corner of my Dashboard that it is consistently saying that it's "Reindexing Development Data". I remember at first that wasn't an issue, I would get that notification after making a change but it'd go away after the operation is complete. Now it seems to be stuck somewhere inside the process. And this is a chronic issue, it's saying this all the time, even right when I log into my dashboard.
Here is what I'm talking about:
As time goes on I find more small issues with CloudKit, I'm concerned that once I go into production more problems could start manifesting and then I could have a serious issue. I'd love to stick with CloudKit and avoid the learning curve of a different service like Amazon Web Services, but I also don't want to set myself up for failure.
Can anyone help me with this issue, or has anyone else experienced it on a regular basis? Thanks for the advice and help!
I found myself in a similar situation; the issue seemed to be linked to Assets; I had an Asset in my record definition. I and several other I noted reported the re-indexing issue on the apple support website and after about a month it eventually disappeared.
Have you tried resting your database schema completely, snapshot the definition; since you zap it completely and than reset, see inset.
Ultimately I simply created a new project, linked it to cloud kit and use the new container in my original app.

Nodes timing out in umbraco back-end

I'm having an issue with an umbraco site of mine: For some reason some of the nodes are timing out when I try to click on them in the back-end of the site.
The front-end works fine and there aren't any slowdown issues there, however I'm unable to edit these same nodes in the back-end as the system seems to just hang. This is making it incredibly difficult to debug as I have no idea what properties are actually causing the problems here. What's strange is I can create a node of the same document type and enter in some dummy values and that works fine, yet I can't seem to edit the existing nodes.
I've tried republishing the entire site, republishing the individual nodes, deleting the umbraco.config file and nothing has worked up to this point.
What's also interesting is that if I close down the browser the system seems to stop hanging and I can log in and try again.
Has anyone encountered this before or know where to begin?
I have encountered something similar. The longer you work with Umbraco the slower it becomes and if you check the memory usage in Chrome's task manager, you can see that certain actions upon nodes bump the memory usage up a little further. The answer is just to close down the tab and open a new one.
I have reported this and Umbraco cannot replicate this. However, I do think that this is possibly due to maybe a package installed into Umbraco, maybe uComponents. It's very difficult to pin point.
If you can access some nodes but not others, then this is actually slightly easier to debug. I would check what similarities the nodes that timeout have.
Are they all of the same document type?
Do they all use the same data type?
I would guess that the nodes in question are using a data type that is performing an operation when the node is loading, and that operation is timing out. For example, do you have any data types that load data from the database, like enums? Do you have any datatypes that load data from a web service?
Do you have any usercontrol data types wrapped in the UserControlWrapper data type? These would be somewhere to check.
Finally, check:
The databases [umbracoLog] table. Any Umbraco-specific errors will be listed there.
Check the computer's event viewer. This will show any unhandled errors.
My money's on a database timeout.

Delphi programs blocked by antivirus programs [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this question
I have a piece of code that is trying to write to disk many files in one second. However, it fails wince I have installed Kaspersky Anrivirus 2011.
Stream:= TFileStream.Create(sName, fmCreate);
The code totally worked with Kaspersky 2010 and also works with Kaspersky 2011 if I disable its scanners (it cannot be totally unloaded from memory - unless it is uninstalled). The code also works if (Kaspersky 2011 is running and) I write to disk slooooowly. So it obviously is not fast enough to handle my disk requests.
The error I get is EFCreateError ('Cannot create xxx file blablabla'). Error is random. Most of the files are written to disk. About 10% fail.
I have tried to get support but is impossible to find a real person at Kaspersky to speak with. Their so called 'support' is actually a FAQ data base. Of course it speaks about how to install the product and related stuff. There is nothing about programing-related issues. Any ideas?
PS: this has repercussions for the entire Delphi community! All our customers will fail to use Delphi software if they are using KIS 2011 as antivirus. For the moment I recommend to my users to disable their antivirus but I need a real solution.
It will be nice if a person with KIS 2011 can confirm the problem. Just create a tiny program that write 200 small files to disk using TFileStream.
The problem appears ONLY when the file does not exist and it is created (created as opposed to overwritten).
Similar report:
Similar report:
A possible solution that popped in my mind is to detect if KIS is running and if it is, to put a delay after each writing to disk. Or at leat, let the user know there may be problems. Anybody knows how to detect if a service is running?
I added a delay of 650ms (after each file creation) and the bug is still there). So is not about how fast you write to disk but about how many files you write.
Just uninstalled KIS 2011. The problem does not appear anymore.
Just reinstalled the good old KIS 2010. The bug is still there but it appear rarely (about every 300 files instead of about 30 as in KIS 2011).
The problem was confirmed on a second computer.
NEWS: The crash appears in TFileStream.Create however it may be caused by a function called earlier: TestWriteAccess. If I disable this function, the TFileStream.Create doesn't fail anymore. Well, this doesn't change things too much. No matter which line of code generates the error, the program still fails (randomly) to write files to disk while Kaspersky is running.
Still waiting a response from a real person from Kaspersky...
More automated responses received from Kaspersky support (I sent emails to support in several countries). All pointing to a FAQ database.
I change my status from Kaspersky fan (and customer) to Kaspersky hater because I finally receive an answer from a real person from Kaspersky support and it was plain and simple obnoxious.
To test the code, try to use the code in a loop, to create 1000 files. The program creates a bunch of files (random number) then it fails at StreamFile:= TFileStream.Create.
Update: The issue can be fixed by entering a small delay after creating each file.
2013 Update
Starting with this afternoon (after an update) KIS conflicts with Delphi.
Every time I compile a project KIS spikes to 100% CPU utilization. I will have to uninstall it.
2017 Update
All false positive alarms disappeared magically for all my Delphi programs starting with 2017. It seems that it was enough for a program like Kaspersky remove Delphi-generated executables from its virus list; all other smaller antivirus programs followed.
Delphi 7, Win 7 (32), KIS 2011
You need to instruct your users, i.e. Kaspersky's customers, that Kaspersky is interfering with the operation of your software, and that THEY should report it. Express your frustration that you, as a developer, don't have access to a real human being. This is the only way that the anti-malware companies will ever react - bad PR with their paying customers.
Kaspersky = pirate company? Maybe yes, maybe no. Maybe just yet another company with a bad product and nonexistent support. Their "support" consists in a FAQ database and an automatic email answering program. Phones are hooked to answering machines also. Their automated answer keep explaining me how to add my program in KIS "exception" database. I keep replying to those stupid emails that I cannot personally go to all my customers at home and put my program in the "exception" database and that it will be better if they will fix the bug.
When I finally got a non-automatic answer (the only one), the support guy fella is as rude as possible.
Possible solutions for Delphi programmers:
* Don't check if the user has write permission to a file (in order not to trigger Kaspersky bug)
* Check if the user has write permission. If the bug appears inform the user that Kaspersky creates problem and it should be temporary disable (while the program is running). Use a TRY EXCEPT block to do this.
Advice (based on my past experience):
Don't always blame your code if you ever received strange bug reports from your users when your program was trying to write to disk. Check also external factors (like existence of Kaspersky antivirus).
I just applied for a refund. I will go for a chargeback if they won't refund the money (I strongly feel they won't).
When I posted this on StackOverflow I didn't realized the magnitude of the problem and I didn't realized it will deviate so much from initial course. Still I think it is well within the purpose of StackOverflow. We have all learned that sometimes the problems in out programs may not be caused by our faulty code and neither we can control the source of these problems (21 persons voted this question up - which means a lot of other people encountered issues with KIS).
We can just hope that poor designed programs that interacts with user's system at a very low level (such as KIS antivirus program) will be soon fixed so our sales won't suffer (much).
It is just frustrating when your program is labeled "buggy" and you can't do much about it!
Not an answer to solve your problem, but you should inform Kaspersky, probably they don't know there is a virus signature associated with a Delphi library.
And if your program isn't too complex, you might want to try Lazarus/FPC. It's not as good as Delphi, but I've been using it for several years now, and have got good results in Windows/MacOS/Linux.
i had similar problems with kaspersky 2011 when i was trying to add my prog to windows startup using d2010's new TFile.Copy() as well as raw api function:
CopyFile(PChar('C:\chellenger.exe'), PChar('C:\Documents and Settings\Omair\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\chellenger.exe'), False);
my solution was to put my delphi app in app as a resource, the app extracted it and put it to startup without false positives . Mixing two languages for your problem might solve your problem too(1 possible solution but a very ugly and nonprofessional solution i admit)
When you create file, any antivirus checks it. There is probably some kind of collision between your application and KAV. Have you tried to combine fmCreate with share modes. You can see in help for TFileStream.Create for available modes.
If the problem is just with kapersky, then just have your program detect if it is running. If so, scale back your file creation / writes to whatever passes their detection. Make sure you have some little status message somewhere that tells the user why things are slow. Incidentally, virus writers already know this which is why those heuristics simply don't work.
After doing that, contact Kapersky and work with them directly to get this resolved.
This gets past your immediate issue and will give you and kapersky time to figure out a long term solution.
Alternatively, you could simply shut kapersky down.. Just make sure you grab all of their watch dogs in the process.. But that tends to be a little more combative.
Creating a huge amount of files sounds like something that isn't necessarily A Good Thing, but you probably have your reasons :)
When you get the error code in Delphi, does KAV pop up any heuristic warnings, or is it completely silent? It wouldn't be weird to get a heuristic "omg, that app is doing something bad!" from creating a ton of new file, but if KAV is silent I'd say it's a bug.
Can you post a delphi executable with the tiniest amount of code that reproduces the bug? And a version that does the same step but only creates one file, it might be interesting to trace with SysInternals' ProcMon.
First, do you really need to test for write permissions by creating a file? Can't you just check the permission directly? I feel that creating a file for that purpose only is a lame way of doing it in any case.
Second, like noted above, it's likely that after you create and then delete a file, there is some intervention by Kaspersky's security mechanisms. Probably a driver tries to check the contents of the file you deleted, and keeps it alive for a while. Like this:
You create the file and open it, incrementing the refcount.
Kaspersky driver notices that and opens the file too. Even if you set share mode deny, as a driver it probably has the power to open it anyway (if Kaspersky could not circumvent sharing denials, any virus could have used the same trick to hide its data!).
You close the file and delete it. When you delete the file, the system just marks it "FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE", but the file is still there until all the handles to it are closed.
Kaspersky continues to scan file, still haven't released the handle.
Therefore the file is still there.
You try to create a new file and the call fails because the old file is still not deleted.
The reason for all this mess is, of course, partly Kaspersky's checking mechanics, but they did nothing especially wrong here. Kaspersky needs to scan the file anyway, hardly anything can be done about that - it's antivirus, for crying out loud. On the other hand, checking permissions by creating and then deleting a file is (probably) very, very wrong. So I guess, you're the one at fault here.
I had the same problem. KIS made all kind of troubles. Until I reinstalled it. So, it was just a faulty installation.

Nesting datasets with TClientdatasets in more than two levels?

I would like to know if it is possible to nest a dataset within a dataset and then nest this data set with in another dataset. Therfore 3 levels of nesting. Currently I only manage to nest one dataset with in the other. When attemting to nest the third level the database manages to run successfully the first time I compile my program and I am able to enter data. When I then attempt to run the program the second time I an execption raised by EDBClient with message "mismatch in datapacket".
So I would like to know is it possible to nest 3 levels of datasets within each other?
Kind regards
Short story:
Try it with Delphi XE... for my nowadays main project this resolved the bug.
Long story:
I faced the same problem you have with 3 or more levels of nested datasets when there's any error on the database side with Delphi 2010.
The previous last version I heavily used was Delphi 2007 without problems, so there's a chance the bad behavior was introduced in Delphi 2009 or Delphi 2010.
I traced this problem down to midas.dll on the client side, and it happens no matter if you're linking midas statically using MidasLib. Midas "thinks" the packet it receives from the server is malformed, and raises the exception. This exception breaks the "normal" error reconcile process, so there's no way to try to recover from an error: OnReconcileError never fired and the process is aborted due to the lack of try/except blocks inside this part of the VCL.
I'm sure it was a bug, but not if it happens on the server or on the client side, When I was working to produce a project to put a support ticket, while trying to reduce it to the minimum possible, it happens Delphi XE was released and I'm under SA, so I get it the last minute.
Download, Install, configure... then, I compiled my to support project and everything worked fine. I compiled my main project: the one where I was facing real problems with the users because of this and the fact I use to raise exceptions in database triggers and stored procedures due to last second validations or state/condition changes. Everything worked fine. The user is receiving meaningful error messages and the application recovered his ability to perform data-transformations and retries on the fly, or to ask the user what to do in some circumstances.
Sorry, I found no workaround during my efforts to diagnose and report this problem to Embarcadero, maybe someone else can help you better without suggesting to upgrade.
Simple answer is yes, you can have three levels of datasets nested within each other. I have examples of ClientDataSets where the nesting goes down 6 levels. In fact, I do not think there is a limit to the depth of nesting, other than that imposed by memory constraints.
